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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Magazine Issues


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So after shooting this weekend at the MO Fall Classic, I found some issues I was having that were definitely magazine related. One was a double feed, which was easy to strip the mag out and keep going. The other one was the worst jam I've ever seen, I had to hold the slide back while holding the mag release and have the RO strip the mag out. When I picked the mag up the bullet was still sticking out of the mag. The rim of the case (9mm by the way) was wedged in the top of the mag and the bullet was stuck up at 45 degree angle. It was tough to get out even with both hands.

My observation of the mag (by the way this is M&P with factory mags) is that bullets are harder to take out of the mag than in the past. So my questions: Is there anyway to lube a mag up that doesn't affect the ammo? The other problems I'm having is it seems harder to get the mags out of the gun, seems like I'm having to shake them out more than i used too, they aren't falling out fast enough. Can anyone give me some recommendations.

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