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Dead Buff

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I hate the f###ing scumbags that walk our streets these days!

Two days ago, a dear friend of my mothers was murdered! She stopped in front of her gate at 7 the evening when 4 guys walked up to her and demanded her handbag. She refused. They shot her in the head! She was 52 years old...

Her husband, who's hearing is quite bad, had to be told by his neighbours that his wife is lying dead in his driveway - he didn't hear the shot....

It's really time that the death penalty is re-instated.... :angry:

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Yea, it's terrible. Here in Central Florida we had 4 gang bangers go into a house that had 6 young occupants (17-34) and beat and stabbed them to death. Some of the people were beaten so bad they had to use dental records to identify them. One was soooo bad that they could not even use dental records. Guess what it was all over? A F*cking X-Box and some clothes. The ring leader (who knew at least one of the victims) should have been in jail for probation violation and had a violent past already. He had a visit with his probation officer the day of the murders and they knew he was in violation and did not call the cops (can you say civil suit). 4 probation officers were fired. What to you tell 3 young guys (18) that would get them to go along with such a sick plan. I guess this jerk had broken into one of the victims grandmothers house and was living there without permission. She called the cops and took the stuff out of the house when she cleaned up the mess. The ironic and sad thing is all his stuff was pcked in a box ready for his dumbass to pick up. Well at least Florida has the death pentaly, wish we had "Old Sparky" still. I say we make these guys IPSC targets!!

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In some people there IS no longer any programming for values. Mostly it's faulty parenting and lack of the most fundamental discipline both inside AND outside the home. My God, you hear of grade-school age kids killing people (and sometimes each other) now for essentially no reason at all!! It's all so freaky and sick I have no words for it anymore... other than 'species corruption'......... :ph34r::wacko:

I've long loved the word 'vigilante', however....... :angry:

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This is truly sad, Buff.

Our civilization has fallen so far that we follow people who promote weakness as virtue.

"Oh, we can't persue the bad guys right now.... um, er, ...we need a consensus of our allies first."

Concensus is for the weak! Concensus is what the four murderers had when they decided to attack this gentle person.

I hope some family member resolves the issue.

"Vendetta" is a nice word too Siggy. Hunting down the vermin can be a joyful life-long persuit.

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You guys are throwing fuel on a little fire smouldering for a long time...moving targets, vermin shooting, long range target practice, public entertainment....

No one can blame anyone for their deeds except themselves - a kid needs to be taught right from wron, a grown-up (I did not say mature) person knows right from wrong - taught or not... :angry:

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Kids need to be taught right from wrong at a VERRRRRRRYYY early age, or their natural human predatory instincts just take over and they think nothing of maiming or killing to get what they want... regardless. We see the results of parental omission all the time now. The key here is "early"... I don't mean beatings and punishment; I mean constant reiteration of what's right/wrong and, importantly, by setting an example to kids. Many parents fail to set an example, so kids just blindly blunder thru life, barely knowing the difference between good and evil... and grow up flawed, undereducated and ruined.

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As Jeff Cooper says, ...the only acceptable reaction to violence is counter violence.

I know that sounds harsh, but it is the truth....

Pick up a copy of Jeff's first book in the Gunsite Trilogy, Fireworks, and read the first chapter, titled The Deadly American and you will see why we need to get back to that mindset....then when you are pumped ...get a copy of the second in the series, To Ride, Shoot Straight, and Speak the Truth...read the first chapter of that one, called Hold Enough...and he'll tell you why they are targeting the US and how we should handle them...

To bad there aren't more like him today....although politically incorrect, Cooper tells it like it is....he calls a spade a spade, not a garden tool.....and you never wonder how he feels or his stance on a subject...a good thing IMHO... ;)

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