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Rust prevention


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I had a SS ar-15 barrel blasted recently and I want to make sure I don't start seeing surface rust on it. The guy I had blast it said it would rust right away and got me nervous about it so I want to hear what people with actual experience have to say about preserving the finish, what oils to use, or if I need to paint it to protect it.

Thanks in advance,


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Boe Shield works well - but, first, I would try re-passivating the stainless, if the bead blasting went deep enough to affect it.

Personally, I don't have much luck w. bare stainless in guns, and I think its easier to keep up w. a blued gun.

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Passivisation indeed would be the preferred method, but unless you have access to a shop with the acid baths and chemicals/equipment it just isn't practical for a mere mortal. Plus, a bad passivation job is worse than no passivation.

Several greases are designed to prevent surface rust and do that job well, just pick your flavor. Personally, I like the Rig Universal grease. It has been around for decades and works very well for preserving finishes.

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By SS did you happen to mean stainless steel? Because...uh...

Yes, stainless steel is rust resistant but rust proof it is not. ;) I'm just looking for advice on how concerned I need to be. My plan was to just keep a good coat of oil on it but I'm now leaning more toward a good thin film of grease since oil by its nature is going to drip off, especially when hot.

Great suggestions so far, keep them coming!


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i have been told that corrosionX works great but first you need to determin what type of metal it is. there are many grades of stainless steel. true stainless steel does not rust unless it is touched with carbon steel which then gets into the poors and so on. is it magnetic? if its magnetic then its a lower grade of stainles steel that inhibits carbon and will rust. its just basic metalurgy. but without knowing the grade then you cant know the rust issues.

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I usually take a bit of vasoline and let it sit on a clean rag in the sun to soak in. Then I rub that onto the gun, and rub dry with a clean cloth. It doesn't attract dust because it is a gun case. It is a light enough grease to get off easy, but on my SS barrels, none have rusted. That is on three bolt guns I now own. YMMV.

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If he re-used beads that had been used on carbon steel then it would rust quickly. Otherwise, just wipe it down with something like Rem-Oil and it should be fine unless you are going on week-long survival training course in the swamps of SC.

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Just a light coat of any gun oil should do the job. Don't over think it. However, if like someone else mentioned, it was blasted with media that was previously used on carbon steel it could have left particles of that steel attached to your barrel. That carbon steel would rust very easily, but not the base metal of your barrel. The passivation process that someone mentioned is designed to remove this type of contamination. However, I would not recommend having it done, because if done improperly it could change the internal dimensions of your bore and ruin your barrel.


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