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Nationals Results? Or any other cool reports?

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I heard MOR was nuts with like 15-20 minute runs and Matt Burkett won a stage at 199 seconds. They had to start the timer then use a watch to keep track of the minutes when the timer rolled over. EZWinScore turned out to have a maximum time of 999.

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Does anyone know whats going on with the results? The results sheet that I was using at the prize table is substantially different than that posted on USPSA. And I can pretty much guarantee that the pretty lady didn't call Chris sixth to the prize table in Tactical. The pretty lady doing the announcing on the tactical side was Tom Chambers, it's been awhile since anyone called him pretty. Also I was called 6th, but the Tactical Aggregate scores show me as 13th now. Whats up?


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Does anyone know whats going on with the results? The results sheet that I was using at the prize table is substantially different than that posted on USPSA. And I can pretty much guarantee that the pretty lady didn't call Chris sixth to the prize table in Tactical. The pretty lady doing the announcing on the tactical side was Tom Chambers, it's been awhile since anyone called him pretty. Also I was called 6th, but the Tactical Aggregate scores show me as 13th now. Whats up?


I will follow up with Dave Thomas. He emailed me an EzWinScore database file for the 3gun, and I used this to generate Tactical results for posting using the development version of EzWinScore 2.30.

All results except 3 gun tactical were generated at the match so the disconnect is probably limited to "tactical aggregate" only.


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Moderator Edit: Moved from the "post-mortem" topic.

I thought I should add in my experience.

I'm a fairly new 3-gun shooter. This would be my third major 3-gun match. Major in the way of needing to travel and stay overnight somewhere I don't regularly shoot.

The first morning I was completely unprepared. Empty magazines, all in a disarray, hadn't studied the courses of fire, and didn't know where our squad was supposed to be (go figure, no one else knew where to be either :D) We showed up and thought, ok, Easy shotgun stage to start, no problem. 30 mins later we show up at bay 11 on a multi-gun stage and try to explain to the RO's that we really are supposed to be there. Reconfigure the belts, etc to now shoot a multi-gun stage. I proceeded to not do so well for the whole day. Out of 6 stages I shot, only 1 did I shoot clean (I think it was a pistol/shotgun stage). I was frustrated, tired, irritated at myself, etc. End of day 1.

The second day we had to shoot in the afternoon. Before I reported to my next stage, I sat in the parking lot, gathered all my gear into 1 bag, figured out what I needed. Cleaned and loaded all the magazines I had and packed 4 boxes of shells into my bag. I had to make 2 return trips back to the truck for slugs and something to drink. That day I managed to shoot 3 stages clean out of 6. I think towards the end of the day, and not sure which stage I was on, I was getting frustrated by inconsistencies in procedures. It wasn't as hot that day and we seemed to be chugging along.

Day three, I made sure to get breakfast before arriving. I did the same thing as the day before. Gathered up all the neccesary items I'd need for the last 2 stages. I shot both of these stages clean. We were supposed to shoot 3 but one of them had been thrown out due to technical issues.

All in all it was a pretty big learning experience. I had to reshoot 1 stage and it just so happened to have been the stage where I had to shoot left handed prone. I was so pissed that I had to.. Apparently the gremlins were out in force that morning as the timer battery went dead. My very long stage was shot in 40 secs? Nope.. I reshot it. I figure I shot it in about the same time, but was only 2 misses down. I couldn't believe that it took me 4 mins though :blink: When I was shooting down in that corner, I figured it was time to quit when somehow I hit my mag release button and the last shot fire and didn't chamber the next round (I heard a big "click"). Unload show clear, make damn sure I did.. Then the RO tells me you have 5 hits on the left, 7 on the right.. What? I got 5 of them? woo hoo! :)

Anyway, I learned what I need to work on. Despite the dust devils and everything else, all my guns worked nearly flawlessly (1 rifle mag was double feeding on the last stage) and I could soundly blame everything on myself and not on the guns. I left early because I had somewhere to be that evening so I did not hang around for final scoring. I did check my scores on the big board before I left though, just in case. :)

Will I go back next year to Reno? Probably not unless I get a lot more experience. It was a difficult match and one that I just had to survive at a certain point.

Was it fun? Yeah, it was fun to use all three guns on lots of stages.

Am I going to continue shooting 3-gun? Definitely. Whether it has to be under different or altered rules remains to be seen. I figure with more experience, the bugs will get worked out.

One thing that really bothered me was in some cases, we were told to clear a specific area due to targets being close to the berm and if someone accidently 180'd or worse, there was a chance to send a load of shot over the berm or into the pre-load table. I wonder if setting up the stages or specific targets a little farther down the shooting bay would solve this. I remember feeling uneasy on one of the stages due to this issue. I generally also don't shoot where the course of fire can be set the full 180 degrees so maybe this is just me...

All in all, it was a definite learning experience. I'm glad to have gone.


Edited by Erik Warren
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I am merging "post-mortem" type posts from here into the "post-mortem" topic, and vice versa. Constructive criticism there in the other topic, reports about how you shot and what you saw here in this one.

And the EZWinScore discussion is outta here, too.

Edited by Erik Warren
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