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Spartan maintenance


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I think I've seen a lot of folks on this forum mention changing the recoil spring at 5000 rounds.

I like taking my Kimber apart, and springs are cheap. I changed out all the springs when I purchased it used, and I'll probably change them all again at ~5000.

Listen, however, to the other shooters who will reply to this post. I'm pretty much a newbie.

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Alright if we are changing springs that often, when should you give it a good clean up. I personally just run a bore snake down the barrel of mine after every practice or match. As far a cleaning I only do that if it has to come apart for something else.

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In reply to the post on how often you clean:

For me, this has been a matter of the ammunition I use. As someone on this forum quipped: "lead rounds and Clays is a recipe for a James Bond escape!" (i.e., so much smoke you feel like your getting your picture taken by an old west photographer). That combination also left the gun pretty filthy, pretty fast. I found myself field stripping and cleaning after every couple of matches.

I switched to one of the popular moly bullets, buying into the "cleaner than lead" idea. It wasn't. In fact, it was the opposite. Even with a recommended powder, I wound up field stripping it after just about every match.

For a variety of reasons, I then tried Montana Gold CMJs. No question, a much more expensive option. I spend a lot less time cleaning the gun, however. Every couple of matches, I lock the slide back and clean the gunk off the feed ramp with a cotton swab. I probably do a field strip cleaning once every five or six matches (~750 - 1000 rounds).

Of the shooters I know, some clean their guns regularly, some wear "I never clean it" like a badge of honor. I just want mine clean enough that it doesn't malfunction in a match; I make enough mistakes to keep myself way out of contention at any match - I don't need my gun adding any.

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