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Horseracing in Kentucky against the law!

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Rules I didn't know we needed...

189.510 Horse race on highway prohibited.

No person shall ride a horse, nor shall the owner of a horse consent to the racing of his horse, in a horse race on a highway.

Effective: October 1, 1942

History: Recodified 1942 Ky. Acts ch. 208, sec. 1, effective October 1, 1942, from Ky. Stat. sec. 4348.

I'm trying to get a permit to take photos from the highway shoulder and found this ^^. Who knew?

Any KY folks know how I can get a permit for this? The photography not the horse racing.

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I'm not sure really. I think that is emergency use only??

I don't want to get any undue attention from our friendly LEO's. A note from someone might eliminate at least one conversation.

I'm planning on just shooting from highways and parkways, ie bluegrass and the WK.

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I don't want to get any undue attention from our friendly LEO's. A note from someone might eliminate at least one conversation.

In my experience, a note, or even a press pass won't make a difference.....

If they perceive an issue, odds are good that the note won't mean a thing. If you decide to proceed, be very careful -- and keep your head on a swivel. (Which is sort of the opposite of what photography usually requires....)

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Thanks Nik. Good points.

Standing alone with a bunch of $$ equip might also make me a target for some degenerates. Thankfully we have CCW reciprocity OH/KY. I might open carry+ as well in this situation.

I've been thinking about this for a few years now and have finally decided to put it in action.

I'm really just trying to avoid/preempt that first "I didn't know ticket".

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Lots of states have old laws still on the books that seem crazy, but probably made sense at the time. In SC it is legal to beat your wife, but only on the courthouse steps on Sunday morning with a rod no larger around than your thumb. You are also required to stop and fire a gun into the air before approaching an intersection in an automobile, to warn horse riders and carriages. Some state have begun to clean up the books as savy criminals have used the conflict between current laws and old-still on the books-laws to get away with things.

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