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Don't rest your thumb on the slide stop! I did this intermittently for an entire steel plate match and then wondered why my slide would not stay open after last round was fired. Thankfully an astute fellow shooter wondered why my slide wasn't staying open, took the gun to the safe table , and ran through all the empty mags. They all worked fine.

Then the epiphany hit me. IT was my grip! Dumb ass move on my part. It cost me several seconds per stage.

Posted (edited)

I used to do this all the time when I was using my Beretta. With my Glock it's not so much of an issue for me.

Now I amd having issues with hitting the slide release to early during a slide lock reload and not getting a gound chambered. I always invent new ways of waisting time during a stage. :sight:

Edited by 92fs

The grip I developed shooting my Limited/Open 2011's didnt translate well to my Glocks and SIGs when I had them; my finger would rest on the slide stop preventing the slide from locking back. Perfect example for why you should shoot what you carry

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