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Casepro & super comp brass


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Anyone have any issues with case proing super comp brass with dies / plates on the case-pro that are for 38 super. Or are there super comp dies / plates that should be used? My new comp brass shows no unusual signs after going through the "case-pro". Just started loading for the super comp.

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Anyone have any issues with case proing super comp brass with dies / plates on the case-pro that are for 38 super. Or are there super comp dies / plates that should be used? My new comp brass shows no unusual signs after going through the "case-pro". Just started loading for the super comp.

There are SuperComp dies for the case pro. I've been using my 38Super CasePro dies on SuperComp and TJ brass for 3 years, I just keep reloading them till they split, at maybe 20 reloads. Its probably not doing as good a job of sizing the rim and extractor goove but it sure gets rid of the bump!

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Ron: That is good to know about the 38 super dies and 38 super comp. My Case Pro came with 38 super dies and I bought some 9mm dies for it. I was thinking of getting the 38 super comp dies but I don't even have a pistol that shoots 38 super comp. The 38 super dies work great for my 38 super revolver though :roflol: Thanks, Eric

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