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New to the forum from MA


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Hi guys

I am Prakash from MA. Relatively new to guns (about a year) and very new to competing (IDPA). I view IDPA as a place to get better under stress as opposed to a competition (at least that's my line until I get better :lol: ). Went for my first match last weekend & got DQ'ed at the third stage :angry: - honest mistake but I look at it as a learning experience. Trying to get better at working with practice squads locally. Fascination for Officers/sub-compact 1911 but eying a Browing Hi-Power longingly!

Looking forward to this forum - my SO (who DQ'ed me) pointed me here as a consolation that many folks get DQ'ed! Loved what I was reading.


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Another good forum to check out is Northeastshooters.com. It's the place to go to stay informed on what matches and stuff are going on around New England. I also have a Browning HighPower for sale there ;)

There's an IDPA match at Worcester and USPSA at Harvard next weekend. I'll be at both, maybe I'll see you there.

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Hi, I'm new to the forum and new to IDPA. Where in Mass are you? I know that in Springfield Mass S&W runs an indoor IDPA match on the 2nd and 4th Thursday evenings and one Sat a month. Our club in the NW corner of CT is looking to start running them come July, Classifiers on Monday nights and a match one Saturday a month. So if you are in the Western part of Mass this could be helpful. Ahh just looked up Prakash MA, You're a little far away.

LOL... and then I realized Prakash is you name.... I'll get it all one of these days... good thing I have a blond avitar!

Edited by seancswife
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Hi Prakash. What are you shooting right now? I'd recommend holding off on buying a new gun until you've shot a couple more matches. Small 1911's and HPs aren't very popular. Small 1911s can be painful to shoot and the HP can be a pain during matches because of the magazine safety which can cause issues during "Unload and Show Clear".

As mentioned previously Northeast shooters is a great resource. Someone posts a calendar every year with all of the New England area matches. I'll try to find the link. P.M. me if you need help finding matches in the area. I also know an excellent firearms trainer and master class shooter in Central NH who specializes in competitive shooting instruction.

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Hi, I'm new to the forum and new to IDPA. Where in Mass are you? I know that in Springfield Mass S&W runs an indoor IDPA match on the 2nd and 4th Thursday evenings and one Sat a month. Our club in the NW corner of CT is looking to start running them come July, Classifiers on Monday nights and a match one Saturday a month. So if you are in the Western part of Mass this could be helpful. Ahh just looked up Prakash MA, You're a little far away.

LOL... and then I realized Prakash is you name.... I'll get it all one of these days... good thing I have a blond avitar!

I'm actually in the Northeast. Didn't know there was a town by my name :)

I go to Harvard Sportsmens Club for practice & matches. Great place... Will try out S&W though it's a bit of a hike.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk

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Hi Prakash. What are you shooting right now? I'd recommend holding off on buying a new gun until you've shot a couple more matches. Small 1911's and HPs aren't very popular. Small 1911s can be painful to shoot and the HP can be a pain during matches because of the magazine safety which can cause issues during "Unload and Show Clear".

I'm shooting a Kimber Ultra Aegis II. Gave up on the Hi Point. Ended up buying a M&P9. Having a trigger job done and mulling over TruGlo TFO.

As mentioned previously Northeast shooters is a great resource. Someone posts a calendar every year with all of the New England area matches. I'll try to find the link. P.M. me if you need help finding matches in the area.

I'm on NES (piman) and love it! That's how I got hooked on to MWT and their practice & matches.

I also know an excellent firearms trainer and master class shooter in Central NH who specializes in competitive shooting instruction.

PM inbound.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk

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