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appreciate any comments on how I can do this better/faster

Some things Ive noticed so far on this:

- 1st array are ipsc targets at 7-12 yards, transitions between them are much slower on video than they feel :)

- 2nd array - stepped in to far and had to come back out to shoot a peice of steel on the diagonal near the end of the stage. possibly would have been faster if I had stayed farther back as planned or just shot it with the rest of the steel at the end.

- 3rd target right before last array, i wanted to run by this and nail two A zone head shots, but I planted myself far more than I would have liked, got 2 b's, stared at it for a 2nd trying to decide where to fire 2 more at it and then moved on

- 4th array. Again a 3 yard ipsc at a angle, i notice that i'm kind of hunting for it as I get into position instead of just jumping in leaning over as far as possible and getting it.

This is the classifier raw deal

Things Ive notice so far on this:

- probably should have started reaching for gun earlier

- trigger freeze after 4th shot, transition to 3rd target and nothing happens as i'm death gripping, this is the 3rd or 4th time ive had a trigger freeze on a stage, need to fix that.

- transition to 4th target after 3rd instead of counting out 6 shots and doing a reload - brain fart

- arm too tense on reload so I blew the placement

- stage fell apart after trigger freeze and reload, 2nd array had C, D and a mike. First array was all A's.

So I think ive identified some things that I did wrong, help me Identify more and how I can fix these issues.

thanks in advance.

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You seem to shoot the gun well, so here's what I noticed. When you are going to move...MOVE. Explode from one position to the next, don't meander or lolly gag. If you are going to plant your feet to shoot, plant hard and solid while extending the gun. After shooting push off hard with your foot and hustle to the next spot. Also you looked a little surprised by reloads. Work your reloads until they are second nature and you won't hesitate. Also, get your mind game spot on. Break the stage down and stick to your plan. Plan your shots, plan your reloads, plan your path. You save more time having the non-shooting stuff figured out. You can only pull the trigger so fast. Learn to call your shots and learn to move on if you didn't get the perfect hit. In USPSA taking time to look or grab an A hit from a B is a HUGE waste of time. You'll drop several hit factor points by standing and looking at targets.

That's just what I see.

Looks good man. Keep going.

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I will add a comment about the 1st stage, nothing about shooting.

Every position you shoot you are shooting towards a barrrier, in this stage left to right.

In general I've found it beneficial to shoot yourself out of a position so you don't get trapped not being able to move.

Also the last position I would shoot those right to left, you spend much time "setting up" on the 3 yd target behind the barricade

(which all need to hit it is see it) then end up looking off balance for the 2 poppers (your hard shots).

In other words you would be better off setting up on the hard targets and be off balance (or not) for the 3 yd one.

IMHO just shooting the arrays right to left on this stage gains you 1.5-2.0 seconds.

Shooting looks fine on tape.

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Aside from what's been said above (which I agree with) looks like you just need to shoot some more matches, things will start to become easier as you gain more experience. Use the walkthru to figure out every step, shot, and reload, then just playback when the buzzer sounds off. Based only on these vids, it seems more like you need some "mental" practice vs. physical.

Keep us informed on how your doing.

Good luck!

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Others have already given great advice so I will only add to what is already said.

First video – You circumvent your stance by leaning into a position and having the majority of your weight on one foot in just about every shooting position. A solid stance leveraging both of your feet will always be better than biasing your weight to one foot or the other. The main advantages are increased recoil management and the ability to aggressively move out of the shooting position once the shooting is done. Work on using a lower and wider stance at all times. The other thing to keep from doing is bending left or right at the waist. If you need to lean around a wall get lower and wider with your stance so your center of gravity is still between your feet.

Second video – Watch your body movement as you transition between targets. You are moving from one target to another by twisting your waist. You need to transition between targets with your knees so your while upper body and waist move as one solid unit. When you move at the waist it disrupts your recoil management ability and thus forces your upper body to do all of the work. You can see how this greatly affects your stability while you are shooting.

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