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EAPS 1-16-11 Match


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The last stage I got way ahead of myself after the mag issue. I had loaded 20 rounds in that second mag and meant to start with it just got confused. After it didn't seat and fell out, my plan went to crap and I engaged the star before I was ready and obviously didn't end it like I wanted to.

Better hits on the classifier would have been nice.

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Watch the video again and look at your technical execution of your shooting, transition, and movement skills. Start simple and look for only one or two skills, such as target transitions or movement through the stage. Then tell us what you see that you think needs improvement.

I promise that I am not trying to be a smart ass. I am trying to make you more self sufficient in critiquing your own video's. If you can't identify your weaknesses then how can you expect to overcome them? You need to understand the "Why" around doing the things you are doing wrong. In the end, only you can produce that answer.

I can give you a laundry list of things to do better, but if you don't understand why you are currently not doing them correctly its really not very effective advice.

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I know that I have some work to do with follow through and for some reason I have developed an issue with not seating the mags in the gun when reloading recently.

I was hoping that I would get some other ideas as to areas of improvement other than those that are obvious to me. Go ahead and throw some criticism at me. I promise I can take it. I posted another video of this past weekend's match on another thread as well.

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Alright latech15,

Stage 1

I personally like taking easier shots first like the targets on the right. The way you ran the course you could have started walking towards the targets on the left then go forward.

Stage 2

when you reload it looks like you push the gun downward to get the magazine out when it should fall freely without any help.

Stage 3

Can't say much since you smoked me on that stage.

Stage 4

You know what you did.

Stage 5

You know what you did again. Also don't change your game plan just because you see a master class shooter ( don't know his name :rolleyes:)go before you did and liked the way he ran it.

Hope this helps,


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Stage 1 – Look closely at your body movements especially your long transitions from side to side. There is ZERO urgency or aggressiveness to the movement. You need to transition hard and aggressive when not shooting. Any time you are not shooting and the timer is running is 100% wasted time. Maximize your shooting time by minimizing your non shooting time. I think your stage plan wasn’t very optimized. Why lock yourself into the same starting position for all three strings of targets? Also mixing the poppers in with the paper on the first magazine is risky because you are pushing 18 rounds without any misses. It would have been better to do three sets of paper targets, reload then engage the poppers after you moved forward towards getting the case. This would have made the shots easier and also given you more rounds in the mag for a steel missing fudge factor. The other thing to consider are your splits and transitions on the paper targets. Your on target splits are in the mid to high .20’s which isn’t too bad but your target to target transitions are in the .40 - .50 sec range which isn’t good. All of those excessively long transitions add up to multiple seconds of excess stage time. Work on reducing your target to target transitions by moving aggressively and driving the gun to the next target with some vigor.

Stage 2 – After the reload you can see that you are circumventing your stance trying to get a little closer to the targets to shoot faster. This stance circumvention pretty much ruins your recoil management and you can see a significant increase in muzzle flip when you are trying to shoot fast on the last two targets. The faster the shooting is the more secure and locked in your stance and whole shooting platform needs to be. You also need to beat it into your head that you MUST follow through on the shots, especially on the last shot. You can see on this stage at the end you dismount the gun and drop the mag as soon as the last shot breaks. This lack of follow through can be easily fixed if you simply assigned a task for your squad mates to kick you squarely in the nuts if you don’t do it. I swear it will only take a couple of “Correction Activities” to make it a habit to follow through.

Stage 3 – This is a classic time burning stage for people who don’t get a stance low enough and it forces them to take bunch of shuffle steps in order to hunt and peck for target through the ports. I call this process doing the “Ray Charles impersonation”. On a stage like this you MUST use a wide and low stance so you can move your upper body smoothly and quickly left and right by simply moving your center of gravity from one side to another by bending your knees without needing to shuffle your feet. Its best to find a wide stance position in the shooting area which allows you to see and engage most of the targets without needing to move your feet. Then when you are done with that position simply take one step one way or the other to gain access to the remaining targets.

Stage 4 – This classifier is a difficult one. I think the best plan is to simply nut up and shoot the paper solidly first, then you can enter the second box and terrorize the steel to finish the stage. Doing it this way does three things. First it forces you to earn good hits on the paper, secondly it enables you to enter the second box on way easier shots on the steel and thirdly it does not cause a stop and go situation like you experienced in the first box by missing the steel and heading to the next box prematurely. Once again your lack of follow through is eating your lunch and causing your miss on the steel. The next time you shoot this classifier shoot the paper first and then finish on the steel.

Stage 5 – Ok, this stage looks like a train wreck after your botched reload. So I am not going to try to break down what you are doing wrong when the wheels have fallen off the wagon. The thing that I did want to point out is the starting position. You chose to enter the shooting area and cut all the way in to shoot the first three targets left to right. As much as people would think they could shoot this section backing out of the position its actually more effective to simply consider this first shooting position a static position and then choose which target gets you shooting the soonest. From the looks of it, engaging the far right target first would be the earliest target to shoot so it would have probably been best to shoot those first three targets right to left. The second section looks pretty decent as you engaged the targets on the move and that was exactly what was needed for that section.

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This lack of follow through can be easily fixed if you simply assigned a task for your squad mates to kick you squarely in the nuts if you don’t do it. I swear it will only take a couple of “Correction Activities” to make it a habit to follow through.


I am willing to step up and assume the duties to make you better. As long as we remember it is for your own good.

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I stated the nut kicking thing in a joking fashion, but the basis of the comment is valid. If you don't make the penalty for doing something wrong stern enough then there will never be any motivation to stop doing it wrong. Everyone is motivated by different things so its up to you to figure out what "Penalty" is valid in order to help you fix your bad habits. Getting kicked in the nuts may be a little too excessive of a penalty for not following though after the shot, but it sure would make you fix that problem quickly :devil:

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