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No Law Or Military Categories


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As match Director of the MS 3-gun I had my shooters check law and Military.....

they did not know it but the Hi Law and Military in each Division will be coming back to defend their title for Free.....

Who needs more dust collectors ? give them thier match fees back or let them come back and defend their title for free..... keeps them coming back and they will bring more ;)

Just a little respect for those who do a little more in their line of work...


Now PHIL where are the Rifle and Shotgun ? September..... Lumber will be there and you won't have to pay his entry either :)

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Actually, I now have a rifle, and my Benelli should be here in about a month, sooooo....maybe I'll make a point to be there! That's pretty cool what you're doing. Some people will never get it, but as long as the majority does, that's all that matters, I guess.

Thanks for the heads up!


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IMO the War on Terrorism warrants that the USPSA support the police and the military by recognizing three special categories: Police, Military, and Civilian. The category of the match winner could either not receive special recognition, or that award could be changed to 2nd (2nd Civilian if a Civilian wins HOA). The reason I recommend adding Civilian is that:

1. we should not assume that a civilian will win HOA at every match.

2. someday a shooter who has won HOA at a regional or national match will join the Armed Forces or a law enforcement agency, greatly increasing the chances of a soldier of policeman winning HOA.



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It has long been my worthless opinion that LEO should be only recognized if shot with duty gear...as issued and carried, not tricked out. Same for Military...an M9 out of a Bianchi flap holster or a SOCOM out of a Safariland 6004...

Otherwise, as said, it just becomes another trophy.


I'd have been more than happy to shoot what I carried, especially in 3 gun, I had an M203. How do you score a 40mm HEDP anyway, obviously it's major but if you can't find the target...

In the matches I shot while on active duty my experience with the military category was only a box on my signup sheet i checked. No award given, no mention. I didn't mind then, now that I'm out I certainly don't. Now if you want to institute a retired mil category I'll throw my full support behind that so long as the prize is a free pistol, or a car either way I'm in. ;)

On a serious note though I oppose extraneous categories, it weakens the sport. If this is something they wanted to do at large matches that's one thing. At a local level I think it's a mistake to have only 20 shooters and give 18 of them a plaque. Sure it's nice to receive awards, but giving out a 2nd place F class mil orange shirt plaque doesn't really reward skill, but attendance. Perhaps there should be a minimum number of participants in order to recognize the category.

Just my thought,


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I am in support of the LEO/Military awards.

I was an shooter before I became a LEO. When I first brought up the idea of creating a shooting team for the department it was dismissed. After delivering several Hi Law awards to the training division for display I was contacted about starting a shooting team, and making the team members firearms training officers. Over a course of several years we were able to establish a team, completely retrain our departments training staff, rewrite the training program's, and introduce and approve several new firearms for use by line officers and specialized teams.

When we created the team I was the only member who had ever competed in USPSA style shooting. When I retired last year we had several members who compete regularly, and many more that compete once or twice a year. This doesn't even count the improved shooting skills of the department at large thru the advanced training program we managed to get in place, or the improvement in equipment resulting in the increased awareness by the training staff of new state of the art equipment. All of these things resulted in better serve to our community, and more officers going home at night safe. It also resulted in increased interaction between our agency and the community giving both sides a better understanding of each other. Our department went so far as to open up the training academy for hosting both USPSA and IDPA matches open to the general public for several years. The only reason we were able to do this is because we were able to hang Law Enforcement plaques and trophies on the walls and in the display cases

In the LE world things are different then in the competition world. The only way to attract attention and support from your department is to provide visual results from the activity.

Personally I would like to see it restricted to duty gear only, giving the new guys a better chance at the award.

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