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Bad Sportsmanship (Golf)


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I was flipping through the channels and saw some female golfing. I wasn't really interested and don't know when/where the match was held. But, a competitor had already finished and was waiting for another competitor to putt for the final score. When the competitor who was putting missed the putt that would have beated the woman who was finished that woman started to celebrate while the other woman was still finishing her putt. This all within hearing distance of the woman still competing.

I didn't see any of the rest so I'm not sure what happened. But, I thought it was in very bad taste that someone started celebrating while a competitor still had to finish all within hearing distance of the other competitor. I hate bad sportsmanship. Or, sportswomanship. I guess the NFL attitude is spreading to the other sports.


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There are two things that piss me off.

Bad losers, and worst of all, bad winners.

No excuses, she could and should have been be disqualified from the tournament, right up until the last ball is played and the last card is signed they can still penalise her (or for that matter him).

If they disqualified just one for that kind off poor behaviour, it would stop immediately.

BUT, the sponsors get what they want. Any news is good news. Any airtime is good airtime.

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