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When do you skip targets?


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The last match I shot had a field course that wasn't terribly revo friendly. Started off with a string of 2 targets, (reload) followed by a string of 3 targets (reload) then..... A disappearing target, three poppers and a stand alone target in one area. I engaged the disappearing with two shots, dropped the poppers, reloaded and engaged the stand alone target, then reloaded and went on my merry way.

After the string was shot, a more seasoned shooted advised me that some revo shooters would choose to ignore the disappearing target altogether to avoid the standing reload.

Also, It came to mind later that I could have put 1 shot in the Disappearing target, then engaged the poppers and the single without a reload.

When is it advisable to purposfully skip taking a shot?

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I shoot revo as well, and this is how the top guys have explained it to me,,,, in revo, a hit factor of 5 is very good on just about any medium to large stage ( one Alpha hit per second,,, 24 shot stage in 24 seconds clean is a good run). That being said, if you have to do a reload to get one Alpha hit on a disappearing target, can you do it in less than one second? Also, what if you get a "C" or "D", not worth the time,,, hope that makes sense

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Thanks! Any information is welcomed! I have decided to offer a visual as well....

I'm relying on memory, so this may not be entirely accurate, but I think this is a good representation of the stage. There were a handfull of no-shoots as well, but for this purpose they are not relevant. Start position foot touching fault line on the left hand side. This might help.


Edited by Stradawhovious
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I skip disappearing targets only when the time outweighs the points gained on that stage. Different stages different times require different approaches. Back in 2005 at the Nationals there was a sliding target that had 2 shoot and 1 noshoot on it on a 160 point stage. I chose not to shoot at it at all while all but a couple of other revo shooters took at least a shot or two (there was 2 left in the gun when getting to them) I was 2nd on the stage and only Jerry was better. (I did have the best time, but he shot better points).

On the stage you have drawn it depends on if that is really a half wall that I could get back to the first 2 targets fast enough to negate the loss in time I might go by the first array and get them after shooting the drop turner.

If not then I'd likely skip the drop turner as the stage is drawn.


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Thanks! Any information is welcomed! I have decided to offer a visual as well....

I'm relying on memory, so this may not be entirely accurate, but I think this is a good representation of the stage. There were a handfull of no-shoots as well, but for this purpose they are not relevant. Start position foot touching fault line on the left hand side. This might help.


From what I see, I go 2,4 on the left targets, dump 2 rounds,reload, go 2,4,6 moving right, reload, go ding ,ding, ding, 2 on static and 1 on drop turner, reload and 2,4,6 on the right

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On the stage you have drawn it depends on if that is really a half wall that I could get back to the first 2 targets fast enough to negate the loss in time I might go by the first array and get them after shooting the drop turner.

Nope, sorry not a half wall, full wall. I used the wrong one. :blush:

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The last match I shot had a field course that wasn't terribly revo friendly. Started off with a string of 2 targets, (reload) followed by a string of 3 targets (reload) then..... A disappearing target, three poppers and a stand alone target in one area. I engaged the disappearing with two shots, dropped the poppers, reloaded and engaged the stand alone target, then reloaded and went on my merry way.

After the string was shot, a more seasoned shooted advised me that some revo shooters would choose to ignore the disappearing target altogether to avoid the standing reload.

Also, It came to mind later that I could have put 1 shot in the Disappearing target, then engaged the poppers and the single without a reload.

When is it advisable to purposfully skip taking a shot?

Hmmmmm. New kid asking good questions. Won't be new kid for long.

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In the course layout in 3D was there a spot where T1 and T2 could be engaged and either two poppers or the paper target where the turner was thus the plan would be 2,4,6 move to right 2,4 turn 2 on paper relaod popper, popper, popper, two hits turner, move 2,4,6. Two hits on a disappearing targets 10 points a little more than 1 sec added to your overall time. If not available leave it. :sight: Not being there, there is just not a realistic veiw of what could be done. Just my take on it. later rdd

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Alright, another scenario. This is a stage I shot tonight, and I was considering skipping a target for time reasons. I have two questions with this. #1, would skipping one target in section 4 have been a good idea or not, and #2, one person ran out of ammo on this stage, failed to engage the last target and was charged with a procedural penalty..... If I purposfully skipped would I have gotten the same penalty, and if so is that in addition to the penalty for the two misses, or not. Forgive my ignorance on this one, but this whole stage breakdown has me intrigued, and there really aren't any other revo shooters to bounce ideas off of at the club.

Here was my thought process..... Start is foot on the fault line at area 1.... Beep! 2,4,6 on area one, reload to area two 2,4,6 while moving then reload and 2 more on area 2..... 4 rounds left..... Ping ping ping ping on area 3, reload to area 4, 2,4,6 on area 4 (skipping last target) reload and 2,4,6 on area 5.


the stage went well, but I missed one of the steel..... (grr....) and decided to simply engage everything after that.


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in scenario 1, if you shot all the steel and the paper, and the dropturner shows itself, than you could put one round in it, but if the disapering target is too slow, than skip it and go on to the next target. So you must way the time and points that you would gain. I guess what everyone is basically saying. That is the only time I skip a target if its just way too slow, and I am not going to get penalized for it. If there is no way of timing it perfectly, I will skip it also. But its all on a case by case basis.

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I guess I have changed my mind on scenario 2. After doing the math, it really doesn't pay at all to skip any tarets. 3 seconds saved in an additional reload wouldn't have made up for the points lost.

And as it was not a disappearing target (that I could tell), then you would lose the ten points for no hits then another ten each for each miss, then a ten point penalty for Failure to engage.

So you would lose thirty points from the score you would aquire. If my math is good. The only time to skip targets if there is no penalty for misses and no penalty for failure to engage, and it costs you a reload to do it. later rdd

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And as it was not a disappearing target (that I could tell), then you would lose the ten points for no hits then another ten each for each miss, then a ten point penalty for Failure to engage.

Correct, I'm still learning about penalties and the like. It would have definately been an unwise choice here.

There's a lot to remember in this sport!

I'm lovin' every minute of it. :D

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