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Shooter's Finger?


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I don't know how to analyze the amount of tension... what I know I have a one-pound trigger, and I do not squeeze out premature shots, is this a good measure of low tension?

Regarding that supplement... the person I mentioned went the whole route, including "best hand specialist" in the area, with no effect. One month on that potion and the problem was if not gone then reduced drastically - either by coincidence (and I am a VERY skeptical guy myself), or due to its effect.

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I don't know how to analyze the amount of tension... what I know I have a one-pound trigger, and I do not squeeze out premature shots, is this a good measure of low tension?

Not really, you can be completely tense and not break a .1lb trigger.

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Speaking from experience, see a doctor and do what you are told.

I'm 50+ years old and I injured my Achilles in early 2008, went to a podiatrist and got a quick fix, then back to shooting I went without taking off the full time for recovery.

Two years later, I've now had to have my Achilles and my heel operated on, have been laid up for months without shooting any matches and probably have a few more to go. I've paid the price for trying to get back into the game too early, no more cutting corners just to keep competing.

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Not all doctors give good advice. Most are little more prepared than their nurses. Some know what they are talking about. Find those people.

As mentioned before, try the week off with ice first. If that doesn't work, find a few good doctors to diagnose your problem. Then with a diagnosis to work with, you can figure out treatment from there. Don't blindly follow any doctor's advice (or anyone on this board) without considering it carefully. I hesitate offering any further advice until these things have been done.

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Rest and ice that finger for a few days until the swelling and soreness subside. Do not take ibuprofen as a regimen without consulting a doctor first. That stuff can be hard on your stomach and cause it to bleed. Just hang the shooter up for a few days. I had a similar problem with my revo.

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Guess it's time for the sports medical MD to weigh in.

First, it almost impossible to make a diagnosis without actually seeing it and possibly an XRay, and diagnois first is always the key to proper treatment.

First the good news, I doubt your problem arises from pulling one pound trigger.

That being said, it sound like a swelling of the DIP or PIP joint of index finger. The most common cause of swelling there is inflamation. What the imflation is from is the the proberbial big value question. The most common causes are direct injury (like a blow that did not seem to happen) or arthritis or synovitis. Less common cause are the exotic things like gout or infection.

The common algorithm for treatment goes something like this Ice and rest helpful for up to 7 days. If no help, just forget it, it wont cure it by itself. Next step (or concurrently) is anti inflamatories like OTC ibuprofen or precription antiinflamatory. Most of time that will do it. Under some circumstances injections are used but not often.

But Main point is if ANY Joint swelling lasts you should see an experienced physician who routinely handles injuries.

To the poster suggesting oral Hyaluranic acid, while it is true, Hyaluranic acid is one of the most key components of joint health, unfortuneately you cant get it to the joint by taking it as a pill. That has been studied pretty extensively and just does not work since digestive tract breaks it down first. There have been mixed reports of other agents like Chondroitin and Glucosamine supplements. Medical opinion has been back and forth on those. First conscensus was it did not work, then later studies said yes and now concensus is no (for oral). My experience is about 30% of folks will benefit from Chondroitin/Glucosamine and another agent Called Astaxanthin.

Bottom line see an MD who is experienced in the area

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Thank you guys... the ice didn't make any difference, so I am moving to Stage 2.

The funny part is - there is no pain when the finger is pulling a load - I can pull 50lb, in the same fashion I pull the trigger, and there is not even a hint of pain. But try to bend it beyond some point and it hurts like crazy, and also the twisting/sideways motions are problem.

Edited by Foxbat
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OK, guys, let me give you some update. My wife convinced me to try Alleviate for a month - you get your money back if there is no result.

I started taking it day before yesterday. For comparison look at the pictures. The first one shows how much I was able to curl my finger two days ago.

The second one - on the next day after taking it for the first time.

Call it a coincidence or anything else, but as I woke up I was struck by the difference. The swelling was reduced, the pain level was several substantially lower, and the finger could bend substantially more!

OK, so that was a coincidence... I said to myself... being a scientist/engineer and a skeptical kind.

But this morning there is even more progress - after just two days.

The pain is even less, and the finger can curl almost all the way!

Who knows, perhaps it is not the HA in that stuff that is doing the job, perhaps that is the anti-inflammatory boswellic acid and white willow bark in it working, but so far I LOVE the result.




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