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Ms. Kitty

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Posts posted by Ms. Kitty

  1. I didn't get a confirmation... :(

    Don't you worry Tyler, I already have you on the squadding charter and the Roster! See you there!


    Any chance the Roster can be posted? :cheers:

    In response to your request, there are several resons why the roster is not posted:

    1) the roster currently has personal information contained in it that I will not share with the "world" as I don't want my personal information shared with the world at large. However, if you'd like to know if a specific someone has signed up, I will be happy to confirm :) If you'd like to get in touch with someone, contact me and I will send them an e-mail with your e-mail but I want to respect people's private information.

    2) there are currently additions being added to the roster, so it isn't complete. Applications are arriving daily and this keeps us busy updating our list. One or two shooters are now unable to make the match.

    As the match gets closer and the roster is as complete as it can be-I will post the squadding list by using the shooters first initial and last name.

    I try to honor all squadding requests as they come in and try to accommodate everyone’s wishes. Failure to put on you a squad will be due to: Size limitations of the squad, who you want to be squadded with has requested to be squadded with others (therefore, see previous reason) or the person you wish to squad with is not shooting the match.

    Look forward to meeting everyone and seeing you at the match


  2. Round Count

    Pistol 163

    Rifle 119

    Shotgun 116 shot 4 slugs

    no shot bigger than 7 1/2

    Two more weeks!!

    See ya at the range.

    As of this writing, 9 stages are designed and ready for shooting! At this time, the 10th stage is debatable...Trying to secure land for the 10th stage-the crops aren't cooperating! :surprise: As soon as we have word, we will update you.

    9 stage designs to be posted shortly on the official website...

  3. Cliff Walsh The Movie! Coming to a bar near you. :surprise: Parental supervision advised.

    Oh, good Lord, No!

    I could never let my parents see a movie about Cliff! I'm not sure I could take Ms. Kitty.


    Linda Chico (L-2035)

    Columbia SC

    Thank you Linda. At least you are looking out for me! :D

  4. Vince - Now that's just mean dangling that carrot in front of me of a job. :D

    Jack - I would be happy there. Simple and easy in Columbia. Stef's not so keen on the idea. But hey...if I go to Florida, we'll invite you and Spurrier down to Gainesville to look at what a BCS trophy looks like.



    I am pretty sure that Spurrier knows what a BCS Trophy looks like....I think he got U of F their first one... :sight: I have seen the trophy on TV.

    BTW, U of F comes to Columbia in November..... :devil:...You never know what will happen.... :devil:

    Jack-R U overstepping again :roflol:

    Rich-you and your bride head east. Jack is correct, SC is a great place to be...Charleston has a nice medical school!

  5. Vince - Now that's just mean dangling that carrot in front of me of a job. :D

    Jack - I would be happy there. Simple and easy in Columbia. Stef's not so keen on the idea. But hey...if I go to Florida, we'll invite you and Spurrier down to Gainesville to look at what a BCS trophy looks like.



    I am pretty sure that Spurrier knows what a BCS Trophy looks like....I think he got U of F their first one... :sight: I have seen the trophy on TV.

    BTW, U of F comes to Columbia in November..... :devil:...You never know what will happen.... :devil:

    R U overstepping again :roflol:

  6. Somebody PLEASE tell me that this isn't the last FB3G!! It is my 25th anniversary that weekend, and I feel I will be in serious trouble if I go. I have gone in past years, but I have paid for it...literally. I just don't think it would be a good idea this year. There are some things with some girls that diamonds just won't cover, and I'm talking emotionally here as I know how you guys think!! Come on Hamp, say it ain't so.... No little yellow face crying his eyes out so just use your imagination.

    Steve you have plenty of time to take her gifts (I mean BIG gifts) daily. I did something like this once and that is why I am now on number two and I have plenty of time before our 25th.


    ..Shaking head slowly

  7. I drive a truck... at least when my AC goes out, I can get some 2/60 AC...

    I feel your pain dude. I don't AC my house... :) (I'm a cheap bastard)

    We had three really bad days last year... but it was during Area 3, and I was in a hotel for the worst of it... ahhhh :cheers:

    On the really bad days, I hang out at the gun shop through the hot part of the day, if I'm not working...


    I wish I could open windows.....It sucks because I am in a suit and tie for a meeting this afternoon...I ain't happy....

    Should we remind you-some should have a photo somewhere :roflol:

  8. Take her to the FB3G and then go somewhere from there. I can't believe you would miss a match this nice over a 25th wedding anniversary. Man up and be the king of your castle. The worse thing that could happen is a divorce with her getting everything you have

    not if she shoots with you...then she gets all your guns with your half hearted approval. Ask me how I know :roflol:

    Cheryl :)

    My hero :D

    (Just kidding honey!)

  9. I imagine that there may well be server floods at 9:30 PM on the 18th. 1slots available for about 17,500 Multi-gun shooters.

    I know where I will be that evening!

    Thanks Linda.

    (What type of flowers, chocolates, or libations do you prefer? Or are we talking Maserati?)


    Dearest Jim:

    Perhaps you have not met my friend and partner in crime, Linda :surprise: In the world of "Linda-isms", there IS only one kind of chocolate...Harry & David-any dark truffle/espresso variety will do. (she is not too fond of the milk or white chocolate varieties) Libations: Tia Maria and she generally loves a good DARK roasted coffee AND as for flowers-forget them-computer parts are the way to her heart! :D

    Sandra Orvig

    2009 Ft Benning 3 Gun Statistician

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