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Ms. Kitty

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Posts posted by Ms. Kitty

  1. Hey, Cajun!

    The second Saturday of each month we have a USPSA match just southwest of Columbia.


    The third Saturday of each month is a Steel Challenge match, same place.


    If you feel up to driving, we're having a USPSA match in Augusta this Saturday and a 3-gun match on Sunday. I've got a rifle you can use if you're interested.


    Don't forget the 1st Sat is Palmetto Gun Club in Charleston!

  2. This my first time shooting DPMS and hopefully it won't be my last. I had such a great time...I was impressed by the opening ceremonies...Watching the flag being raised on such a beautiful morning was truly the way to "kick off" the match!

    Although repetitious of the previous comments, I have to say, we had beautiful weather, great sponsors, great ROs and fun-challenging stages. Randy and Lea, thanks for all the hard work you all put into running this match.

    To Squad 14, What can a girl say?! Thank you guys for all the help and encouragement! You are the best...Trapr, I promise to get better with quick-witted responses! To Jeff, xoxo.

    Mary, thank you for being the team photographer. Can't wait to see some pics!

    Til next time!


  3. OK....it wasn't the vibra-prime :sight: Vibra-prime was a new "term" you, Jack, Tom and Donnie taught me....(however I still thought it a made up term til I saw one posted for sell in the Classified section... :blink: BTW: POKE

    Randal: Who was the masked man hitting on Te-um at MS?!!

  4. I finally made it back to the East Coast and am trying to recover. Wow, what a fun-filled weekend and great match to be my 1st 3 Gun! I can only say that now I am hooked. Can’t wait for the next one!

    First, a great BIG thank you to Nordic Components! (Tim, Grant, Jarmil and Tom) I was the lucky recipient of the .22 drawing! Trust me, I WILL be putting more rounds through it than what was shot at the Side Match! Tim, much love your way for letting me play with the 20 gauge! :cheers:

    Having only been involved in very few 3Guns (usually the Stats Shack or squad mom) I decided to jump in and go for it and am glad I did. Squad 6 was a great squad to be with. Thank you Squad 6 for your guidance and patient with me. Steph, keep up the good shooting!

    To Mr. Cramblit-thank you for your help and encouragement. I am sorry I didn’t get footage of the Slip and Slide on Stage 6! :wub:

    To Mr. Mike Darby, what can a girl say?!!! :D

    I had a “blast” with the SAW, and learned I really like shooting shotgun, thanks to Stage 9. To the MD, RM and all the RO’s, job well done. To John, thank you for delivering the UPS guy to me! Lastly, thank you Sabre Defence! I am looking forward to next year’s match.

  5. Make it back to SC very early this morning. Caught a few hours of sleep, then hit the office.

    I had a great time at the match-although the case separation wasn't fun! :blink: To the RO's on Stage 2, thank you for your assistance. To John, Lloyd and everyone else who made this match possible, thank you. You deserve a big round of applause. Great stages, good design and great hospitality-all the ingredients for a successful match. :)

    Looking forward to next year's match!

    Randal-where's the challice?

  6. Looking forward to my first 3 Gun ever as a competitor! No use playing around, I'll just jump right in :surprise: This past weekend was the first time I tried to load/unload...Now what was that part about rolling the shotgun over your wrist to load?! :D

    CCUR: Look forward to seeing you and yours there. BRM3G looked like too much fun!

    CPWSA: Where ya staying? Just want to make sure I take you advice on the "Non-Adventure" hotel accomodations! ;)

  7. Less than 45 minutes to go & the anxiety levels hitting my email in-box is at an all time high. :(

    For everyone worried that their slow dial-up connection is going to prevent them from getting in:

    You are assigned a unique 8 digit number "On Click" of the submit button. If it seems to take a while for the next page to show up, that is not slowing you down. The 8 digit number is added to the info you typed & sent to the company that is harvesting the information. If there is a slow down due to congestion, it will allow me to match the number with the time you actually signed in. On average, it takes 0.8 seconds for the information to go from my server to theirs, but since that time can vary when it is real busy (say at 6:30 PM EST tonight), I had to come up with a way to remove the time delay.

    I am turning off email notification to my personal email at 6:00. The email messages will be redirected so that I do not lock up my email access. But they will be stored on-line so that I can access them later if there are any problems. I'll also clear all 'test' data at 6:00.

    Let's see. . . Fresh pot of French Roast coffee. Large bag of dark chocolate truffles. Tia Maria to add to the coffee when it's over . . . I'm ready! :)

    Linda Chico (L-2035)

    2008 Ft Benning 3 Gun Statistician

    Sitting by and watching the excitement. I have my chocolate here too.....Good luck and call me if you need me! :popcorn1:

  8. Someone asked if the Time was Eastern Time . . . Yes

    I picked it specifically so that

    East Coast 6:30

    Central Time 5:30

    Mountain Time 4:30

    Pacific Coast 3:30

    I corrected the times (thanks Denise!)

    Please note that you DO NOT have to sign yourself in, if you cannot get to a computer at that time. Anyone can sign you in.

    There is also a pretty big digital clock on the sign-in page, so that no one can complain that they were not synchronized with my clock.

    Linda Chico (L-2035)

    2008 Ft Benning 3 Gun Statistician

    Great Job Linda! Now for the fun! :popcorn1:

  9. Hello everyone. I just wanted to add my congrats to Andy, Tammi, Mike, Linda and the rest of the HARD-working staff who made this match possible. What a beautiful setting and from what I heard from the 3-gunners, this was truly a challenging match...I am looking forward to next year. :D

    For those on Squad 17, thank you for letting me hang-out with ya'll. What a fabulous group of men! One of the best squads I have had the pleasure of working with.

    To my NEW girl friends, Deb and Cheryl, it was a pleasure getting to know you and I look forward to seeing you at matches in the future. :)

    Congrats to all the winners and a big thank you to the sponsors. With out you and your support, these matches couldn't and wouldn't be what they are. To the RO's, my hat is off to you! Thank you for an outstanding job you did.


  10. Colt1991(38), Kim M. Beckwith(54), kimmbeckwith(54), Marcfish357(52), SA Friday(39), 9x21(50), gamingoddess(25), Scrat(15)

    Happy Birthday to all and twice to Ms. Beckwith! :lol:

    Special congrats to SCRAT on his 15th BD! :wub: Papá loves you! :wub:

    Happy Birthday to all! Especially my "little" Scrat!! :rolleyes:

  11. You guys need to spend more time with your irons! The top iron sight shooters many times beat the entire field in "tactical" from roasting targets with the muzzel flash to the 300 yard long range stuff. Up close...out to 50 yards NOTHING beats iron. N.B.N. I haven't seen a dot beat iron yet, as long as the iron guy knows how to shoot.

    ( N.B.N. ) No battery needed!


    We're not worth to look upon the iron sights of the Miller rifle,


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