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Posts posted by speed

  1. Also if its hard to slide that takedown window open just take it all apart and clean everything out maybe some mineral spirits and compressed air. I did this to mine and they slide beautifully now with no resistance.. like new again.

  2. Hope your right, I just ordered one. So far I have a Safariland 011, Lim Cat, CR Speed and the holster I always go back to is the one I bought 1st. It's a Hogue Power Speed.

    I always draw from the intermediate locked position and have never found anything faster or more secure.

    I looked at the Ghost holster and see no advantage over the Hogue. Perhaps the

    "Guga Ribas Holster" will fill the bill???

    It does look like an interesting holster.


    Where can I purchase a guga ribas holster?


  3. I don't care what anybody says they are ripping us off, and I don't plan on buying any bullets until they come down, unless I have to. I am fully stocked up and have enough for a while. Look at the charts of the comodities prices in the previous posts and that will give you a true prices of lead and copper are. If the bullet companies are paying more for their lead and copper, than maybe they should rethink who they buy from.

    Hang in there paper killer I think relief is on its way. From what I hear there are people looking into starting something up soon. Hey maybe it will be a fellow shooter who understands our unique demand on the amount of shooting that we do. Its not like we shoot 1k rounds a year. Come spring time I shoot 1k a week, and I'm sure I'm not alone. So just hold on we will get past this. We all want our shooting sport to live on. I'm optimistic that somebody will get behind it. Hey maybe there will be an additional break for members of NRA and members of our other shooting sports. This is the kind of attitude we need in our shooting sports...keep it alive! lately many shooters are comming up with very interesting solutions. Hang in there shooters!

  4. I don't consider the buying I am doing as stockpiling as much as getting ready for the shooting season. I would rather start reloading now while the weather is still too bad to go out and shoot as to wait until after the spring thaw and not have anything loaded.

    Ya'll keep up the boycott as it lessens my backorder times.

    Looks like nobody is gonna buy much until they lower prices. Prices are totally WAY out of control. Prices should be close to half of what they currently are.

  5. Simple: Supply and demand. Producers are producing and selling everything they make at current prices. Why change? It is a slippery slope to expect producers to change their pricing due to "feelings" and "whats right". If you don't like the prices don't buy it. The market will adjust.

    Ok so if nobody cares about how shooters feel/think then what if shooters bought nothing. How will market adjust then???? who will be buying then?? This goes right down the line. Shooters are still buying because this is a transition period from lower prices to high prices. They have been shooting for a long time. They are not gonna stop on a dime. Many have a lot of money invested. Give it time and they will slow down drastically if not maybe worse move on to other hobbys.... Not a good thing! Think about it, somebody buys a gun goes to shop to buy ammo buys one or two boxes then realizes how much it just cost to shoot for 15 minutes. Gun goes back in safe. This is a really good thing..no? Bottom line, respect the sport stop the gouging! I'm finished venting now.

  6. Guys that thing looks like dollar. When it goes up for euro everything cost more (prices go up) for us here Europe but when dollar go down prices stay the same. <_<

    To me I feel that they are capitalizing on shooters. Metals are down- way down. Dont you think manufacturers are putting in large orders as we speek to lock in at current lower price? come on now! Lets see if they reflect the new pricing on bullets anytime soon. We know they are paying a lot less for materials. Are we supposed to be pro gun- to get more people shooting, or not? How are people gonna get or be able to afford to get into this sport when manufacturers are keeping prices of components so high? Of course if materials are up were going to pay a premium, but when they are way down we should pay less..rite? I'm not that bad in math! I've been shooting all the matches for 10 years now and it has really gotten out of control.... really ridiculous. I usally buy about 18k bullets a year. I have a receipt in front of me showing price in early 2005 for example 125gr jhp's were $41/k. Doubled now! I won't mention manufacturer but We all know anyway. I know it was 4 years ago but hey lets look at prices of materials back then to now. Bet not much difference. Bottom line I feel that many shooters are not shooting as much and to me thats not a good thing. To manufacturers: lets keep the prices of components as low as you can, lets support this sport that we enjoy so much. Look down the long road... you'll still make your money and at same time keep this sport thriving. More people will shoot. Lets not shy people away with unafordable pricing!. We have enough to deal with in our sport to keep it alive.

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