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Posts posted by 38superman

  1. It's no secret that mass produced guns can't match the performance of a good custom or semi-custom gun.

    However, all major manufacturers have specifications and quality / accuracy standards.

    Sadly, of the last four 1911 style guns I bought "off the shelf" two were poor and two were simply awful.

    These four guns came from three different manufacturers.

    I routinely fire new guns for group with quality factory ammo to document their "as new" performance and to sight in.

    The groups are 5 shots off sandbags at 25 yds.

    Two of the guns were grouping around 4" which is poor, but not too far out of line for a mass produced gun.

    However, the other two guns were spraying ammo all over the target

    Groups were in the 7 to 8 inch size.

    When you can't cover a five shot group with a paper plate, I have no words for that other than piece of $hit.

    I called one of the manufacturers recently and asked what is your accuracy standard for a full size 1911.

    The reply was 3 1/2" at 25 yards.

    Not one of these guns met that standard and two of the four were more than double that.

    One of the worst offenders was sent back for repair and was returned to me with absolutely no improvement.

    It has now become standard procedure for me to send new guns to the gunsmith to get a custom fit barrel and a new trigger group.

    Is it just me or is anyone else appalled by this?


  2. Whatever we do let's keep it simple.

    I have made my vote known (Single Stack Elitist) but I'd rather see it go to "1911 Elitist" than to get carried away.

    Let's not try to put too much on there.

    Otherwise it may turn into something like this:

    "Member of the 1911 Single Stack Elitist Snob Club and Disciple of John M Browning Who Reveres the Classic and Venerable Steel Frame 45 ACP Guns Above All Others Because Real Men Shoot Iron Sights and Only Need 8 Rounds"

    It's a shirt, not a billboard. :goof:


  3. Congratulations Odie. :cheers:

    Now...tell me how that "B to Master in a year" thing works.

    Instead of spending all this money on guns, ammo, training & travel, couldn't I just buy an A card and be done with it?

    BTW, I really enjoyed squadding with you at the Miss. Classic.


  4. Giggle :roflol:

    Sittin here in old levis...Tattered favorite T shirt, comefy shoes complete with hole in right toe. :closedeyes:

    Hard to imagine myself as elite :roflol:

    Jim :o

    Just add a 1911 to that ensemble and you become elite.

    Tacky, ...... but elite. :lol:

  5. CSE, Ed (Tracy) and Dan, S.N.O.B. will definitely be on there. I can ask about adding names and S.N.O.B. numbers.

    Steve - $25 won't get it as his regular shrits are about twice that and custom shirts a bit more. I'm trying to put a group buy together to keep costs down though.

    So far we have:

    Mike Hughes

    CSE Martin

    Ed Deegan

    Tracy Deegan

    Dan Sierpina

    Corey Estill

    Aki Dale




    Merlin (2)

    Alan Meek

    I'm in.

    And just for the record, I like "Single Stack Elite" or "Single Stack Elitist" better than snob but whatever you guys want I'm still in.


  6. Match DQ rulings are generally based on the premise of unintentional and unsafe gun handling.

    An accidental discharge.

    A dropped gun during a course of fire.

    Sweeping, 180 violation, etc, etc.

    About the only deliberate act I can think of would be handling ammo in a safe area.

    Even then it's usually not malicious.

    Just a case of brain freeze.

    Because these actions are inadvertent and correctable, we send the shooter home and invite them to come back and try again.

    However, when someone intentionally commits a flagrant safety violation, the consequences should go beyond a match DQ.

    Someone who has a fit of frustration and throws an unloaded gun at a berm is a serious issue. It goes to emotional stability.

    In my opinion that would warrant a severe reprimand and at least a temporary suspension.

    Someone tossing a hot weapon in the air is completely reckless.

    It shows a total lack of regard for their own safety and the safety of innocent people that may be in the vicinity.

    In the context of our sport, totally unacceptable.

    If someone is suspended from all USPSA competition, how does that work.

    Does Sedro keep a list that is updated an distributed to all clubs?


  7. Flex touched on my answer before I could type it.

    You obviously love your SVI and you don't want to part with it,... so don't.

    I wouldn't spend the time, money and sweat to transform it into an open gun.

    The real answer here is to correct the sight focus issue.

    You have identified the problem.

    That's half the battle.

    It's a problem with shooter.

    Why try to solve a problem with the shooter by fixing the hardware?

    Fix the shooter.


  8. I have a P18.9 LDA that's been in my collection for several years now.

    It got off to a rocky start because it wouldn't group.

    I had a Schuemann barrel fitted and the problem was resolved.

    It's a decent carry gun and that's what I use it for.

    With 18+1 I don't have to concern myself too much with extra mags.

    It probably wouldn't be ideal for production but it is certainly usable for that purpose.


  9. N320 is one of many powders that will work great in the 45.

    N320 is my powder of choice for the .40 w/ 180

    I have also used N340 with good results with a 200gr MG in .40

    Don't load 38 spl so can't say.

    I have used N330 in the 9mm with a 147 but prefer Titegroup.


  10. I agree with Flex that expanding into multigun tends to attract shooters that are already involved.

    If you want to get new shooters, there is a deep pool of potential members out there.

    We just find the best way to tap into it.

    There are literally millions of handgun owners and many of them have no idea USPSA even exists.

    They buy a gun for defense or just cause they like to shoot.

    They occasionally punch paper at the nearest indoor range or they take their blasters outdoors where ever they can find a place to plink.

    Get them to one match and they are usually hooked.

    I know because I was one of those guys.

    I discovered action pistol when I went to a charity match sponsored and publicized by the local police dept.

    That got me to a local club and an IPSC career.

    Something local clubs could do would be a membership drive.

    Print flyers and place them in local gun shops.

    Encourage club members to bring a buddy.

    Better yet give them some incentive.

    Bring a new shooter to a match and your name goes in the hat for a gun give away at the end of the year.

    How to grow the sport is and interesting question.

    That begs the question, grow into what? How much growth would you envision?

    20,000 members? 100,000? Where do you want it to go?

    I think we'd all like to see the sport become more mainstream and a little less fringe.


    There are only so many ranges available to us.

    A lot of major matches are filled to capacity and some such as Nats and Single Stack Classic have waiting lists.

    The local guys can always make room for more but there are self limiting factors.

    When you have so many shooters that every club match has huge squads and takes all day to get five stages in, you will start to push people away instead of drawing more in.


  11. I don't see why this is a bad thing.

    If you don't care about any of the magazines, dump it.

    Otherwise, free is free.

    That said I dumped my for the simple reason that my membership runs for almost another year before it is time to renew.

    I'm not going to do it early and will never keep up with a coupon for that long.

    No one can "automatically" renew a free subscription for money if you don't give them a cc number.


  12. Dustdevil,

    It sounds to me like Howard has given you some good advice.

    You seem to be assembling your loads very carefully and with due dilligence.

    However, I think you would be well served by always starting 10-15% below max and working your way up .1 grains at a time.

    Work up until you get to the PF you want or until loads show signs of erratic result or excess pressure.

    This method has served me well and have never had a problem in 35 years of reloading.

    I used N320 for years but I became disenchanted with Viht due to supply problems and decided to give Titegroup a try.

    TG is a very popular powder for the 40 but I have never been entirely comfortable with it even though it gives better accuracy in my gun.

    The temp sensitivity, heat and the low case volume of Titegroup in the .40 just makes me nervous.

    I still use TG in the .45 where there is more room for error.

    For my .40 I swallowed hard and went out and bought more N320.

    Here is my data for your reference:

    Firearm:SVI INFINITY Range: 25 YDS Primer: FED

    Bullet: 180 ZERO JHP Powder: N320 Case: WIN

    OAL: 1.175

    MV / Charge / 1ST String Group / 2ND String Group / Average

    897 - 4.7 - 1.772 - 2.199 - 1.986

    910 - 4.8 - 1.220 - 2.095 - 1.658

    926 - 4.9 - 1.788 - 2.221 - 2.005

    944 - 5.0 - 1.081 - 1.810 - 1.446

    950 - 5.1 - 1.537 - 2.044 - 1.791

    Firearm:SVI INFINITY Range: 25 YDS Primer: FED

    Bullet: 180 ZERO JHP Powder: TITEGRP Case: WIN

    OAL: 1.175

    MV / Charge / 1st String Group / 2ND String Group / Average

    887 - 4.4 - 1.850 - 1.998 - 1.924

    903 - 4.5 - 1.282 - 1.477 - 1.380

    918 - 4.6 - 1.421 - 1.730 - 1.576

    932 - 4.7 - 1.185 - 0.757 - 0.971

    954 - 4.8 - 1.185 - 0.757 - 0.971

  13. Shooters seem to love those moment of firing pictures.

    It might be fun to post your best muzzle flash photos.

    Maybe we can have a vote for most outrageous muzzle flash pic.

    Extra points awarded for capturing a bullet in flight.

    In stead of a vote, perhaps we could persuade some of the esteemed forum photographers to serve as a panel of judges and pick a winner.

    ysued, eerw, nik all come to mind, I'm sure there are others.

    And of course, our host.


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