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Posts posted by 38superman

  1. I think I'm in a pretty good position to answer this.

    During the 2005 Nationals I finished a stage and holstered my gun.

    It was a speed holster and apparently the gun didn't seat properly.

    The instant I took my hand off of the gun it tumbled onto the ground.

    The R.O. wanted to D.Q. me.

    He took the position that the course was not complete because he had not called "Range is Clear" yet.

    The matter was referred to the Range Master (Amidon) and it was his opinion that once the gun was placed in the holster, it was no different than dropping a gun anywhere else on the range.

    I was not DQ'd and allowed to continue the match.

    As we all know dropping a gun is not a D.Q. offense as long as you don't pick it up.

    It requires an R.O. to supervise.

    This incedent touched off a fire storm of controversy among the powers that be, regarding when a course of fire actually ends.

    I'm told that rules were being considered or amended to deal with this.

    I did not know any of this had happened behind the scenes until I was taking my Level I R.O. class.

    The instructor mentioned the incedent and when he found out he was talking about me said "Oh, so you're the one that's responsible for all this".

    I'm not sure how it was resolved at the NROI but I can tell you for certain that Amidon ruled in my favor.

    I suppose that the specifics of what happened will make all the difference.

    If you drop the gun before it actually goes into the holster, that's a different matter.


  2. I own an STI Edge double stack .45

    My experience with the gun has been that they require a little more tuning to get them to run, but once done, it is has been reliable as any of my other guns.

    When the gun was new, I experienced a lot of feeding problems that turned out to be magazine related.

    I had Bevin Grams tune a set of mags for me and the feeding issues melted away.

    However, I discovered that his follower was radical enought to lock the slide while there was still a round in the gun.

    I ended up having to modify the followers and the slide stop.

    It seemed the the tang on the slide stop would rub the ogive of the bullet and the bullet would engage the slide stop.

    Once that was done all issues went away.

    I use the gun for L10 so I rarely load the mags to capacity but have never been able to get them to hold more than 14+1 loadable.

    Now that the gun is tuned up, I would have no problem using it for self defense.

    It's just too big and heavy to carry but 15 rounds of 45 caliber attitude adjustment makes it an excellent choice for home defense.


  3. Bobby

    Sounds like a great idea, but... <snip> am getting married in 10 days,... <snip>


    YOU'RE DOING WHAT?! :surprise: If this has been discussed here before I'm definitely not spending enough time in the forums!

    When's the wedding?

    Who's the "lucky" lady?

    Is she good with the kids?

    I didn't even know you were in a relationship... When did that happen?

    Are you gonna be allowed to come out and play with your friends?




    Sorry for the thread drift Bobby. Please provide details of the East Bama match.

    I vote for the girl in his Avatar

  4. I'm with you.

    When it comes to winning I don't have much of a chance (yet) but I do keep working at it.

    However, I do learn a lot from these guys.

    The biggest thing I've learned is that I simply need to practice more. ;)

    Come to the Classic.

    The one in October was hands down, the most fun I had at a match all year.


  5. Bobby,

    You should think about driving up to Nashville this weekend.

    NTPS in Dickson will be having their monthly club match.

    There are sure to be a lot of single stack shooters there (myself included), because a lot of folks are getting ready for the Hillbilly Classic this spring (which you should attend) and the SS nats.

    I would be happy to throw 10 bucks in the pot for high overall SS.

    However, I warn you, there are some serious pistoleros shooting SS in this club.

    If you aren't producing master class scores,.... well I hope you don't need the money.


  6. Removing the function of the grip safety is a pretty normal change to a competition 2011.


    You might want to reconsider before you enable the grip safety.

    Sooner or later you will pull the trigger in competition and the gun will refuse to fire because your hold on the grip didn't depress the safety enough.

    The problem may not be apparent, so you end up burning time and trashing the stage while trying to troubleshoot.

    The grip safety on my open gun is disengaged and I've had reason to regret not doing it to other guns.

  7. I am an engineer and I don't believe in anything but provable, repeatable results.

    The scientific method requires us to observe, form a hypothesis, theorize and perform testing to prove the theory.

    If you believe this gun is somehow tainted, put it to the test.

    Have someone go out and point the gun at another state trooper.

    If the the result is the same, the gun is actually cursed and should be disposed of properly.

    I could take care of the disposal for a small fee.

    (All curse verification testing by others). B)


  8. Not me.

    Mine worked perfectly...... for about 10 minutes.

    I called them and they said "replace the battery".

    I did, no change.

    I sent it back and IIRC they kept if for about 4 months.

    When I finally got it back, it still didn't work.

    It's now sitting in a box gathering dust under my loading bench.

    BTW, a digital scale I bought from them has now stopped working too.

    I'm really happy for you guys that have had good results and service from their products.

    Unfortunately, that was not my experience.


  9. I'm with Howard on this one.

    Buy a Springfield and ship it off to your favorite smith.

    Have him hand fit a match barrel and bushing, a high end trigger group, FO sights, Ed brown safety, a quality extractor and a magwell.

    You have now doubled the price of the gun but it is still cheaper than a full blown custom and will shoot like a champ.

    Get some of the new Wilson or Tripp mags and you are in business.

    For what it's worth, in production 1911's, the most accurate off-the-shelf gun I've owned is my Smith & Wesson.


  10. I hate to pass up the Open.

    I missed it last year for the first time since I began IPSC.

    Its 800 miles one way, lodging, $200 entry, ammo and time off work.

    I'd do it anyway if I thought there would be enough Single Stack participation.

    However, over the last 3 years it's only drawn 8,4, and 7 shooters.

    If I'm going to shell out the money and time, I'd like to see enough folks to make the competition more interesting.

    Considering the economy, who knows how it will play out this year.

    I suppose I could take two guns and jump to limited if no one else shows up.


  11. Just out of curiosity, how many of you are planning to shoot SS at the Fla Open?


    I am working that week, so I can't shoot, but it is a great match. It will be very challenging shooting SS at the FL Open for sure

    Z, When we first met I believe it was at the 2005 Fla Open.

    IIRC you were shooting Single Stack in that match.

    It's always a great match but always full of long field courses with high round counts.

    Definately a challenge with a low cap gun.

    I really don't know if I'm going to this one or not.

    There's a limit to how much time I can get off work and there are other matches I want to attend this year.

    We'll see.


  12. A lot depends on whether you buy lead bullets or cast your own.

    If you cast your own:

    Pro's -


    Easier on the gun (bore).

    No supply chain issues, waiting for backorders etc.

    If I roll my own, no politician can ever stop me.

    Cons -




    Can't easily be pushed to the higher velocities that jacket bullets are capable of.


    Casting your own bullets is WORK.

    It's tedious and time consuming.

    For those of you that are accustomed to quickly cranking out thousands of rounds in your Dillon, you will lose your mind trying to produce a thousand lead slugs.

    The upfront cost of the furnace, tooling, dies, molds, lubricators.

    The availablilty of lead.

    You don't just go down to Home Depot and go down the "Lead" aisle.

    I used to melt down wheel weights.

    I would scavenge them wherever I could.

    The alloy is a little less dense and weighs a little light.

    A 240 gr mold would produce a bullet that weights about 235.

    It's also a little harder than your typical lead slug.

    In short, there is no free lunch.

    What you save in dollars you will burn in time.

    I will stick with jacketed.

    I spend a considerable amount of my free time reloading.

    I don't need to add to that if I don't have to.


  13. Timmy,

    I think you should set your ambitions higher.

    After all we are elitist snobs.

    I will never be satisfied with mere voting rights.

    I won't rest until I am vested KCJMBO.

    Knight Commander of the JMB Order.

    In search of knighthood, in April I will embark on a quest.

    A quest to joust with the finest shooters to ever wield the 1911.

    Let me reaffirm my determination to join you my brother in search of glory on the fields of PASA.

    Let it be done.


  14. I have the gear to shoot in any division except Revolver.

    I like them all.

    Each division has its unique appeal and challenges.

    I see no reason to restrict myself to playing in just one sand box.

    I am primarily a Limited shooter.

    In my USPSA career that is the division where I've shot the most.

    I have probably 2 or 3 times more Limited classifiers on file than any other division.

    This fall I shot in the Hillbilly Classic and had a blast.

    I made the commitment to shoot the Single Stack through the winter and go to my first SS nats next spring.

    I've been getting after it pretty hard since then.

    In the last month I've shot the Classic plus 3 or 4 club matches.

    I plan to stick with it until the end of next year.

    After that, .... we'll see.


  15. I wouldn't trade my SVI for anything...... except maybe two more just like it. :wub:

    My Brazos open gun and my SVI are the only guns I own that haven't been to the gunsmith for some sort of upgrade.

    Don't need one.

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