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Posts posted by rvb

  1. Hello: I guess I don't really appreciate the trophies as much as some do. I have trophies that are in boxes somewhere that I have won from different sports. I get my "kicks" from playing the sport and trying to do my best. That means I will win some and lose some. I seem to be losing more than winning right now ;-) I grew up with guys that thought they were going to the pros. When they didn't make it they were crushed. I always played for fun and still enjoy all the different sports I played as a kid. On the other side I don't think trophies should be given just for showing up. At our club everyone is going for 1st overall, not just in there class. After all everyone wants to beat the top dog. Thanks, Eric

    Hi AC6R,

    I think we really are on the same page. Trophies are FAR from the top of the list of why I shoot. Although for that very reason I especially wonder why I'd want one I didn't earn.... I'd rather have a 2nd place trophy than get a 1st place trophy simply because the 1st place guy already got something. Although at a major match recently the RO thought I was nuts 'cause I argued FOR a penalty and was denied, so I might not be of sound mind... :roflol:


  2. Hello: Remember the Division Champion has beaten all the rest in his/her division thus being the Champion. If I was you I would go up a in your division and really earn your trophy ;-) Kidding now. It does not bother me at all. It is better than giving the Division Champion 2 trophies. Spread the hardwear around I say. Thanks, Eric

    I've got a couple DC trophies and a couple "1st" place trophies, too. Believe me, DC is the one I'm after (as well as the make-believe hoa). But why is giving someone a trophy for a finish they didn't actually earn better than giving the DC 2 trophies? I thought "spreading the hardware" ended in pee-wee T-ball.


  3. I think it was done because there is definite performance differences across the divisions in IDPA. Meaning each division is a match in itself more so than a USPSA...CDP specifically is at a advantage in a slide lock reload vs an ESP shooter who has to stow a mag at a reload point. With that said there is also a fair chance an EX might beat all the MA shooters in a division, should he get 1st Place EX or Division Champ? While it is a bit weird it is ok in my opinion....and yes, I have won several DC trophies and have also received 1st Place MA (i.e. 1st Place loser)...just my opinion...YMMV.

    I'm not talking about anything accross divisions. I think the DC should get the DC tophy AND the 1st-place MA/EX/SS/whatever. (edit, or just skip a 1st place trophy and go to 2nd)

  4. The stage at the nationals where you had to shoot the legs drew some criticism, and folks said "it's the same for everyone". And it was deemed ok, likely because it wasn't poor stage design or impractical.

    Yes, There's a difference between silliness and a shooting challenge (ie the small "leg" targets at nats). Whenever I see silliness like the knife/gun is hardcover and hear the "it's the same" arguement, I wonder if it really IS the same for everyone?? As targets were replaced was the hardcover in exactly the same place on the target every time? Were the lines crisp on all those targets to prevent a fuzzy spray-paint border that makes scoring calls subjective? Were the hardcover edges the same after it had been pasted a dozen times?

    IMO, the rule book is to keep silly stages from becoming prevalent.



  5. I'm wondering if anyone else is bothered by this...

    If the "division champion" is also the first place in a given classification, why does the 2nd place competator get a 1st-place trophy, 3rd place gets a 2nd place trophy, etc?

    I've gotten a few of these "1st place" trophies. When someone notices the 1st place trophy and asks about the match, I hate having to explain that I came in 2nd (after making up, err.. "explaining" all the valid excuses I have for not coming in first! haha :lol:). Then I have to explain that, no, I did not beat up the winner and steal his trophy.

    Does anyone else feel they (or others) have trophies they didn't earn due to this practice? First time I received a "higher than deserved" trophy I almost contacted the MD about the "mistake" until someone pointed out what had happened.



  6. As long as ... was the same for everybody, what's the problem?

    From page 51 of the rule book:

    One of the most commonly heard statements about poor course design is “Well, it is the same for everyone”. Please do not use the phrase “it is the same for everyone,” to use stages that trivialize the purpose of IDPA or that are not really practical. Claiming that it will be the same for everyone is a lame way of rationalizing a poor stage or course of fire. Anyone using the line “it is the same foreveryone” to justify a tactically unsound stage should not be allowed to run or design any stages of fire in IDPA. Mistakes will be made in IDPA, but allowing poor course designs to flourish will lead to the demise of IDPA quicker than any other factor.


  7. This was my weekend to be the first looser!

    2nd in SSP/MA at MD State match (and 2nd over all) and 2nd in Production division at Fredericksburg's Steel Challenge.

    So according to my journal here it has been 3 weeks since I touched a gun and 5 weeks since I did any dryfire. Probably 2 months since any serious dryfire regiment. It showed, especially at the MD match.


    I should have won the match. Sloppy execution an some goofy mistakes I've never done before. I did make the most accurate list which was a first (-22). I only lost by 8 seconds. 2.5 was a missed headshot just off the perf (I looked at the hole and thought it was good even though I called a miss on the sight. WTF didn't I make it up? WTF did I look for the hole for conformation?). About 3 seconds was lost due to doing a speed load... had to pick up the mag before I kept shooting, etc. Never done that before. Was way too slow in the dark stage (let the light get blocked by the cover). My head wasn't in it (but we did just get back the night before from house shopping in Ft. Wayne and with everything going on I couldn't shake the outside stresses).

    Steel Challenge:

    Damn that was fun. I had never done steel challenge before. Tonight I'll stick my scores in here so in the future I have a baseline reference for the stages. This match was the first time I ever felt disadvantaged with a DA first shot. 7 stages * 5 strings = 35 critical trigger preps and release timing. On my slower runs I felt myself pausing on the first steel waiting on the hammer to fall. Even 0.1 or 0.2 extra feels like forever and I think a handfull of first-shot hangups were in the 0.3-0.5 range (that really adds up over all the strings).

    SC really shows how my shot calling has improved. I wasn't confident in my shot calling on the first stage or two and I was slower. By the third or fourth stage I was judging hits by nothing other than the sights and noticed an improvement in hits and speed.

    Gripe: Why when I come in 2nd in an IDPA match do I get a first place trophy? You don't need a Division Champ AND a 1st place MA winner. Goofy.



    The Pendulum Accelerator Roundabout Speed Option 5 to Go Showdown Smoke & Hope

    19.46 16.49 14.52 17.87 14.41 13.32 12.68

  8. Short match at York today (was a shotgun match, I just shot the pistol portion). Shot Production. No classifier in today's match which disapointed me (I felt I was really shooting solid today). Some very fun and well thought out stages.

    I was very happy with my shooting, but still came in 2nd at 85%.

    of 5 stages I won 2 and 2nd in a 3rd.

    The other two... steel !!!! wouldn't fall. didn't matter how many times I hit it when it's angled 15 degrees fwd. Two VERY poorly calibrated poppers cost me the match.

    Stage 2 was simply 8 poppers/minis in a row. After clearing the steel I went back and re-hit the one still standing, lowered my gun as it wobbled thinking it would go... but still standing. so I hit it a 3rd time up near the top and it fell (barely). I know that cost me at least 2 seconds, maybe 3. should have left it and called for calibration, I don't think it would have passed, it was leaning almost a foot past vertical

    Stage 5 a popper was used to activate a swinger. I hit it... nothing. I hit it again... nothing. So I doubled it an it finally fell. of course now my reload plan was shot to hell. I didn't even see my scoring at the time I just didn't care since I was pissed but I got home to see 20 points in PE. Did I forget one? i dunno. Didn't call mikes, but there was painted on hardcover everywhere. Another shooter couldn't get it to fall with 4 or 5 solid hits w/ major 40. I definately should have left the popper standing and called for calibration. Came in at 47% on this one. Match Killer.

    Reloads were a little off. I sliced my right thumb open last weekend and it's still taped up, that made me fumble hitting the mag release a couple times.

    I was happy with my hits, speed, planning, and plan execution today. Even "really slowing up" and ensuring good hits on farther targets I had good times. Am I finally believing my own self-talk that good sight pictures don't really add time?

    I cleaned steel arrays several times (discounting the calibration issue).

    I felt I did much better at this match at snapping my eyes during transitions.

    Several of the stages were fairly complicated and I felt very solid in my plans and executions. I've decided this is less of a problem for me in production than it is in open. I think the reloads give me good 'way points' in my plan.

    Time to start preparing for the MD State IDPA match. I was VERY disapointed to learn I won't be able to shoot the steel challenge at fredericksburg due to working that match. Maybe I'll see just how badly the MD needs me to work Sunday.


    *Got a note from one of the guys who set the steel up. I wasn't trying to imply it was set up poorly. I can see that's how my post came across. As soft as the ground was, all it takes for the steel to get way out of calibration is for the bases to get stepped on a time or two. They truly were fun stages and a good setup.

  9. I got dinged once for putting 3 rounds into the head of a target which was supposed to get 2 to the body and one to the head. The torso was largely obscured by no shoots so I put three to the head. That may have been 'realistic' or 'practical' but it violated the rules of the game. (I still maintain the head is part of the body.)

    Game on!

    thread drift.....

    per the rule book, pg 45...

    you are correct, the head is part of the body. For that you get -0.

    However, you still "may" get a procedural since you are skipping the transition from body to head by putting them all into the head.

    This is the most often ignored rule in the new book, imo.

    The "may" get a procedural, however, is yet another gray in the black and white of the book.

    (With my SO hat on and considering the "may,"-If- I would be inclined to give a PE it would be on a wide open target. Avoiding no-shoots partly covering the "torso", I'd say smart move, no PE. With my shooter hat on if a target requires 2+1 and it's up close, I ask the SO if there is a PE for all 3 in the head. Some say yes, some say no. I've also worked matches where the MD declared 3 to the head was no PE prior to the match starting). As both a shooter and SO I really wish the grey's would be made B/W. Make it a PE or not, I don't care, but the "mays" have got to go!


  10. Mud bowl at Fredericksburg 3/6/08. Shot Production.

    Things of note:

    Since I didn't feel like buying new mags after they got sucked into the goo and lost forever and I wanted to get practice in for the upcoming MD state idpa match, I did all retention reloads with only a couple of exceptions. Cost me a second or two on each stage I'd bet, but was good practice.

    Stayed Vertical in the goo. Almost landed on my ass on stage 5 . Foot landed on the fault line which was very slick. Recovered, got back in the box, and 'click.' Don't know if it was a high primer, wet primer, or a sign it's time to change the mainsping. So I lost a LOT of time getting started on that stage.

    Good accuracy yesterday. 1 mike, but that was really a C just outside the A-zone, but it went through the edge of a wall first, so a hard-cover mike. I don't recall any D's, but they may have been there on targets I didn't see scored. A lot of 2As or ACs on targets shot on the move where I was really trying to push my foot speed so I feel I'm improving on that skill.

    Classifier: 99-19 Payne's Pain. 6A/6C, 10.54s. classifiercalc.com has it at 73.2385% which REALLY suprised me. 1st, I almost did a retention reload on the 1st load (got into the habbit of it on the first several stages). Tossed it on the ground vs in my pocket when I realized what I was doing and kept going... so that cost me time. And I felt I was riding the FS vs snapping my eyes to the next target. I really expected my hf to be way too low to count. Either 1) the hhf is too low on that stage or 2) I'm improving to the point I can suck on a classifier and still get a valid percentage, although still under my class. My PD % will go down a hair.

    New CR pouches worked well. I think I like them better than the speedcomps. I really snugged them down so I wouldn't loose mags in the goo and didn't even notice the extra tension.

    I hope my shoes dry out before next weekend.


  11. last night: 90 minutes of dryfire w/ production gear. First time using the CR pouches.

    Went methodically through the first 18 drill in Anderson's book. Only skipped a couple. Only difference is instead of just getting a sight picture and not pulling the trigger on some of the index drills, I did dryfire. I'd been noticing that after shooting a single action gun I was getting lazy about getting on double action trigger. Really worked on getting the shot to break as soon as I saw a good a-zone sight picture.

    W/ the CR pouches I felt I had to lift higher to get the mags out, but but about 50 reps of the burket reloads and a bunch draw/2/r/2's I didn't notice it any more and reloads seemed pretty natural again.

    No exercise last night since I gave blood yesterday.


  12. I haven't looked into all the permit laws and reciprocity agreements yet, but I suppose my non-resident FL permit would be valid (both for ccw and for transporting firearms to the range/matches) while I'm going through the process of getting the lifetime IN ccw permit?

    IC 35-47-2-21

    Recognition of retail dealers' licenses and licenses to carry handguns issued by other states

    Sec. 21. (a) Retail dealers' licenses issued by other states or foreign countries will not be recognized in Indiana except for sales at wholesale.

    (B) Licenses to carry handguns, issued by other states or foreign countries, will be recognized according to the terms thereof but only while the holders are not residents of Indiana.

    As added by P.L.311-1983, SEC.32.

    Answered my own question.... A: not once I become an IN resident.

    So... if/when I move out, there is up to a 60-day window while my permit is being processed (plus however long it takes me to get to the PD to file the app) that -legally- I can not go shoot other than on my own property.


    Guess what will be first on the list of things to do after moving.....


  13. You probably would not know if you are an otherwise law abiding citizen. If you have a gun locked in the trunk of the car how would an honest law enforcement officer come across it? If you gave him permission to search you vehicle. Why would he/she? Why would you consent to any search? What would the probable cause be to search your vehicle without your permission? This is the reality of the situation. If you are legal in all other ways and the gun is out of sight in the trunk you are pretty safe. Start letting your drivers license expire, no proof of insurance, expired plates and stuff like this and get the car towed and the vehicle inventory is likely to bite you in a big way on the gun in the trunk and no permit.

    We are lucky in Indiana in that our state recognizes a permit from anywhere in the country.

    Last spring I was a part of a small group that sat down for an hour or so with a lawyer, and he talked Indiana gun laws with us and everyone learned a lot. It is well worth the time and the expense for everyone to do this. It could really save you some trouble, and if you ever find yourself talking with a LEO then you already kow what can and should occur. I highly recommend it.

    The judge will not care that you were ignorant of the law. Which is ironic in a way because the lawyers present in the case will have spent hours consulting and studying the code to reach the decision that you and or I are expected to know by heart already.

    The concern isn't that I would offer a search of the vehicle or that I don't keep everything else tidy in life, but ... "what if." Sometimes 'shit happens' in life. So let's say somehow I forget to renew my driver's license or due to extensive, sudden work travel don't get to the dmv before it expires and I roll two mph thru a stop sign, now a minor traffic violation leads to "probable cause" and I'm worried about loosing my rights to own guns over not coming to a full and complete stop. I would say THAT is "the reality of the situation" as you put it.

    And you are VERY right about how complex all of this shit is at both state and national level that we are expected to know. That's the first sign that something is wrong with this country when the average person can't quickly read and understand the laws. This is why I'm researching all of this before coming out as I know ignorance is not a legal defense where a prosecutor can have weeks to figure out a way I did something wrong.

    So what if family/friends from out of state are visiting and bring guns.. and they don't have an OH ccw permit? They aren't "moving" as listed in exception? Does federal transportation law trump that? Are they breaking the law? Maybe I found the one "gotcha" that keeps IN from being PERFECT?! :devil:



  14. You need to have a permit to transport the firearm legally.

    Getting caught going to a range with a gun locked in the trunk would be difficult in this state, but not impossible I suppose. You would be fine on your own property shooting.

    Wouldn't traveling from home to the range qualify (unloaded and secured) qualify as transport to a business PER IC 35-47-2-2. I guess I have just never heard of the need for a permit to transport weapons unloaded and secure, between locations in Indiana. Am I wrong or missing something?

    I have never heard of it either, but never really checked into to be honest since I have a carry permit.

    So I called the Indiana State Police Office to confirm this, and yes you have to have a permit to legally transport a firearm to and from a public or private shooting range. You can legally have a firearm on your property without a permit. There are two types of permits, the target permit that allows you to transport firearms to and from shooting facilities and the carry permit, which lets you carry on your person.

    You can apply for a lifetime permit now, it is $125.

    Learned something new....wonder how many people break this law not knowing?

    Wow, Jake. Thanks!

    Gotta love this forum.

    The way the law is worded sounds to me like you just need "a" permit to transport, so if one has a CCW permit to carry on your person, than you wouldn't ALSO need a "target" permit to transport in the trunk, right?

    I haven't looked into all the permit laws and reciprocity agreements yet, but I suppose my non-resident FL permit would be valid (both for ccw and for transporting firearms to the range/matches) while I'm going through the process of getting the lifetime IN ccw permit?

    Thanks again! I appreciate your taking the effort to find out the details from the right people!


  15. Also, I saw somewhere else it mentioned that if you don't have a carry permit, you still have to have a "target permit" or something to be able to legally transport your gun to a range (even un-loaded and in the trunk)??????

    No you can transport unload and locked in trunk without permit.

    Someone refered me to this link this morning where I found the following:


    I've cut out the unrelavant exceptions that definately would not apply to me (leo, mil, etc).

    IC 35-47-2

    Chapter 2. Regulation of Handguns

    IC 35-47-2-1

    Carrying a handgun without a license or by person convicted of domestic battery

    Sec. 1. (a) Except as provided in subsection (B) and section 2 of this chapter, a person shall not carry a handgun in any vehicle or on or about the person's body, except in the person's dwelling, on the person's property or fixed place of business, without a license issued under this chapter being in the person's possession.

    IC 35-47-2-2

    Excepted persons

    Sec. 2. Section 1 of this chapter does not apply to:

    (11) any person while carrying a handgun unloaded and in a secure wrapper from the place of purchase to his dwelling or fixed place of business, or to a place of repair or back to his dwelling or fixed place of business, or in moving from one dwelling or business to another.

    As added by P.L.311-1983, SEC.32.

    In section 4 I see:

    A qualified license shall be issued for hunting and target practice.

    I intend to get a carry permit, but I do find this curious especially since I'm sure there'll be a few months between the time I get there and the time I'd have a permit in hand.



  16. Well, my interview went extremely well (a 6.5 hour interview!). I should know in a week or two if I'll get an offer and if every thing's agreeable, things will happen fast, I'm sure.

    For those who know the Ft. Wayne area ... if I lived, oh, 25 minutes west of 69, what are the odds of finding a property where I could build a practice pit? (in regards to discharging firearms laws and having enough room between neighbors that it wouldn't have them coming to hang me. Where I could chrono and sight in guns and maybe get in a few minutes of live practice the week before a match). Or are there good ranges close enough I shouldn't worry about it? Searching home listings I've already seen one house for sale that listed having a shooting range.

    Also, I saw somewhere else it mentioned that if you don't have a carry permit, you still have to have a "target permit" or something to be able to legally transport your gun to a range (even un-loaded and in the trunk)??????



  17. I have a pair of the Slip Carbons. I bought them at Summer Blast last year from Red Dot Shooting. Got tired of using cheapy glasses that hurt my nose/ears and fogged up all the time, and having to switch between dark/clear depending on weather or sun position.

    The red seems to help the dot pop on the open gun. I've not had a problem with fogging lenses (good ventilation). The little bag they include does a good job cleaning the lenses.

    I can't really offer an opinion on the color-changing aspect. I don't notice it. I can't decide if 1) it works so well I don't notice it or 2) it doesn't do squat. I lean towards the 2nd. But they are still decent glasses at a decent price (especially if you can get them from a match vendor where you'll get a good deal and avoid shipping, etc). And I've not had to change lenses when it's overcast vs bright and sunny (so maybe they really do work, i dunno).


  18. A very sincere THANK YOU everyone for the info in this thread.

    I fly out this weekend to have a formal interview on Monday.

    I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I like them, they like me, and they like me enough to pay me decent. :rolleyes:

    Seems like a good area to live with the ability to live in a rural setting, low cost of living, nearer to family, and LOTS of shooting.

    Here's hoping! :cheers:


  19. Took the past week off practicing. Tonight was the first time strapping on the gear since VIR.

    45 minutes dryfire w/ idpa gear. Lots of fundamentals. Set up a bianchi baricade to practice shooting from cover.

    Worked on some idpa-specific stuff like "2 to the body plus 1 to the head" and retention reloads.

    Last night went to the range w/ an old buddy who wanted to learn to shoot. He took my NRA basic class a year ago or so and wanted to test drive a glock 22 before buying so we rented one.


  20. And given Leatham's SS record, does there need to be another class in that other game? A Great-Grand-Master division? That would only be "fair" to the other GM's who "deserve" a chance to win, right? :ph34r: Heck, call it the TGO class and only let him in. :ph34r: It's just an extreme, silly example of what we're talking about in idpa, imo.


    rvb, I'm not getting your point. When has there been a big enough difference between GM's that would justify a Great-Grand-Master division? I'm not sure if you're saying that I'm being silly, or you're trying to be silly, or who is being silly? Huh? What just happened?

    Sorry CSEMARTIN, I guess that I wasn't clear. I was trying to make the point that the whole discussion comes down to what degree we separate the skill levels. We can split the class and have a very tight upper tier so that more "mediocre masters" (or "mediocre GM's" in my silly example) can be "winners" or we can keep the status quo. My example WAS silly... a one-person class so that other GM's can win. But the argument on why it's "necessary" are the same, silly or not.... More people could say they were "winners" at something (while not coming in at the top). I was hoping my silly/extreme example would shed light on why I don't think it's necessary.

    You didn't quote the real crust of my point.. that all we are doing is adding trophies so more people can say they were "1st place" at something. Why? Prize money is not on the line. Prize table is not on the line. A book deal is not on the line. TMZ won't start following you around. Just bragging rights are on the line. I'm content to come in 25th and 60 seconds back to someone who out-performs and out-prepares me. I don't feel if I got whooped up on I should still deserve a trophy.

    To get a trophy for being the "best" of the subclass honestly doesn't mean a great deal. Getting trophies is fun and I keep all mine, but I'd know I was still 25th no matter what trophy I got. And I'd look at how to close that gap next time. I guess Gary and I seem to agree and we are among a small crowd who feels that way, the minority like you said. But I know we are not the only ones who look at combined results regardless of what class we shoot in to see how we compare against the best.

    IDPA borders on pee-wee T-ball with it's 1-in-3 getting a trophy as it is ("everyone's a winner!"). Now we feel we need to add more?

    I hope that better explains where I was coming from. If a new class were instantiated, I wouldn't be upset; I'd have another goal to add to the list. But as a "mediocre" or "amateur" or "non profession" master, I don't get upset if I see a gap between me and the top guys, I think endlessly about how to close it and what time-frame to give myself on that goal based on my budget/time/etc.


  21. I believe there needs to be a GM classification. Rob Leatham is a Singles Stack GM and a CDP Master. Come on people, get F$%^ing real.

    And given Leatham's SS record, does there need to be another class in that other game? A Great-Grand-Master division? That would only be "fair" to the other GM's who "deserve" a chance to win, right? :ph34r: Heck, call it the TGO class and only let him in. :ph34r: It's just an extreme, silly example of what we're talking about in idpa, imo.

    Considering we are talking about a trophy-only game, where is the harm in "loosing" to TGO or other talented shooters other than not having "1st place" bragging rights? What's more fun, saying you came in 1st due to an arbitrary line in the sand or saying you took a run at TGO, Sevigny, Olhasso, etc etc and came in 10th or something? I guess while occassionally getting a trophy is fun, I'm not a trophy collector. The "gap" in scores only gives me incentive to practice.

    For the extra round of trophies required will you also support slightly higher match fees at major matches? For smaller sanctioned matches does it seem reasonable to support a class that might have only 1 shooter?


  22. crashed and burned at VIR. 4 misses, 2 pe, 1 no shoot if I remember right. As I was shooting I had no clue what I was doing. that's what happens when you do 10 walkthrus at the beginning of the match, and you shoot the same stage twice but differently, and both times you shoot it the rounds on target is mixed w/in ea string.... do I shoot him 2x? 3? 2+1? hell. The couple of stages that were consistant both runs I did well on (2 ea kinda thing). oh well. put it out of mind. I sucked there last time I shot there in '05, too.

  23. If I can offer up for debate, I propose a "professional class". Professional class shooters are still in the run for division champion, and compete against each other in that class, and in the listing will be listed above master class in terms of difficulty. This class is for shooters who receive compensation from sponsors in excess of a chosen dollar amount. This will pretty much bottle up the super squad shooters and insulate them from the people who have a day job.

    Hi Ted,

    While I am also against a new "GM" class, I'm VERY against this idea. I had to think about it a while to figure out why it bothered me and then how to put it into words.

    I'll preface my comments by saying that I've never been sponsored and probably never will be. Biggest door prize I've ever won is a holster. I'm a rank and file trigger puller.

    I think this idea belittles all that the "advanced" shooters have accomplished. It perpetuates excuses among the rank and file ("I could do that too if I had..."). It perpetuates the myth that you can be good by having $/equip thrown at you instead of the understanding that you have to be very good and competitive to get the backing that well-sponsored and factory shooters have. It also makes it less likely that lower-class shooters will seek or get small sponsorships from the small shops. If there ever would be an "advanced" classification (which I doubt Wilson will ever do), it should be bestowed on people who have earned it through whatever metric is applied, and not be assigned based on something not shooting-related ($).

    If a "professional" label were applied, I would think a subcategory like "senior" or "law enforcement" would be sufficient. Although rather than rewarding that subcategory for their shooting, I'm afraid it would become a black eye with people saying things like "I beat so-and-so and they're supposed to be a 'professional.'"



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