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Posts posted by rvb

  1. Amazes me that most of todays computers still have moving parts. Incredible link to what? 18th century data storage? I doubt will see (or hear) anything spinning in a computer in a couple years. It's a strange combination of the very new and very old.


    I'm sure for home/entertainment use you will soon see solid state based computer systems, but they won't/can't [soon] be for power users. Only magnetic has the long term storage reliability and the unlimited write capacity. Most flash systems are still limited to 10k write cycles. And they are too sensitive (unreliable) for important data storage. For your pictures or games etc they are fine and you might never notice a flipped bit, but for banking/military/medical/etc they just don't have anywhere near the reliability required (which is why real HDDs and tape reels are still used). Maybe someday, but I doubt it'll be on silicon.


  2. Negative...I am simply pointing out that, as responsible gun owners, we should all be able to account for our ammo, and bring to the range only what we intend to USE for the match. Are you telling me that you cannot be that responsible? How about going through the airport checkpoint with a few stray rounds rolling around in your bag, and seeing how it goes over? If you can do it when you go on a plane, you can do it when attending a USPSA match.

    Wow. So now we are comparing the match staff to the TSA? Not only would I not want to shoot that match, I wouldn't want to work it.

    I bet in 2 minutes you could google the TSA rule saying "thou shalt not take ammo to the terminal." *

    I bet it will take you longer to find the rule saying "thou shalt not have more than one type of ammo in your posession" in the uspsa book.

    If the book meant that, it would have a rule saying "Possession of any ammo other than your intended match ammo is a DQ." But it doesn't.

    My backup open gun is my production gun. Damn skippy I'm bringing minor ammo with me.

    I agree we are all ABLE to do what you say. I disagree that a "not-intended-for-match-use ammo ban" is the solution to the [almost nonexistent] problem.


    ps. I'm glad that 99.9% of these types of discussions exist on the internet so match days are 99.9% a real hoot.

    * I saw in the news today TSA let some guy on a plane who brought inert grenades with him!


    Apparently TSA understands 5.5.4. :roflol: Since he didn't intend to use it they didn't penalize him!

  3. I wore an old jacket to a match that I hadn't worn in at least a year or more. I put my hand in the pocket at one point and found a whole handfull of ammo. mixed cals. none appeared to be ammo I had loaded. I'm guessing from picking up live rounds when ro'ing. major? minor? who knows. I sure wasn't shooting any of it through MY production gun.

    Are you all seriously saying that any of the 9mm in that pocket was "match ammo?" You got to be joking. 5.5.4 says your joking as I sure as heck wasn't using that ammo.

    As long as we are making up rules, why stop at the range bag? Doesn't that slippery slope lead you to my truck where I could just as easily stash ammo? Should we subcontract the TSA to come screen for extra ammo on our person or "carry on luggage?"


  4. Brian has posted a drill that he and TGO used to do. They called out their time goal before they shot a drill. The kicker was that they were to get as close to the goal as possible...without going faster the the goal.

    Funny you mention that... I was just re-reading that section of his book tonight about 2 hours ago.

    A little different it seems, but subtly so. He talks about intuitively pausing on the last shot to make the time if he was faster than expected on the earlier shots.

    My goal was not the baseline par time but to shoot w/o the tension and to see where I ended up relative to the par time. I was pleasantly surprised when I beat it. But I dogear'd that page so I'd remember the drill next time I go to the range. (although by now just about EVERY page is dog ear'd, so it doesn't really help any more to find what I'm looking for!).


  5. Shot production this weekend at IN17.

    VERY happy with my shooting. Only stage I lost was due to non-shooting stupidity... they had two stages in one bay, shot you on the first stage and kept you hot to walk over and shoot the second stage. Put a partial mag in my first mag pouch. Doh. First time I think I've done that. Probably cost me 4 seconds with the "click, Tap/rack, 'oh shit!' reload." Rode the slide lock so it didn't lock back.

    First stage I shot was a 32-round field course (carry $bag in WH, drop in bucket 1/2way down course). Engaged 8 targets on the move, and moving pretty aggressively. Practice there has pd off. Did have 14Cs though...

    Next stage was a real hose fest. Table draw, 4 targets at 3 yds, reload, and again on the same 4 targets. 4.57 sec. That's fun!

    Last stage was 24 rounds through ports. All As!

    Classifier was 08-02, Steeler Stds. 15A, 3C, 2D, 14.78 = 5.8185hf... should be ~85.9%.

    shot 88.6% of the points. too many Cs on the field course (and 2 Ds on 08-02 :ph34r: )


  6. Here is a tidbit I recently discovered that has helped my dryfire practicing (and as a result my match performance).

    We are all familiar with Steve Anderson's Refinement and Repetition. For most of the drills Steve suggests doing a certain number of reps above your "baseline," so many reps at your baseline, and a few below that baseline. I've been following that recipe for probably 18 months and it works very well. But lately I was stagnant. I hadn't even opened my book in months as I knew for most of the drills (including some of my own drills) what my baseline is. But I stopped seeing an improvement in my comfortable baseline, I stopped taking notes cause nothing was changing.

    I realized I was suffering from "timer trauma." ... Too hell bent on TIME. I was very tense. I was just trying too damn hard. This began bleeding over into my matches as I could just FEEL the tension in my arms and shoulders and belly at the "standby!" command. I decided I needed to forget about time and "learn" to relax.

    Here is the technique I thought might help:

    After I've completed a dryfire drill, including after "pushing" myself by going below my baseline, I do another 3-5 reps AT my baseline, or even a couple tenths over. In other words, after going faster, I go slower. My goal on these reps is pure relaxation and seeing all A's. Actually finishing w/in the baseline time was secondary. I hoped that I could prove to myself that I could hit my baseline times w/o being tense and focusing on speed.

    The result??? I found myself waiting on the par buzzer!

    I did this for the past two weeks and shot a local match this weekend. It was one of my best performances since idpa nats last year [i didn't go this yr :(].

    Instead of tanking the classifier stage, I decided I was going to shoot it like an "above baseline" dryfire drill.... Take my time and make my hits. I finally shot another M level classifier which will pull me even closer to Master. Now I have experienced the "feeling" and can carry it better completely through my dryfire session and into matches. And if I lose that feeling I have a technique that works for me to get back to it. My baseline times are getting slashed!

    One final tidbit, The CED7000 timer is great w/ it's repeat par time function, but I didn't realize how IT was rushing me. Give yourself plenty of time between repeated beeps so you don't feel rushed to get set for the next repetition!

    I would be interested to hear feedback on this.

    I realize that a "speed focus" is not a new problem, but I don't recall hearing a specific dry-fire technique to help cure it. So I hope my learning helps someone.


  7. Hey RVB. Getting close to finishing my open Beretta....(took longer then I thought). J Point 8 min is mounted, and now the frame is going to be getting a new finish. Have a ghost holster from Germany Speedsec 5 (sweet holster and very fast). This open Beretta I did was not only because I eat, sleep and breath Beretta, but because I was told it can't be done. I say it can.

    It's going to be used for steel. If done correctly, the trigger from DA to SA can be scary smooth, at this point I don't even notice it anymore it's that smooth. I had the best in the country do some CNC accurizing to it, steel rail inserts, conical cone barrel bushing, barrel stabilizers, KKM NM barrel, and the list goes on.

    Also, this pistol I am building up will be the blueprint for a special pistol from Beretta USA. That's all I can say for now. All that has to get done is refinish the frame, and it's done......(these builds take forever). But, there is not another one like it anywhere, it is custom at almost every point.

    Can't wait to post pics of it...............later...........


    Hi pb,

    I've seen your pictures on the beretta forum. There IS a lot of good work there. Did not realize ghost had a holster to fit the 92s, so that rules out one roadblock.

    My big concern was using it in uspsa open division at major pf. I really don't think the 92 would stand up well to that. Look at how many guys break frames trying to compete w/ 96s and that's w/o a comp hanging off the end or the other modifications. Since you say you are shooting steel, I assume that means minor pf, so that may not be an issue for you as it is for most of the people here.

    I would still be concerned about those rails and screws holding up after a lot of hard practice and matches in a uspsa environment. Aluminum and steel have different thermal expansion coefficients and those fun old 32-round courses or a few practice bill drills or timing drills will put a lot of heat cycles on those joints. Those rails were designed for guys shooting at perry and I can't imagine that putting the same stress on the gun. But again that's looking at it from a practical shooting point of view, not steel with a few rounds and re-holster for another string.

    Please note that I'm NOT saying it will not work or that you are wrong for doing it or anything like that. I always think it's neat to see someone doing something "different" (hell, I actually shoot berettas, and that's being "different" enough in uspsa/idpa!). I'm just expressing some thoughts that kept ME from trying anything similar. Please feel free to come back after 10k, 20k, 50k rounds and tell me my thoughts were wrong. (actually, I never would have done the accurazing work, I find a stock 92 plenty accurate for practical shooting).

    As far as competing w/ S_I's, even if you end up with a gun that's more reliable and more accurate and flatter shooting, I -personally- still wouldn't choose it. I'd bet you have 2x in that gun what I paid for my STI. And in uspsa terms it still would lack mag capacity, or confidence at 170pf, and it would still be a DA/SA (which while not a handicap 90% of the time, DOES slow my first shot if its tight or long or WHO). So for those reasons I also wouldn't recommend it to someone trying to venture into open.

    good on ya for taking on such a project!


  8. I go with J-frame in a pocket, of if I am going to bother with a holster it will be a Commander 45 IWB, if for some reason I have to go somewhere I need more I go with a G22 IWB and deal with concealing it. Concealing a baby Glock (or an M&P) is only very slightly easier than concealing a duty sized gun, I don't bother.


    642 .38 spl in my pocket right now with 5 extra rounds on a bianchi strip. Only the majority of the time it's in a galco pocket holster.

    Sig P220 (.45acp) if I'm traveling the freeways or have to go somewhere I don't really want to go.


  9. Don't forget the part about...making sure your mouth is closed. For real.

    In addition to it keeping the noise level down it also prevents you from looking silly in action photos. Two for one kind of thing.

    Don't forget the nose too. The eustachian tubes connect your nasal cavity to your ears. Ok, so plugging your nose and your ears is completely unreasonable but I was just trying to make the point that sound waves get to your eardrums from more places than your ear canal.

    You want him to close his mouth AND put plugs in his nose? HSMITH seems like a perfectly nice fella, why are you trying to kill him?

    Might be ok for those turn-n-burn classifiers but you GOT to breath sometime on those long field courses. You're just cruel!


  10. Well, thanks guys... I think I'm still just as confused. :P But some good info there to help me decide. I guess it'll just come down to how fat my wallet is feeling when I go to order it. I think I'm still leaning towards a loaded model.

    For now I'm not looking for a project gun. I can see me building one down the road but I have too many other guns I'm in the middle of building or have plans to build.. a new baby doesn't leave much time for yet another so for this gun I'm looking to buy new.

    Patrick, beautiful rifle you have there!

    take care,


  11. Reid got off the respirator on Wednesday. What an accomplishment! He's a whopping 2lb 11oz now.

    He's still on pressurized oxygen support, but it sure beats having that tube down his throat.

    Let's see, today he's 6 weeks old. Our goal is to have him home at Thanksgiving...


  12. I searched but all could find was M1A vs [brand x] or scout vs socom vs full length...

    I'm planning to pick up a new Springfield M1A sometime soon.

    I will shoot some 3-gun with it (just 2-3 times per year though, I don't shoot 3-gun too often).

    Slight possibility will see some high-power use, but not seriously, just for fun.

    So I know I want a full-sized rifle. I know I plan to shoot irons. Leaning towards a stainless barrel.

    So do I go with a std grade gun? Loaded? NM? SM? Most importantly... why?

    Leaning towards a 'loaded' model for the better trigger and NM [non-hooded] sights. Is the upgrade to NM or SM worth it for the accuracy?

    Is there a different level of maintenance between the difference models? I want a gun that's going to RUN for years....

    Planning on the walnut stock. Any reason that is 'wrong?'

    Thanks for helping an M1A newbie out!!


  13. I've been in the PC world since the early days (early 80s - PCs 8088, 8086.. 1MB memory.. finally 10MB hard drives)

    My new phone takes a Micro-SD card.. I was ordering some stuff.. decided to get one.. just to put some music on it..

    And it came with the SD holder, so I can use it as SD card too

    all for only $7.99 for a 2GB card...

    simply mind boggling how far things have gone in 20 years...

    It's like disk storage:

    I have a small development server that has 2.5 TBs (2 packages of 147GB wide SCSI drives) on it for SQL work...

    20 years ago it could have stored our entire companies on-line systems.

    The coolest thing is the usb hard drives. Hell, I'm only 30 and I remember trying to back up on those clunky tape drive system. Took all night, was noisy, the error correction and verification took forever. Now you plug in a USB cable and back up your entire PC in minutes.

    How long before we have a complete OS/computer on a thumb drive? Just plug into your keyboard which has built-in video drivers??? ..... take your computer with you......

  14. We're basically at or well beyond 1000X multipliers of all the copmments.. except the chip speeds..

    Figuring the first IBM XTs:

    4.77 Mhhz

    1MB memory

    10MB Disk

    Even that's way understating the improvements. Again... it's about SPEED data rate. Size and clock speed are not the whole picture.

    Sure, your HDD is 1000x bigger, but access times, spin rate, buffering, etc are way improved so 1000x doesn't even begin to compare them.

    Same with memory, we now have DDR and dual ports where data comes on both clock edges and reads and writes at the same time, and bus speeds are monster. So again 1000x doesn't even come close to true improvement.

    The u-processors seem to be the easiest comparison, but clock speed doesn't tell you anything, really. when you start considering the bus widths, the pipelining, the on-board cache rams, and now we have multi-core u-ps, 1000x wouldn't even begin to compare, so true performance gain the processors have seen is lightyears ahead of the periferals. When you start having clock periods in the ps, you get to a point you just can't go any faster w/ trasistor designs. So you get performance by design, ie doing more in parrallel on each clock cycle vs trying to pump the data serially like on that old IBM you mentioned. I'd bet measured in "flops" or operations per second the improvement factor would be in the millions, not thousands.

    Now, if we weren't burdoned w/ such crappy bloated software (thank you MS) your computer would REALLY scream. Why should a word processing tool require such computing power???


    ETA: Realize that more memory is GOOD so less gets written to the HDD, but if you are a casual user, faster mem is more important that bigger mem. Pull up your system monitor right now and see how much of the ram is being used. [ctrl-alt-del]. Right now I'm using 25% and my computer is a couple years old. Bigger RAM is really only critical if you are a real power user (not just typing all day, but running engineering software or crunching a lot of data).


    [microelectronics design engineer by day, practical shooter by night]

  15. My hand held GPS unit has about thirty times more memory than the huge water cooled Burroughs main frame (nearly a half block long and a full story high with 8 or 10 operators) that my employer had in the late 1960s.

    I think it's a ripoff that PC memory cards are still so much more expensive that SD type memory.

    common, as a practical shooter you should KNOW that SPEED AINT CHEEP.

    True for electronics, too.


    eta: Small bus widths and slow performance is why the SD stuff is cheap. You'd be lucky to be able to surf BE.com if your PCs memory was made of that stuff it would be so slow.

  16. OMG I'm still ROTFLMOA! I can't bring myself to read the comments. Someone PLEASE post a video response to this crap. Like an El Prez in 6 seconds (the same time it took them to put two rounds and an armadillo downrange.

    Surely someone has an airsoft and a friend who would be willing to take some pellets while tactical flopping?


  17. 30 minutes dryfiring PD gear.

    worked on trigger control SHO/WHO.

    worked on shooting on the move, experimenting with different levels of bent knees and gun extension. Don't know if I have solid conclusions after tonight except I need more practice. My initial impression is that what feels "natural" must be what's right as that's what kept the sight on target the best. Used my 1/4 scale targets to simulate trying to move laterally engaging 15-25 yd targets.

    then for kicks I worked on sho/who on the move. that's fun! (seriously, challenging!)

    I made a new drill, El Rvb. Decided to mix up the el prez a bit and put some hard cover on the targets. T1 was painted black across the bottom exposing about the top 1/3 of the A, T2 was painted black on both sides leaving the Azone stripe down the middle, and T3 diagonal from the top angle of the right shoulder to the top angle of the lower left. Really made me focus on the FS and call the shots. Ran the drill clean and smooth consistantly in about 6.50.

    Did a couple 2-R-2 drills, a couple bill drills, and a few bill-R-bill drills.

    Then I went back and did them all off the timer. Trying to work on being relaxed and getting the tension out.

    Something occurred to me tonight as I botched a reload (the only one I botched tonight, iirc). I botched the RL on 99-08 this weekend, too, with the same problem. I missed the mag well by running the mag right up beside the gun along the grip! Tells me two things... I didn't get the gun to my "natural" reload point and (most importantly!) I wasn't looking the mag into the well! I decided to really focus on the reload, even drastically slowing things up if need be.... and I beat my par by a decent margin each time... hmmm... duh. Sometimes it's a matter of DOing what we KNOW to be true instead of trying to FORCE a solution.

    Relax. Look. These are my key goals for the next couple of months.


  18. "...beverage entry tool..."
    Sounds suspiciously like a garden variety can/bottle opener... <_<

    garden variety?!?!?!?!?

    No, No, No. It's tactical. That means it's better FASTER.

    Fixed... faster is very important when getting to your beverage!


  19. Shot production at the Fort Wayne club today, IN05.

    Had a mixed match. Due to forgetting to stop for breakfast/coffee when I was near the house I had neither when I got to the range and was STARVING and shaking from lack of cafine (I thought I'd see SOMETHING along the way like McDs or gas station or something that'd have some coffee at least, but NO!). RO even commented on my shakiness. And the sun was at just the wrong angle low in the sky on the first two stages I couldn't see my sights worth shit. All I could see was the red fiber. Now that I've made up my excuses... 2 mikes on both of the first two stages and one was 99-08, so there's another tanked classifier. By the 3rd stage the sun was higher and my body had come to terms w/ the lack of energy/cafine, the shakes went away, and I shot much better.

    Lesson for the day:

    Dryfire is good, but live fire is important, too.

    In addition to all my excuses on the first two stages I shot, my timing sucked. I felt like the gun was all over the place and the sight wouldn't track correctly for me at all. It seemed like it took forever for the sight to get back on target and was very inconsistent in how it tracked and where it settled. By the 3rd stage I think I had enough 'practice' from the first two stages that I had my timing back. I think a couple afternoons and a couple thousand rounds of ammo for timing drills would do me a world of good... ha!... like I have time for that...


  20. You're placing the if in the wrong part of the rule book. There is no "if" in 9.1.5. There is nothing in the descriptive addendums that change the overriding definition of the scoring area as being impenetrable.

    Which is why I think the grammar sucks.

    The end result of the is that if the hit is "wholly within" the NS then "the hit on the subsequent paper target will not count for score or penalty." However if the hit "strikes partially within" then "the hit on the subsequent paper target will also count for score or penalty".

    So the question becomes "what is a hit?" Can you cut a hole in half and just score half a hole? It JUST says "the hit ... will also count for score." Nothing about "the part that would not have passed through the NS" is in there. Maybe that's the crust of the question. Lets say the question is not that it's impenetrable, but how to SCORE. Again, IMO, adding words that are not there. It says to score the hit. Scoring will get VERY complicated VERY quickly if angle of engagement and distance from the target are required to call the score as mentioned above. I'm an engineer... I'll bring a protractor and calculator to matches from now on... hahaha!!


    ps. I love these threads, I learn a lot. If after all said and done you've changed my mind, COOL! :)

  21. 9.1.5 seems too simple to even be having this debate, imo... never heard of not scoring the whole bullet hole when a NS is partially hit.

    as I read it, wholly w/in the NS, the NS = Impenetrable. partly w/in the NS, the NS = softcover (no mention of "partial holes" on the scoring of the target, just that the "hit" counts for score).

    Seems many are adding extra information that isn't there. Also seems many are ignoring the important "if" ... that they are Impenetrable "IF..." It's not an absolute that NS = Impenetrable.

    From a grammar standpoint it could be worded better. especially. The colon after "deemed to be impenetrable" in 9.1.5 implies the following is a list of conditions to make that case true when are cases where which make the case false. But the idea gets across pretty easily regarless, imo.


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