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Posts posted by DougCarden

  1. It is the first generation Mr. Bulletfeeder actuator. It may not be beveled enough at the top and if you adjust the actuator down too far to open up the case for the bullet you will end up breaking the bottom half of the powder measure. I went through several bases when I was loading commercially before my machinist fixed it. Have your machinist relieve the top of the actuator or just buy a new version from DAA. The new ones work great. I don't know why mine was like that, and for all I know I could have adjusted it wrong. I know the new ones from DAA work just fine.


  2. My implant was done 7 years ago. Cost 1300 after the damn insurance wouldn't cover it. Injury happened in July and the dead tooth because of it didnt materialize until December.....Merry Christmas to me. Tooth was extracted and denatured cow bone put in the hole. 3-4 months to heal up then the stud and tooth was put in. No problems at all here but follow the instructions about keeping your mouth clean when the bone is healing up. If you smoke or chew you will most likely have complications with it healing quickly. Teeth issues suck, but you have to do it.....


  3. The match itself was run very well. Good RO's and staff. The range and everything was as good as it gets. The pre match info was non existent. If you were a new shooter you did not know what was going on or where to start. There was no indication of the bays which stage it was.

    When we finished on Sunday afternoon around 530pm we stowed our gear and sat down ready for results. That took at least an hour and a half and then results were posted. There was problems with the results after some people complained. The stats lady then stormed off. We then sat there with no info or idea what the problem was. People started getting upset and leaving. It was down to under 50 people when the "awards" started close to 9pm. They started doing the overalls and class winners. My friend who got a plaque for placing in Open got a coffee mug in the shooter bag for his "prize". I myself was called up to the open table twice. I only realized this when they started on the limited table and refused to go up when they called my name since I had gone up twice already. Out of the two bags the only "donated" item was a Starline certificate. I was told that they did not follow their own rules and paid out guns to GMs down the places even though there were not enough GMs to pay out that deep, which took guns away from the other classes that had enough shooters in the class.

    The above information is what actually happened. I was there and have no reason to make any of this stuff up.

    I have attended national matches for over 20 years and this was the worst executed one I have been to. I myself have run national level matches and understand how they work and why things go wrong. I hope they can bounce back from this. I have not seen results posted, or any explanation or, most importantly, an apology issued to the shooters that paid for the match, were in the heat all day, and then sat there for hours with no access to any water or food unless they brought it themselves. Several sponsors I know were less than impressed.

    It says something when in years past there was beer there after the match while waiting for the results and this year there wasn't because they most likely didn't want to spend the money.....

    I attended the first PRO AM matches in Tulsa, and was excited that I was able to make it this year. Let's just say on the way home I did not feel the same way...... I will spend my hard earned money some where else next year.

    If this causes anyone heartburn so be it but as consumers we need accurate info to pick and choose where we spend our money.


    Doug Carden
    USPSA A-21848
    ICORE IA 8465

  4. The match itself was run very well. Good RO's and staff. The range and everything was as good as it gets. The pre match info was non existent. If you were a new shooter you did not know what was going on or where to start. There was no indication of the bays which stage it was.

    When we finished on Sunday afternoon around 530pm we stowed our gear and sat down ready for results. That took at least an hour and a half and then results were posted. There was problems with the results after some people complained. The stats lady then stormed off. We then sat there with no info or idea what the problem was. People started getting upset and leaving. It was down to under 50 people when the "awards" started close to 9pm. They started doing the overalls and class winners. My friend who got a plaque for placing in Open got a coffee mug in the shooter bag for his "prize". I myself was called up to the open table twice. I only realized this when they started on the limited table and refused to go up when they called my name since I had gone up twice already. Out of the two bags the only "donated" item was a Starline certificate. I was told that they did not follow their own rules and paid out guns to GMs down the places even though there were not enough GMs to pay out that deep, which took guns away from the other classes that had enough shooters in the class.

    The above information is what actually happened. I was there and have no reason to make any of this stuff up.

    I have attended national matches for over 20 years and this was the worst executed one I have been to. I myself have run national level matches and understand how they work and why things go wrong. I hope they can bounce back from this. I have not seen results posted, or any explanation or, most importantly, an apology issued to the shooters that paid for the match, were in the heat all day, and then sat there for hours with no access to any water or food unless they brought it themselves. Several sponsors I know were less than impressed.

    It says something when in years past there was beer there after the match while waiting for the results and this year there wasn't because they most likely didn't want to spend the money.....

    I attended the first PRO AM matches in Tulsa, and was excited that I was able to make it this year. Let's just say on the way home I did not feel the same way...... I will spend my hard earned money some where else next year.

    If this causes anyone heartburn so be it but as consumers we need accurate info to pick and choose where we spend our money.


  5. Pat, I have loaded 1000s upon 1000s of those loads with 147 and 150s with 320 and have NEVER seen that with 38 short colt, which is basically a rimmed 9mm case with many characteristics. I am leaning towards a brass problem as the primers are not sealing to the case, or if the chambers are tight and the cases don't go back against the back and seal properly. It will be interesting to see what the culprit is....


  6. 5.2 grains of 330 at 1.080 should get you around 1150-1180 depending on gun. That is my accuracy load that I sold. 5.4 - 5.5 in super at 1.225 does about the same......1 in at 50 depending on gun, etc.


  7. Having shot with Dennis for over 20 years :devil: ........Don't worry, Bud. You have already done more than your fair share.... Just come and shoot. The young pups will take care of it, whatever the match is.....See you at Big Dawg, and bring your lawn chair!


  8. To have a match you first have to have a range and people to run the range. All the pontification about California is pointless. The Steel Challenge started in California, which, BTW, has the most USPSA shooters by state. I feel the same way as all of you do. When I decided to shoot the Steel Challenge I went to California. Guess what. I loved it, had a great time, made some lifelong friends that I miss dearly now that I don't get to go there for the match. The drive into the Range is breathtaking and you can feel the history that was made there. Are things more expensive there. Yep. I plan for 20-40% more expense there than most places I go. Funny thing is that it looks like any other place I go to shoot at, pretty much wherever I go.

    I started with a single stack open gun. No problem shooting there. I then went to a double stack STI. No problem there. Could it have been a problem. Maybe. People still shoot in other states with Draconian laws. The shooters there know it is BS but they still find a way to shoot there.

    Back to the grumbling at hand.

    You have to have a range and people to run the match. There are not a lot of matches where you have enough bays to run the match and practice, which is what is necessary for the WSSC match. You can ask for a centrally located range for everyone.....um wait.....how about PASA in Illinois.....oh damn.....another communist state with Draconian laws.....and it is in the middle of nowhere....nothing to do at night......grumble grumble grumble.........Well it can handle the match and probably could come up with match staff if they had time to set it up. I don't think anyone asked, and people like to bitch about the location....so please spare me the location card.....PS.....I agree with you all about this......Oh wait.......Tulsa......no.....range could handle it......I don't know about staff to run it.....so.....

    IF, and a big IF for this year........We may have a match if they can talk Art Leach into it at the Hogue Range. It really boils down to want. If you want to compete against the best shooters at the Big Match then you figure out how to go. Everything else is just talk. I want to go...but I also want to go the World Bianchi match in Australia/New Zealand next year, and may have to stay home and save Vacation days.......

    Support the matches you can and promote it in your area. I have a feeling that things will be better for match planning at USPSA next year.....fingers crossed....


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