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Posts posted by turbopower18

  1. I dont this once at a multi gun match. 1 crack of the AR and i stopped immediately. I would have stopped immediately. a stage or match isnt worth permanent hearing damage especially with some of those open gun because they hurt with earpro on!!

  2. I didnt realize everything that was so safety oriented until I became a Certified Range Officer with NROI. There is a major responsibility that comes with this title. I always take my time with new shooters at local matches and treat others how want to be treated. As stated above being a RO doesnt make you God per say but it does hold you to a higher standard imo

  3. It happens and like you said rules are rules. I was DQ'd at my first Lvl2 match Stage 2 for breaking 180 which i still say I didnt but i didnt argue. I took it on the chin and pasted targets and reset steel all day. Just take it as a learning experience and help your squad reset and paste targets and carry on

  4. Been competing for a few years now and still have the after fire jitters. Not particularly while shooting a stage but after im told to unload abd show clear. Sometimes its hard for me to initial the score card im shaking so bad. Not a nervous or scared shake but moreso an adrenaline rush shake. I never want to lose that shake its part of the rush for me

  5. Ive never really thought of why until i stumbled onto this post. I think for me it just takes my mind off of everything unrelated to the match itself. Great friends with great conversation about the thing that we all share the same passion about!!

  6. Dry fire practice is key for weakhand but nothing substitues equally for live fire. Grip strength plays a huge part in my weakhand shooting also. Get some grip strengthening workout crunchers they help tremendously!

  7. Any of you have any tips or tricks on how to get your wife to shoot with you? Mine always says she will go with me but when it comes time she finds an excuse to not go or she will go like she intends to shoot but refuses once we get to the range. I would really like to get her more involved. Would sure make my life alot easier lol

  8. If shes that bad now dont knock her up or your stuck! My wife the mother of my kids doesnt tell me what to do nor do i tell her what to do. My wife was ok with it at first. When it became an addiction she got irritated and finally said something. My response was im at the gun range hanging around with middle aged men punching holes in paper. I will quit shooting and start chasing 20yr old girls. Shes fine with shooting now lol. Seriously though guy if shes that bad now may want to reconsider her place in your life. Say i do and knock her up your shooting days are over. Like said above though equal time with her as well as shooting keeps peace in the valley.

  9. If they didnt want you to shoot it from said location it should be completely hidden. I went threw a similar situation with a RO at a local USPSA Match. He got mad because i gamed the stage and got mad and threw the stage out saying it was unsafe. Cant argue with a CRO on something he feels is unsafe. However if you have read the rule book enough you can find a reason for him to have to throw out another stage in said match wink wink lol

  10. All it takes is one lefty to screw up the whole rotation on walk-thru. I myself like to put my earpro in so i cant hear the Production counting shots aloud and focus. First walk for me is finding all of the targets. After a first quick pass i start counting positions at where i can engage the most targets from one location and count my shooting locations. Lastly i figure out according to round count as to where im not doing a standing reload. Then the timer sounds and i throw it all out the window and just blast away! lol

  11. My local clubs love to have mandatory reloads and it drives me crazy!! Spend $3k plus on a Limited gun and rig to have to mandatory reloads!? Club primarily consists of Production is the bad part. Memory stages suck! Hardcover and no shoots is where its at for me. Plenty of steel is a big plus too!!

  12. I currently us Black Scorpion Gear pouches. Purchased them while shooting Production and transitioned right into limited with them. However after all the recommendations for the DAA i may have to give them a try. Are the Aluminum ones worth the extra cash??

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