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Posts posted by standles

  1. I have been at clubs that do somthing less drastic. Each discipline that uses the range owes the range 2.00 per shooter for the land fund. Members were usually covered out of fees but non-members were asked to pay the 2.00 as extra.

    Not near what you were describing. I would also not patronize a club that did that.

  2. My quality control consists of weighing the powder and checking the OAL every time I fill the primer magizines which equates to checking 1 out of every 100 rounds. If everything checks out, I dump the loading ammo bin into a bigger container. We can load a bunch of garbage real quick, so I feel it is time well spent checking 1 out of every hundred rounds.


    Yeah that is what I do as well with the small detail of I didn't empty into another container. Glad I hadn't reached my goals of 3K rounds yet :) I thought I was cool engineering a large akrobin on the output side of the press. Guess I will go back to the smaller one and free up some bench space.

  3. Well....

    There I was in the wilds of my living room frantically loading ammo for the next wave of cardboard bad guys. I had ~800 rounds of loaded ammo in the bin of the 550 next to me and 200 more to go. Then it happened, There was an unusual feel to the press and I pulled the case from the flare/powder drop staton. Nothing seemed unusual so I set it aside and moved on. My plans were to run it through at the end of the primer tube. Why I didn't just put it back in.... Only the fates know for sure.

    So fast forward to the end of the primer tube. I set the round back into the last set of 4 on the press. And cycle them all through. Then it hit me.. I set it in the primer station not the seating station. I now had for sure one cartridge that was double loaded with TG to 9.4 grains under a 200 gr lead swc in .45.


    Of course it was somewhere on top of the 800 but I had no way of telling which one. My only help was I knew it was not nickle plated but brass. That helped immensely as my brass supply was ~90% brass and 10% nickel. *$%$#*&%$^ can't catch a break.

    So I pulled out the old electronic scale and weighed each on. The truth number was derived from loading another 20 and taking an average of them (299.5 gr). Anything under that would have been ok anything over is suspicious. Very consistent considering mixed brass and lead SWC. IN the end I did find one that was 307.8, 2 that were 306ish, 20 in the 304, and ~100 in the 300 to 302 range.

    I pulled the 307 but the kinetic puller spilled some of the powder on the floor. what was left weighed in at 4.9gr. Anything above the 302 got tossed into a can of wd40. They 300-302 range was set aside for special consideration. (most likely will dump them in the wd40 as well.

    So.. Lesson learned. Load 100 then move those to a larger container. At least next time I will only have to sort through 100 or so not 800. On the plus side those 800 rounds are the best inspected I have ever done.

    Later, Steven

  4. Sure sounds like you need to have a new area 8 Director Election!

    Election ??? Naww!

    Hell sounds like we have a volunteer. I say Dream should run the area for a year. After that lets see how much he still likes crowing.

    But maybe baby steps are in order. Dream, what say we offer you a deal and hold off on running the whole area for awhile. You can cut your teeth on just setting up one itty bitty Area 8 Championship Match.

    Up for it?

    Don't know Dream for whit but this always gets my ire up.

    even locally .... The bitchers and whiners are rarely the ones willing to step forward. Plenty of ideas and second guessing on how I should have done something but very little constructive help. Usually I just ignore them and point out that there are other sports that might interest them.

  5. Thanks for all the replies. It seems the overwhelming response it to go for it. I will drop a note to some of the other clubs in the area and start the "getting interest up" process. Thanks for your info as well Troy. I assume that since your closest (we are in NW FL and Lower AL) you will be the most likely canidate to teach it.

    Thanks again, Steven

  6. Ok.

    I am steaadily marching on towards starting up a club in my area. I shot USPSA in late 90's and have started back now along with IDPA.

    I am going to need RO's for my local club. Is level I NROI Certification desired/needed for them/me?

    Reason I ask is on the NROI website there aren't any classes in our area. I can schedule one at a local club but finding 20 shooters and such is going to be difficult.

    Are most local clubs just ro'd by folks that have rules knowledge and the certification done only if you want to RO/CRO area/regional/national matches?


  7. When you put your gun in your refridgerator overnight to simulate a cold weather environment, and to see if your gun would work flawlessly under these conditions.

    If you have ever shot at someone else's target to make them feel good about thier hits.

    Guilty as charged.......

  8. If you want a dedicated machine, they're always the server farm USPSA uses - www.ev1servers.net. If it's a USPSA club site, you can get space on the USPSA server by asking me nicely.

    Thanks Rob. Initially it will be for the USPSA club only. At a point in the future however, it could morph in the gunclubs website with the other disciplines represented. So I will pass for now but I really appreciate the offer. If it turns out to be something different I will drop you a line.

    Thank all the rest of you for your suggestions as well. I will do some more research on them and let ya know what I decide.


  9. All:

    I am a complete noob (just did some research today) to this area.

    I want to setup a website and have it hosted offsite from my computer.

    I envision this

    I register my 3 domain names I want

    I find a hosting service and setup an account with them

    I assign one Domain to that service. Lets say www.standles.com for the personal famly site.

    I now setup 3 websites under that service.

    1) USPSA Club website (nice website with photo gallery and forums)

    2) Personal family website (vanillia website but with photo gallery)

    3) Side Line Website (same as 1)

    The other domain names are names only. I setup domain forwarding for www.uspsaclub.com to point to URL www.standles.com/uspsaclub/index.htm

    I setup domain forwarding for www.sideline.com to point to URL www.standles.com/sideline/index.htm

    I can also use domain masking to make www.uspsaclub.net forward never show the www.standles.net root.


    1) Is as I have envisioned it even possible or am I totally off track.

    2) If this is possible then what reccomendations do you have for hosting services. I looked at godaddy and they seemd ok but alot of negative feedback on the net.

    3) Is there an easier way to accomplish this?

    Thanks for your help and pointers, Steven

  10. See ya finally found time to watch Equilibrium. I told ya the gun handling would be hilarious. I also took your hint and bought Boondock saints. Overall good movie but Willem Defoe as a Gay agent was to wierd.

    Have fun in Japan and see ya later, Steven

    PS. for MODS

    Maybe we need to rename this post

    Matt Bragging on whirlwind tour :)

    I mean we get

    Posting in flight

    Airsoft range in Convention

    etc .etc.

    All in one thread the Braggard :D

  11. I hate a company that creates a situation that does nothing but fatten thier wallet with little regard for a customer.

    I had purchased QT6 Pro (30.00) upgrade the first of Aug 2005.

    I purchased an IPOD for my Daughters Christmas and laoded the REQUIRED ITUNES SOFTWARE. ITUNES REQUIRES QT7 to be installed so it dutifully uninstalls QT6 and loads QT7.

    Of Course this breaks the key I had purchased for QT6 PRO. The QT6 Key does not work with QT7 and ITUNES requires QT7. Can't have both on the system at once.

    I contacted Apple and explained the situation. Theier attitude (after 5 email exchanges) was basically shove it. I was told that they do not offer refunds or discounts (I had asked for a free upgrade or 50% off the QT7 key since my QT6 key was LT 6months old). I informed them that it is customary in the industry to upgrade a custoemr for free if they purchased the sofware less than 1 year ago. That resulted in a copy of policy sent to me.

    The bad part about the email exchanges was the first 4 were simply to get them to read the damn email and not provide me a canned response that did not address the issues.

    Apple Sucks. I was considering purchasing a laptop from them but this incident pretty much scratches that.

    I mean I puchased a 300 ipod from them and the QT6 pro key. Is 30.00 free upgrade going to sink the business?


  12. Since there have been many times in the past this board has proved to be a wealth of knowledge outside of firearms/shooting I thought I would ask here.

    I am interested in collecting digital music videos. Mainly I am interested in 80's type music videos. I found some at Apple music store and got a few. Examples are Alice Cooper/Poison, Warrant/ Cherry Pie, Toby Keith/Whiskey Girl (Newer but I liked it) etc. etc.

    Anybody know sites that have them for purchase or free?

    Thanks, Steven


    Reallly looking for Whitesnake/Here I go Again Video. I found a bad version that looked like it was videotaped from a tv.

  13. Kay.

    She is 17 going of 30. She turns 18 next Nov. I have her shooting IDPA now and she is classed as a Marksman. I am starting up a USPSA club at our range so she will be shooting that as well. She has already competed in a couple of regional and state IDPA matches.

    I will check out the Junior Camp and get in touch with you offline.

    Thanks, Steven


    I shot the LA IDPA Sate at the range last year. If ya'll plan on doing that again I will definately see you then.

  14. Let me know if you have any camps in Kay's area for beginners/novice. I have a daughter that loves to shoot and I would love to have her attend one of the camps. I am in FL but can get her a range in the SE. She went with me to some Burkett training and she really enjoyed it. I think an atmosphere you describe would be extremely conducive to her advancing.

    My only problem is I can't take her out of school to attend. So if you have something coming up Mid-June to Mid-August let me know.


  15. You don't have to be moving. I got up for work one morning and went to crank the truck. There was a God-Awful noise and a thump. A cat had apparently been hiding in the engine compartment of my truck from the cold rain the night before. It left flying bits of fur all under the truck but it ran off. It was enough to cause the fan belt to jump off the pulleys.

    As for your situation steve, Nothing you could do. I have hit one or two in my life as well. I decided a long time ago that I will try to mis them but I am not goin to lock up brakes or swerve violently and loose control of my vehicle. While the death of an animal is sad it doesn't come close to injury to myself or another mortirist if I loose control.


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