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Posts posted by Dkrad1935

  1. Isn't this a Monty Python movie? I have never really struggled with this question so I can't totally relate.

    I placed my faith in Christ a long time ago and all my answers about purpose and worth etc are rooted in that faith.

    I still have days where I am frustrated or unsatisfied or fill in the emotion. But it all comes down to focused and usually those are times when I am focused on self

  2. Hi lifeislarge,

    I have news for you.... how supply chains are broken is not considered theory.

    I am also sad to say I did not invent the explaination.

    I tried to use what is in this context to explain it.

    I am gonna reach for some of that flag you are waving. please pass the apple pie.

    I want to have enough 'fixins' at home to get dinner on the table too.

    and I believe the best way to do that is to make sure I have all I can afford.

    (... or can find, after you have been in my local reloading store)

    Believe me, your concerns are not far from mine.

    I am sure a lot of others share the opinion for no other reason than

    supplies are hard to find.

    Our government has not acted in any real way. for or agin.

    Yet somehow...

    We (you and I) both agree that a little more primer, powder, and lead would be nice...

    You really think there are not a whole lot of people in total agreement?

    You may well believe you don't know what you will be using next year or so.

    There are people who make very good guesses (they get paid to make good guesses)

    about how much we all, and I mean ALL, use in a period of time.

    :-) they may have missed the guess for this year.

    Those manufacturers do not make extra. There is no profit in having 'extra' in inventory.

    There is even less profit in having extra capacity to make more. so they can't raise

    production by much to meet extra demand. I have little doubt demand would be met if it was easy.

    while I think I have enough ammo in my house to shoot about two years of dinners,

    a little bit more would be nice.

    and that leads to stressed supply chains....


    I used to do some forecasting for a very very large retailer. And I can tell you that no one can predict what life is large will shoot next year, but they don't try.

    I can't forecast one persons needs, but I can sure as hell forecast a large group of peoples needs.

    The larger the group or the higher the node in the supply chain, the more accurate my forecast becomes.

    But what has happened in something called the bullwhip. The bullwhip gets bigger and bigger the farther up the supply chain it goes.

    Go online and search for the MIT beer game. It's an awesome example and it isn't a drinking game.

    As much as many hate to admit - subsidies to farmers are a good thing. Can u imagine scarcity of grain like we have seen with powder. Without subsidies, the supply chain for food would be chaos. Even with subsidies you see some swings in suppli and prices.

    When Obama was about to get elected, retailers posted huge sales increases in sales. They were having high level executive meetings very frequently to get more supplies. They wanted to capture every available dollar.

    That's the nature of a corporation. The manufacturers began allocating supplies. So , the largest buyer (Walmart) didn't get everything. They got an allocation. That ensured that cabellas or mom and pops got some product. No one had as much as they wanted.

    This is like a classic bullwhip with some "other" influencing factors that haven't necessarily changed consumption but have changes demand. This is why manufacturers have been slow to invest capital.

    Anyway - I also worked for gov and I agree wih another poster. The government couldn't orchestrate something this complicated or keep it secret if they had. Someone would write a book the second they got insulted or didn't get a pay raise.

  3. Also - I ordered a trigger and it had too much pre travel taken out and the drop safety didn't fiction as a result. My guess is 90% of folks wouldn't even catch that. But the trigger bar has to go forward far enough so the cruciform rests in the ledge of the trigger housing. The ledge keeps the bar from dropping and disengaging the striker. There is at least one big trigger company out there that sells the trigger where this no longer works.

    On the other hand I have two Vanek triggers and they function as designed. Yes I could do the work myself now that I have seen how and what. But Charlie and others deserve to make a living!

  4. I have been to one of the biggest boot factories in china. Maybe the world? They made boots for Walmart, danner, wolverine you name it.

    It was pretty amazing to see how they were made.

    I used to have a pair of issues danner boots when I was in the army. I was stationed in Alaska and they were nice boots. But so heavy. I rarely wear boots unless I need a steel tow for safety. I can move faster in regular runnin shoes over just about any terrain.

  5. Rowdy - if you have fired 20k rounds I am sure you know this but my pins will walk out unless I seat them correctly. There is a slight catch when I get it in the right spot. I have no idea (never looked) what the catch is but when I feel it the pin doesn't walk. When I don't it walks out after 5-10 rounds.

  6. Ok ok. I got this.

    This really happened two days ago. A friend was telling me she had to take her three year old son to the dentist and they were gonna have to out him under for the procedure.

    I said "it's to bad he can't transcend dental medication"

  7. I think there are a lot of conspiracy theorists here. No matter how militarized the area is or isn't. It would be fairly easy to avoid radar contact.

    I think you guys give the government too much credit here. First - in my experience, the government is not that good - ever. Second. Multiple governments coordinating would never be that good or that secretive. Third - did I mention my disdain for government? 4th. Radar has limits. Pakistani and Indian radar probably has more limits than most.

  8. I am shooting in a match this saturday in Hot Springs with my 14 year old son. Live fire has been pretty infrequent over the past two months so I arranged to get access to a range tomorrow night for a little bit and we will be able to get on the other side of the firing line to set up some targets, etc.

    I am looking for advice on any live fire drills that you might use in prep for a match.

    My assessment of my weaknesses are 1)shooting while moving, 2)entering into a position ready to fire, 3)firing around cover. Yes - I have many more weaknesses than that, but a man has to focus! I have set up some small scenarios in the bonus room to begin working on those things, but just curious if there are any good drills for live fire that either focus on those areas or that you routinely do the week before a match.

    Thanks for the input! pretty excited about this match - it is my son's first sanctioned match and my second one. Everyone knows the first one doesn't count right?

  9. As I understand it. Para started making hi cap 1911. Out of steel so the grip was noticably larger. Virgil Tripp and sandy strayer made one out of polymer and it had same size as normal 1911. They formed STI. Stayer left to form SVI. And later Tripp left to form Tripp research. Tripp and strayer shared the patent. That is all I knoe

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