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Posts posted by Dkrad1935

  1. OK - I have been trying to shoot a classifier for about two and a half months now. Had one cancelled due to weather and another cancelled for some reason Im not quite sure of. But Saturday am I should get to classify. I have been shooting IDPA for maybe 6 months or so. But I have had a nagging elbow problem so I am very anxious to see how I do.

    Haha - my wife would say I am obsessed with this. But I really want to just benchmark myself. I shot a sanctioned match at the end of October and did average. But since then I have gotten a lot better - actually winning one of the local indoor matches (low shooter count but good shooters). So this will be my first legitimate benchmark opportunity.

    A friend told me not to over classify.....but that just doesn't compute for me. I mean I understand all the reasons he says that, but I just need to know how good I am and I couldn't stand it to not try my best.

    So - A bold prediction.....I think I will shoot middle expert. Of course we will see how the long shots and the head shots get me. I literally get know practice with those.....

    I will report back and let you know...unless of course I do worse than expected:) Hahaha

  2. i bought the Dawson adjustable rear sights - was worried the sights might be too tall but it draws fine. I may need a shorter front sight as i have the elevation turned all the way down with the rear and dont think if i went to heavier bullets I would be able to dial in the POI....

    But I like the serrated black notch in the rear. Would be nice to play around with different width combinations also.

  3. classifier got called due to weather - disappointed and glad. It was colder than a witches….. well it was cold and raining. Loved that when I was young and in the army…Now not so much. Not sure how the weather would have effected my shooting and glad I didn't have to find out. Hopefully early next year!

  4. Oh and the first thing I always look at on the scores is how close I am to the best shooter overall and then string by string I do the same comparison. Then I think about that stage and decide what to focus on for improvement. Winning SSP MM means nothing to me or anyone I know. If I can tell them I won overall - that makes me feel better!!!

    Of course I haven't won anything yet so…..hahah

  5. I am a new shooter - sort of - not sure how long I get that title. I have a classifier scheduled this weekend and have been practicing quite a bit and hope to do well. By practicing I have dramatically improved my performances in the last two indoor IDPA matches I shot - I actually beat a well known master in the area this week. Not saying I am a better shooter than him and don't think an indoor match is the best yardstick but I have gotten better.

    I run through a dry fire of the classifier and immediately enter my times into a spreadsheet I created to show me where my biggest weakness is. Then I drill the snot out of that skill. I think I could shoot Master this go around but i developed a tennis elbow problem with all the dry firing.

    Of course after every match I analyze what was the weakest part of the shoot for me and drill the snot out of it. For example - weak hand was horrible for me in the first matches I shot. When I did my first dry fire classifier, 40% of my time miss came from the 3 weak hand shots, so i practiced it until I figured out my eye dominance problem that was slowing me down. Now - in a recent match - i had the fastest time on the weak hand string.

    All that to say - practice it, analyze it, and it will help make you a better shooter. I am convinced of that. It may not have every element like moving targets etc. But it has enough elements to allow you to actually become competitive.

  6. I am a new shooter - I live in NW Arkansas. I am unclassed but think I will classify as Expert if I get to shoot it this weekend…Hopefully! Anyway - wishlist is to get to nationals - I have attended one sanctioned match - and need to find enough matches nearby to get enough points before end of May. I don't see anything posted yet so not sure how I will get there. So my wishlist is just for enough sanctioned matches in my area to get to nationals!

    Post them soon IDPA!

  7. i just started shooting this year and started dry firing a lot. I started having the same issue - from dry firing. I havent shot in two weeks or dry fired….well I did go to and win a match tuesday night (my first time winning an IDPA match) but it still hurts so have to let it heal. Unfortunately - it is called tendonitis - but there is no actual swelling so ice and ibuprofen will not help….

  8. I had this problem with my G34. Everyone i would talk about it to were Glock fan biyz and would say I didnt know how to pull a trigger. But there was almost no way to not have that side to side movement when the striker released. I polished, I did all sorts of things…Finally I bought a Vanek Trigger and that was all it took. No more movement. Its still a glock trigger haha but I can keep the sights perfect in dry fire.

    I could never tell if it was the trigger spring causing that movement or what….Vanek re drilled where the trigger spring fits into the trigger bar and that has a huge impact.

  9. Its interesting - I pulled some IDPA classifier PAR times from this forum and have been using them as goals in dry fire practice sessions. But I realize those par times add up to Master - i probably need to be slightly faster to actually be confident I can shoot at that level.

    Does anyone have dry fire PAR times for the IDPA classifier string by string? One of my goals is to make Master in IDPA - Not just to be a master at the classifier but to consitently shoot at that level. The classifier is a neat way to analyze a broad spectrum of skills in a short shooting session.

  10. I am using the same timer for dry and live so it isnt a reaction time issue. It has to be the "Oh this is real" syndrome. No risk in dry fire, but in live fire there is going to be a hole in the target and the fear of failure slows me down maybe??? Maybe I wasnt breast fed long enough as a kid??

    I guess it would be helpful to know what your lag times are between dry and live? Jaun was .3 sec….

  11. I have been using an Iphone app for a shot timer. It works OK but I noticed as I have started to shoot faster it doesnt keep up with splits under about .3 or so. So am considering a shot timer for christmas.

    Any suggestions from folks that have used multiple shot timers? It would be cool if there was a way to download data for record keeping and analyzing performace. Also is there a way to run one during a match so you can break your draw and reloads out to see how you do under pressure? Could you get it to start on the SO's buzzer?

  12. I have been doing a lot of dry fire practice and was at the range the other day and just couldnt seem to shoot from draw very well - I have noticed that being in a shooting stall seems to slow me down. The walls are tight and the bench in front of me etc. I could have just had an off day but was curious if you guys notice a consistnet difference between your dry fire par times and your live fire par times? if so, how much slower do you anticipate live fire to be?

  13. i have been buying ammo from georgia arms online - 27 cents a round delivered. I have been saving all the brass in the hopes of getting set up with a 650 or maybe a 1050 in the coming year. i think I have about 4500 ish pieces of brass so I should be set when I start reloading. I think at the range I recover about 85% of the brass and 0% at matches….

    I think for now I will just stick with the most affordable ammo I can get!

  14. I am a new shooter and have recently started doing a lot of dry fire. It has had dramatic impacts to my speed. I shot an indoor IDPA match last night and had phenomenal improvements.

    But I'd make a very important distinction that I think is über critical. Every minute I spend dry firing has a purpose. Mindless repetition will be much less impact flu I think.

    For example, I was struggling with a drill which is part if the IDPA classifier. Turn, draw and fire 3 rounds across 3 targets, reload and fire three more.

    I couldn't make the time I wanted so kept drooling it and breaking it down into components.

    1st piece was time to first shot. Then time for three shots then add the reload etc. I was able to isolate what was hurting me - first shot and transitions. And really work that.

    Dry firing has helped me identify the basic building blocks. Draw to first shot, single target transitions, multiple target transitions etc and help me find my biggest opportunities to focus on.

    I know the rate of improvement will slow but right now it is dramatic. It's hard not to dry fire when u see the kinds of results I have been experiencing. I try to get up before work and hit it before bed and probably succeed about 4 times a week

  15. I shot in a match a month or so ago and got the scores back - And I dont know if I understood all the math to get the percentages. I get how the target is scored but the rest of the scoring had me a little befuddled. Is there a post explaining this or could someone give me USPSA scoring for newb's? Skip past the PF part - I got that…..I need the next chapter:)

  16. I used to reload many years ago on a single stage and will get back into in 2014 for the economy of it. Just assumed that for the price they are charging the SD of muzzle velocities was low single digits. I will be starting from scratch though as I sold all of my reloading equipment 10 years ago!

  17. I am not sure if this is the right forum for the question, but I was wondering if I should spend the money for match ammunition? I am a beginner so maybe the right question is when is it worth paying the premium for an atlanta arms quality of ammo to shoot at matches and does it make a difference?

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