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Posts posted by Clay1

  1. Well if you having the same problem with WW white box you know that it wasn't your reloading technique and that is good to know.

    "I reinstalled the gray OEM spring, and zero problems." That's interesting and points to the problem for sure. Sometimes you just get a fluke bad part.

    Make sure to follow up and let us know what happens when you get the new reduced striker spring installed.

    Glad that you are moving forward with resolving the problem. Take care Boo.


  2. I shot over 10,000 rounds of Blazer through my G34 with a reduced striker spring (4# Wolff) and a 13 pound ISMI recoil spring with no issues. The Blazer made 140 PF out of my G34.

    I'm now shooting Zero, 147 JHPs at 140 PF and love them.


  3. Kevin, two points: The round that you found was slightly high, but that was after the striker already hit it and probably pushed it in some more. It was probably higher before it got whacked with the striker.

    Point two, yes Federals are softer. In "Front Sight" when they did the review of equipment used at Nationals for 2005, they said that Fed primers have surpassed Win primers in use in Production division. They also went on to guess at the reason why and postulated that the reason was the lightened trigger pulls being done in double action auto pistols.

    Everytime that I clean my gun I clean the striker channel. I shoot a G34 and like you it has been a solid performer.


  4. Not my idea but one that I have adoped lately is that after loading with Hornady One Shot I clean the cases. Lay out a bath towel and spray with Iso alcohol, put loaded rounds on the towel and spray rounds, fold towel in half and rub. Quick process and takes off the lube. I have heard of some that had problems with the lube building up in their magazines, while I have never had this happen, I want my mags to feed as smoothly as possible.

    In the Lenny MaGill video with Brian Enos on reloading, Brian suggested tumbling the finished rounds to take off the lube. I shoot a hollow point design and the media was sticking in the hollow point so I went with the alcohol technique. If I shot a FMJ, I would just tumble them.


  5. Boo, I don't get this one at all. 13,000 rounds through my G34 so far and no issues. I put in a Ralph trigger about 5000 rounds ago and no issues. How could you damage a striker channel?

    Don't remove the striker channel until you have exhausted every other option. I hear they are a real PIA to put back in. Buy some crude cutter or brake cleaner and spray out the channel with the striker assembly removed. Run a Q tip down the channel and see if the cotton on the Q tip hangs up on anything. If so some bore solvent with a plastic brush and scrub and repeat. Clean her out good and put it back together and go bang.

    Do you have the same problem with factory ammo? Could be not seating the primers fully in your new press. Sometimes people want to barely seat a primer because they think they will ignite. I have put a lot of pressure on primmers in a Dillon press and have never had one go off. If you are just geting them to pop in seat them a little harder so that the anvil bottoms out on the bottom of the primer pocket in the case.

    If that doesn't work put the stock striker spring back in and see what happens. I have read of people making small rifle primers go bang with the reduced striker spring. Unless you can verify a problem with the striker channel I would not replace it. As much as I can work on my Glocks that is one job I would have a smith do instead of me.


  6. Mr. Vaneck, nice to see you on the boards. I was on your web site and noticed that you will have a new drop in kit "available soon". Can you tell us a little about it and what we can expect from it as far pull weight, overtravel and take up? How about availability and price point? Thanks,


  7. After 2000 rounds of this stuff I settled on 1.14 nominal so no round goes over 1.145 ever. No feeding issues at this link with this load. I also Chronied the 3.3 grains of Vihta Vuori in my G34 and it averaged 873 with the stock barrel for a power factor of 128.3. I bumped it one more tenth to 3.4 for a little more cushion.

    Kevin C, I finally bought some Iso Alchohol and a spray bottle. The towel trick is working great. I like the Honady One shot since the press runs very smoothly with it and with less effort even though it is not needed I like it and it is cheap for how long it lasts.


  8. I was just having this conversation with someone. The use of the reduced stiker spring by Wolf - 4 pound spring is recomended for use with the stock striker. If the reduced spring is used with a Ti striker the lower mass with the reduced striker does NOT give reliable ignition.

    So lightening the striker is not the answer. Cleaning the striker channel probably is. Don't lube the striker channel at all. Leave it absolutely dry and clean.


  9. CSEMartin, the one that you got was the first one of the two that I received. I got to the enter your password on that one and never did. If you did enter your password - you want to log into Ebay and change your password - NOW!

    Also check the activity on your account. Heads up on the watch for $395, just go to ebay and see if you really bought anything there. I've only received two of these, but it phisses me off!


  10. I have received two fake Ebay notifications within the last couple of weeks. The have the Ebay logo and look official, but they are trying to get you to enter your password into a link that isn't a part of Ebay.

    Today I got one that said that I sent a payment of $395.85 to Omegamover.com for a watch and it thanked me for the payment. You click on a link that looked like Ebay that wanted you to enter your password. DON'T DO IT!

    Only enter your password when you get into Ebay from your normal way to get into Ebay or Paypall - never from a link from an Email even though the Ebay logo and everything looks legit. I reported the Spoof email to Ebay and they confirmed that they did not send it and that it was Spoof or fake email.

    Be careful out there!


  11. Jim, If you are a skeet shooter the ranges are close and high performance loads aren't what you need, so buy the cheap stuff and be happy. As a sporting clays competitor I found it to my advantage to use higher quality components. Always hard shot (magnum shot) with good wads and good powder in good hulls. If they had the tiniest of tears in the hulls they were gone.

    When loading premium components over buying premium shells I found the savings to be substantial. Only you can make that determination. Yes the PW or Spolar are great machines, but if you are not using any machine right now a Mec 9000G at under $300 will get you saving money and making nice shells in a hurry. If you want to trade up you will be able to get most of your money back out of that machine. I loaded 10,000 rounds on one in a single season. If I would have bought premium shells I would have only been able to shoot about 5000 rounds. I think that I saved close to 50% when buying in bulk a couple times a year. I bought shot by the ton and usually 24 pounds of powder at a time (3, 8 pound canisters of Clays).

    Just something to think about. Oh, and by the way, I just started loading for 9mm after shooting over 10,000 rounds of Blazer last year. The Blazer is great stuff at a great price but I wanted to shoot a 147 grainer out of my 9. So custom ammo is a wonderful thing even if you don't save much.


  12. People do change. If the old boy likes rimfires and wildcat cartridges now and prefers to collect rather than shoot, let him do what makes him happy.

    Your opinions of things are quite different at 20 or 30 than they are at 50 or 70. Sounds like he still likes guns - let him be happy and support your friend. If his ideas are so far off of base talk about it with him. Talking involves listening and hearing what he is saying as well as moving your mouth. One day I won't be able to run around an IPSC course, I hope to shoot rimfires off of the bench and talk smart among other gun nuts at the local gun shop and still remember the old days when I did well for myself. B)

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