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Posts posted by Clay1

  1. I tried the Lone Wolf unit. I probably didn't know what I was doing with the thing, but never got it to feel any different for me and finally removed it from my gun.

    Charlie Vanek sells one that can adjust the pretravel and the over travel.


  2. VERY NICELY DONE! I really enjoyed reading the article. It one, gave me a better understanding of the trigger mechanism and two, provided some solutions to problems that I have seen in my own trigger.

    At a recent match, Ralph Sotelo and I took a close look at my drop in kit. He explained a couple of points that I hadn't considered before but made a lot of sense. His explainations combined with your articles are making the Glock trigger puzzle easier to understand for me.

    To add to your written piece, Ralph explained the importance of centering the two pins within the frame itself when they are repositioned. He spoke of feeling a click when seating the lower of the front pins in a 3 pin glock as the SSL fit into the grove in the pin.

    I had never given it much thought before. I can see how it all adds up though.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts,


  3. My boss is Irish and I am Irish. One of our favorite statements is that "The Irish would rule the world, if it weren't for Whiskey". Alway love Irish jokes. Kind of reminds me that I haven't had any beer in the house for over a week and that I ought to run out and buy some Guiness. The Guiness might be an Irish thing or it could be a Wisconsin thing.


  4. "The thing is, the Tactical Journal doesn't pay money, which means professionals don't write for it. It relies solely on free member submissions; basically it has to run whatever it gets, no matter the quality or lack thereof."

    I know Duane, that's why they should take some of that money that I send them and give it to guys like you to write for them. We would all be happier (except Billy of course).

    Oh, to be king for a day.


  5. While it is a favorite past time to bash IDPA, (at times one that I have enjoyed too) I wanted to take a second and comment on Ken's corner in the recent TJ.

    To borrow a phrase from my overseas friends in the UK, I believe the article is "Spot On". He talks about new shooters and common mistakes. One is the slow draw that Matt Burkett and Brian have also addressed. He gets to the punch line that the type of sight you have in comparison to how you pull the trigger makes little difference. The real secret is to release the shot while the sights are on target - how hard can that be? B)

    He also addresses the concept that a trigger pull becomes much less useful as it approaches 2 times the weight of the gun itself.

    I guess that my point of the post was that while not having any great moments of enlightenment while reading this particular piece, I still found the information solid and liked the article in a sea of articles in the last year that seemed out of place in the TJ to me. Even if it was a basic point or a rather simplistic short piece it fit what my perception is of the kinds of articles that one should find in such a publication as this. For that I am grateful.


  6. The power floor is there as a floor not as what a defensive round should be. It was designated at 125 so that a 9mm Luger would make it. The 9mm is chambered in many guns of modern design, but it is also chambered in some older guns too. A power factor of 125 allows the use of the older guns as well as the modern weapons.

    Ask the boys and girls that are playing in ESR if they think they should raise their current 165 PF?

    This is a target game and we have set limits. If you want real world, there are probably more mouse guns in 380 auto in use for concealed carry than full sized 45 autos that actually get carried everyday yet these are not allowed to play the game.

    Someone always wants to change the rules to their benefit. We already have rules, lets get to the shooting.

    I also believe that people by nature always want to point to the next guy and say the reason that he beat me is that he is using those gamer loads or some other excuse. The truth is that the guy that wins would still his @ss with hotter loads. It's again about the indian and not the arrow. You want to become a better shooter, shooting a reduced power round isn't going to take you from Marksman to Expert or Master. You actually have to point your weapon in the right direction and apply technique.

    Personally think that it is a whinner's excuse. If you really think that it makes a big difference buy ammo from someone like Lancer who market reloaded ammo to the competitor. If you were loosing before you are still going to be loosing with it. If you were winning with the reduced loads you are going to be winning with hotter stuff too.


    Crusher, we are on the same page. You just said it more succinctly than I did. I was responding while you posted.

  7. On the beer subject. It's not like he drank a beer for lunch then went hunting. Not that I would drink at all during a day that I expect to shoot so I am not making any excuses for the guy, but the beer was at lunch and the shooting took place at 5:50 pm. It's not like slammin' one down and then grabbing the gun.

    I don't shoot at a particular sporting clay facility any more since the local boys thought it was a good idea to drink a beer then shoot. I love my beer, I'm from Wisconsin - it's mandatory, but after the shooting is done and the guns are put away.

    Our wonderful Asshat governor when he vetoed the concealed carry bill that we have said that it was OK to carry a firearm and drink in the law. This was technically correct. The current legal amount of alcohol to drive in this state is .08 and the legal amount of alcohol to carry concealed in the bill was .02 or 75% less than what you could have and drive. But the Governor still put it forth like you could be slamming them down in a bar and still carry legally. At .02 you probably could not have a beer at closing time and carry the next day legally. You can't tell that I'm stilled PO'd about being one of the 4 states where there is no conceal carry law can you?


  8. "I tryed a few with just the primer and WD40 sprayed in to the case- waited 10min and both still worked. It may be an out dated thing = Old School"

    Alamo, so you tried two of them and both of them went bang? Or did you try 5 of them and only 2 went bang? In other words did the WD40 deactivate any of the primers? Thanks,


  9. "Brian is cross eye dominate, but if you look at the book's cover... he puts tape over his left (dominate) eye and shoots "right eyed"."

    That was the cover of the book that is quite a bit older than the Matt Burkett videos where he speaks of trying many things and at that time moved the gun right handed to be infront of his dominate eye. In other words at the time of the video - no more tape.

    Flex's point about Brian's book is what the book is about. Brian speaks of when he and TGO use to take what were accepted principals of the game at that time and push the point and really see what worked better for them and not what some expert at the time said was the best technique.

    This might be state of the art today, but by pushing boundries and through continuously questioning and observing what is taking place while shooting new techniques will be revealed. Awareness will lead to enlightenment.

    Brian is much better at explaining the deep stuff. So a response to the original question is Yes, Brian we would all like to read a volume II or the next book. We know that you are a retired competitor but the learning never stops. I would buy the next book whenever it is available. So start writing man!


  10. I want the follow up on the WD40 soaked primers. At a recent training that I attended they told a story of an officer who when finished with his service weapon sprayed it with WD40 and wiped it off. When he went to qualify all six of his carry rounds failed to go bang and they taught this as a reason not to use WD40 around ammo.

    So it looks like I will be soaking some primers in WD40 and loading them to see if they go bang. If they don't go bang, I'm a renoun cheap bastid and will be pulling the bullets and using the brass over.

  11. I wanted to thank everyone for recomending the Professional. My normal rental place did not have a copy but they ordered one just for me. :D

    I had never seen it before and really enjoyed it. Thanks for the pointers in the right direction. Two down: The Way of the Gun and The Professional. Next on the list is Ronin which the rental place also did not have but ordered for me too. I like their customer service. :P

  12. Tightgroup or Vihta Vuori N320 are both popular choices for the 147 grainers. I'm loading 3.3 grains of V V N320 at 1.140 OAL with the 147 gr JHP Zero and getting 130 PF in a Glock 34 with the stock barrel. Shoots into 1.5" or less at 20 yards for a 5 shot group off of sandbags. Not spectacular groups but repeatable and consistant and this includes all shots fired - no calling this one or that one a flier. If I pull the trigger and it comes out of the barrel it is part of the group.


  13. When they talk about writing stage designs and COF descriptions it isn't the intent that matters it what you actually wrote. You can't say after it is all done that I intended that it be shot this way when the stage briefing doesn't say that.

    I don't cheat, I play by the rules as written. If someone wanted a different rule that what they wrote, I am not a mind reader.

  14. SRT said: "The ruling says nothing about the trigger safety mod. Or the other Vanek mod..contouring the face of the trigger safety."

    Maybe I am reading more into it than it actually says, but I think that Mr. Amidon has said it quite clearly and he has said it twice: No external mods other than what has already been specifically allowed. Recontouring the face of the trigger or shaving the trigger safety seems straight forward to me as illegal for production.

  15. COOOOL

    He wasn't much of a dynamic speaker but the man made up for the lack of enthusiasm with shooting ability. I shoot a 390 and the kid shoots a 391. Love the Beretta shotguns as clay guns. I still prefer the maintenance on the 390 over the 391 and I also like the grip angle better on my 390, but it is about options and what fits you.

    I can see an extrema in my future.


  16. JFD, Glad that things are working out for you. Right are right in that the triggers are different, but it is a new challenge. How about that wife of yours, is she shooting that thing yet?

    My wife is signed up for a basic pistol course within the next month. I'm one of the instructors but it's like learning to drive, it's nice for her to hear the same things that I have been telling her from someone else. ;) Good luck to both of you with your new Glock.

    Bountyhunter said: "Grab the ends and stretch and recheck. Apply enough stretch to increase the free length about 1/4". The light strikes should disappear." I've never tried this and don't have a definitive answer, but was wondering what a spring manufacturer would think of stretching a spring past it's design characteristics so much that it puts a new permanent position on the coils. I would think that it wouldn't be a good thing. Kind of like trying to get 18 rounds in a 17 round mag. You can do that but it damages the spring. Shoot a new reduced power striker spring or a stock spring would be my thought on this one. I'll admit that I could be wrong. I have heard these kinds of comments before on changing a spring. If I remember tomorrow (night shifter - read later today after I get out of bed) I will call ISMI and see what they say about these kinds of alterations to springs just out of curiousity. Thanks Bountyhunter for bringing this one up so I can ask the question.


  17. Tightloop, the man that asked the question already has a Glock and that is what this thread is about. If you want a different gun or a different trigger this is America, I agree, go buy something different if you don't like what Glock has to offer.

    Rich at Canyon Creek can get you a nice Glass Rod break on an XD if you want. You just have to shoot those in ESP instead of Production but many people shoot Glocks in other divisions too.

    JFD, your gun if I remember your other threads, is for competition. I use a Wolf reduced striker spring in both of my G34s and wouldn't consider running the gun without it to poke holes in paper. I have never had light primer strikes on anything that I have shot. My recomendation on the stock stiker spring applies to a carry gun only not a competition piece.

    The point of my previous thread is that people can and do shoot well with Glock triggers. Yes, they can use some work after the lawyers of the world have worked their magic, but most triggers could use some work straight out of the box these days.

    Jeremiah, have fun with your new gun and enjoy shooting it.

  18. I scanned through the replies and didn't find a link for the 25 cent trigger job. Here it is: http://www.alpharubicon.com/mrpoyz/glock/

    As a carry gun, you have different criteria than a competition gun. I would not put a reduced striker spring in a carry gun. I think Flex hit it on the head. Polishing will remove the grit from the trigger system and with the 3.5 connector you will end up with a 4.5 pound pull which is plenty light for a carry gun. Then work with the system that you have. Shoot it and you will become aquainted with it.

    Dry fire it a ton and enjoy it. Right before playing with Glocks I was shooting an Anschutz rifle in 22 rimfire competition - rimfire silhouette. Yes, the trigger is a major change but many have taken these weapons and made Grandmaster with the platform, so get over the desire to have a glass rod break and work with what you have and enjoy it. Life is good.

  19. I'm lucky enough to shoot at clubs that post extremely quick results. One club that didn't have results out a month after the shoot, I refuse to shoot there anymore.

    Thanks to all of those that do the volunteer work to get the results out quickly.

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