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Posts posted by Clay1

  1. You can't get enough of the RO business it seems John. :D

    A Beretta Airsoft???

    I know that you shoot a Beretta in Production with REAL bullets. I would have been smiling too. Thanks for sharing, but I can image that it would have been interesting to be there.

    Still waiting on the CZ report - a subject for another thread.


  2. We are talking about the Vanek trigger yes, and many have mention the Sotelo drop in trigger. But for those looking for an alternative what do you know about the Dale Rhea or Tom Novak trigger jobs? Externally visable modifications or not?

    By the way I had my Sotelo trigger job next to the trigger bar that came out of my G34 and I see absolutely no difference in any way.


  3. Larry, EERW beat me to the answer, I was working. You are going to have more questions, feel free to ask them. A link that is invaluable is this one: http://www.uspsa.org/

    The rules are posted on the site as well. One comment on the rule book. It has the USPSA RULES which govern shooting in the US and then it has the IPSC rules which are international rules. Read the USPSA production rules and become familiar with them as the first step of becoming aquainted with the rule book. I have a copy of the rules on my desktop on my computer so that I can search it and refer to it often.

    One more big tip. If you are just starting as a shooter, take one of the RO classes. You can help out your local club yes, but it really helps you as a shooter understand the rules better. I feel much better about the game after the RO class.

    Have fun on the range and enjoy the sport,


  4. Yes, Larry you can. Here is the "cut and paste" from the NROI ruling:

    NROI Rulings

    Title: External Modifications

    Created: 2/28/05

    Updated: 3/08/05

    Effective: 3/08/05

    Rule number: US Appendix D9 i

    Applies to: Pistol

    Ruling authority: John Amidon

    Status: Released


    Questions by the membership.

    1) I am very new to the sport and even though I've read the rule book a couple of times now I still have one question.

    - For Production Division: Can an extended magazine release be added to the firearm and still be legal? The folks from Beretta do offer an extend magazine release for the 92FS but I just wanted to make sure that I can remain in the Production Division if I install this onto my 92FS.

    2) Does the USPSA make exceptions in the type of equipment a disabled or handicapped person may use?

    As a factory option, glock offers an extended mag release and extended slide stop which can be put on all glock models as a factory options. The extended mag release is the same stock part used on the larger frame glock pistols . The extended slide stop is the same one used on the glock 34 and glock 35. I am confused between the difference in Appendix D4 Special conditions: #19 and US Appendix D9 special conditions: #21 in the January 2004 edition rule book.

    If I have glock set my glock 17 up with the stock extended mag release and stock extended slide stop in question would it be legal to use in the US production division?


    US Appendix D9 Production Division 21.5 "External modifications other than sights not allowed." This clause is not meant to prohibit exchanging external parts from one approved model handgun to another approved model handgun. Exchanging external parts from one approved model handgun to another approved model handgun from the same manufacturer is allowed, providing that the parts are original manufacturers parts and offered in their catalogs or on their handguns that otherwise meet division criteria. The following original manufacturer parts may be exchanged: Extended mag release, extended slide stop and external safeties including ambidextrious, provided they stay within the intent of the division. No added weights, no mag well attachments, no thumb rest or external devices used to help reduce recoil and/or muzzle flip may be exchanged.

    Return to NROI Rulings

  5. A comment on interpretations vs. rule changes and rule stability: by this I mean that the rule has always been there that no external mods are allowed. OK, so I can see that this is an external mod. I understand why the ruling came down the way that it did.

    As far as changing our rules to be the same as IPSC rules that's a whole different thread, but let't not change rules on a whim because we don't like the interpretation that just came out. There is a good reason why we have a US version of the rules. Trigger jobs have been legal for a long, long time as long as they are internal. No need to change that now.

    On aftermarket guide rods, it would seem to follow the same guidelines as an external mod as far as production goes since there isn't a specific rule allowing it like there is for milled slides, grip tape etc.


  6. I want to start off by saying that I haven't invested in one of Mr. Vanek's trigger jobs.

    A comment on replacing the stock trigger with a Lighten Strike aluminum trigger was discussed recently here: http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?...luminum+trigger

    I see this as in the same vein, no external mods in production.

    I feel for those of you that have invested in a wonderful trigger. I also feel for the ROs that are suppose to catch this.


  7. Watched The Way of the Gun last night. Really enjoyed it. Liked all of the weak hand techniques of reloading while wounded. I actually think that I have seen this a long time ago, but my eyes are different now in that I saw things about the gun handling that I would have never even noticed the first time around. Must have had some good technical advisors on this one.

    My rental fee was $.53 would have been worth 10 times that amount :D

    Thanks for the recomendation,


  8. Since starting this topic I haven't posted because I haven't had time to watch a movie (or didn't make the time). I just went out and looked for the first three on my watch list. They had the Professional but only in VHS and I haven't watched a tape in a looong time. I thought that I would hold out for a DVD copy. Ronin, the store didn't own. I did find a copy of the Way of the Gun and am about to watch this one. I'll let you know what I think.

    Thanks again for the suggestions,


  9. Congrats, you are going to have fun! Sounds like you have it all set up wonderfully. One more thing that is a whopping $4 is to get the reduced power striker spring. This alone will drop almost 1 pound off of the pull weight without doing anything else.


  10. Forgot to add that my 9 year old daughter shoots the G34 too, she was shooting it with Blazer 115 grainers at 140 PF (not a reduced load).

    JFD, I shot a G35 yesterday loaded to minor with Zero 165 grainers that shot as lightly as my G34 does with 147 Zeros at 130 PF. Sweet shooting G35. In other words if she wants to play in production with it, it would be wonderful there too.


    Merlin, forget the girls only on the muzzle blast. I can't wear my electronic muffs alone. I put in the soft foam plugs first then the electronic ones on top of those. Helps my shooting a ton.

  11. Get her a Glock 34. Great full size companion to your G26 and the recoil is substaintially less in the full size gun. The gun's weight is light and she will love it. My wife and I both have G34s.

    If you doubt that she is ready for a 9mm go to your gun range and rent a G34 and let her shoot it. When my wife leaves for the weekend without me, (which is no problem these days since I am shooting all the time) she takes her G34 with her. You already have a rimfire. If you wanted to try a G17 to save a few bucks that would work too.


  12. I'm a Glock shooter and my name is Rick. :unsure:

    I wanted to start off that way just so you knew where I stand. If your buddy threw you for a loop by buying the Glock, did ya hear that Flex bought an XD?

    I'm still waiting for his report on the critter.

    At a recent gun show, one of the areas largest dealer said that they were questioned by Glock why the current sales of XDs are higher than the current sale of Glock products. The dealer thought it was price point alone.

    Bluntly they are both fine weapons. I like the Glock more. More aftermarket parts availability, easier to work on yourself. The XD's trigger is superior if you get Rich at Canyon Creek to do the work. They both go bang. It's the Indian not the arrow. Like previous said, if you shoot a 1911 or 2011 the XD is the better transition gun because of the grip.


  13. This is one the most frustrating posts in the Enos universe. People that know what they are talking about are giving you sound advise but you want to do it your way and someone might get hurt.

    In IDPA all safeties must function or you don't shoot. But forget about the rules and do the right thing.

    I'm done with this thread, I'm unsubscribing to this one because it has gone past what any reasonable person would consider safe. If I was SOing and IDPA match you wouldn't be welcome, if I was ROing a USPSA match you wouldn't be welcome. Don't know how to make it more clear than that.


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