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Posts posted by Bear23

  1. I have 6 that i use on a regular basis. I carry 3 on my belt with one in the gun. If you ever have a malfunction, or a mag drops out...you'll need em.

    I shot a stage once where my mags hit a door frame..2 dropped out, leaving me with only one left. I boffed the reload and had to run back and grab one off the ground. Things do go wrong in our little sport from time to time. :D

  2. I like the G-10 grips that SA is now putting on their TRP's. I bought a pair for my Trojan, installed regular sized bushings and a new set of grips screws. I coulcn't get used to the thin grips.

    I paid about 69$ on brownells. They are a composite grip with a good stippled typed texture.

  3. Here: Southern New Mexico and the El Paso area.

    2 Clubs within 50 miles of eachother. IDPA matches are held once monthly.

    Both on the decline

    One used to get about 15 shooters, now down to 5 or 6.

    Our club was getting about 20-25, now down to the usual 12 or so.

    Our state match had little interest as well.

  4. I stuck a sunflower seed in my right ear when i was 4.

    Had it removed when i was 6. :o

    The look on the doctors face was priceless. ;)

    My wife had a single birdseed from our wedding reception in her ear canal for a bit over two years. In her first few weeks of medical school, they were learning how to use odoscopes to check ears when a classmate found something strange. The instructor told here to go to an ENT ASAP, as she could not diagnose what the "object" in her ear canal was. After a few stressful days of waiting, and praying it wasn't some kind of tumor, we all had a great laugh.

    Payback is hell, and each of our so-called friends that had dumped the large volume of seed on us, were each paid back in spades on their own wedding days. They all knew it was going to happen to them and went to great lenghts to avoid it by not having the traditional birdseed sendoff. However, I always brought my own "ammo". Myself or my wife was in the wedding party for each one, so we had the inside info and everyone's parents knew the story by the big day. They all seemed to get a laugh out of our revenge plots. I had the father of one bride casually ask his daughter if she had remembered her ear plugs. One payback had me setting them up with the limo driver to leave the sunroof open for a birdseed bomb. On the latest, I hid behind the limo with a two gallon bucket full of birdseed and when the innocent groom opened the door to get in the car I let loose over the top of the limo and covered them in seed.

    Mine did have a sprout. It had apparently begun to grow. :D

  5. I'm working with my girl friend and trying to get her to speed up her transitions and speed.

    I'm having her do 3 targets at 10 yards and 3 yards apart. 2 shots each. Her draw is in the 1.45 range and her splits are in the .36-.4 range. Her transistion time is .56 from target to target.

    I'm trying to get her transitions sped up, having her snap her focus to the next target. But can't seem to close the gap.

    I'll have her do the same drill with hardcover on the targets to focus on sight picture and calling her shots which does seem to help when she goes back to wide open targets.

    Any tips to get her to call her shots and improve transition times?

  6. I tried Moly (precision and Billy's) in my 25-2 when i had it...tried various powders, 320, TG and Clays...They all seemed to tumble down range. They all ran well in my other 625's.

    A friend of mine now has the 25-2, not sure what he is using in it now.

  7. so what if the super squad gets extra minutes to look at the stages, big deal, they're competing against themselves.

    :( I think not. Hard to see how far off you are when special "favors" are made.

    Agreed. We had walk throughs at the Nats and it was no problem. Can't see why it wouldn't be 'fair' here. It would be nice to have some consistency with all of the major matches. Last year it was a difficult time to absorb the stage in a mere 5 minutes with 15 other bodies pushing and shoving...especially in 'Al Quaeda Freight' Plus being pulled away from my squad for chronograph abnormalities....twice...where i did not have a walk through period...guess which stages i blew????

  8. I just started usning this load after using Zero 180's and VV320 for the past year or so..

    My God...Much cheaper..1K rounds now only cost me about 75$ vs. 130$ with the Vit.

    I use 4.35 gr. TG with the 185 out of 5"STI. Nice soft load and the site tracks so well. Really no smoke either. I'm getting 170 PF. With 4.2 gr and 1.2" OAL i was getting 167 PF, but just too close to 165..

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