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Posts posted by IHAVEGAS

  1. 11 hours ago, tanks said:

    Well, in a match of course there are lower hanging fruits (transitions, movement etc.) that I have been working on as well. However, for classifiers where you draw, fire 6 shots reload and fire 6 shots (seems to be most of them). Draw and reload is about half your time or more.r.


    Better to get to be a good B class shooter & then classify there than the other way around, in my opinion. I tend to be able to classify better than I can run a field course, seems normal for the slow but accurate crowd. 

    On the other hand, when you hit a reload right it is cool, I assume you are shooting for fun & slick reloads do add to the fun. 

  2. 9 hours ago, 3gunDQ said:

    The mysterious GM teaching people to not ride the safety intrests me. Your GM  ambition, technique, and opinon of ambi safeties do not.  


    If you want a for example, in Brian's book he recommends that you find what works for you personally, I think that Brian and Rob Latham  (sp ?) tend to grip with the strong hand thumb pointing down range and beside the safety. I could be wrong, came to the conclusion based on pictures of them shooting and perhaps the pictures were outliers (but I think Brian describes his grip in the book, which I would quote if I wasn't on the crapper right now).

  3. 1 minute ago, dspring said:


    Is the consensus here to lube even pistol rounds?


    I don't know of anyone locally who does not lube the outside of their pistol cases. There is a thread here somewhere about making you own lube & saving a buck.

  4. 3 hours ago, speedseeker said:

    That’s ridiculous and runs counter to the spirit and stated rationale for the recent rule changes.



    Smart way for a manufacturer to do it within the rules would have been not to designate the gun as a new model, sort of like Tanfo did with the new limited pro. 

  5. On 3/19/2018 at 12:45 PM, motosapiens said:


    otoh most really fast shooters are also skilled and calling their shots and will be aware the plate bounced back up.


    Have only had it happen once but if you call the shot & especially if you hear the hit then you are not going to stand there & watch the plate go down and come up. 

    Wouldn't have known it happened to me except I was wearing a hat cam, r.o. didn't see the plate fall & it was scored as a mike (local match, plates not repainted religiously). 

  6. 9 hours ago, Hi-Power Jack said:

    You can't leave us hanging like that  ....


    How did it end  ???





    Bought a trap & put tuna in it - had to go to work - skunk was in trap when I got home - sort of snuck up on trap around the corner and covered it with dark plastic - skunk did not spray - skunk did not survive the release process.


    They make this powder stuff that you put in water that releases some kind of a gas that helps with odors, I think they use it for houses where they are not quick to find a deceased person, between the powder stuff and time the smell eventually went away. For a few days everything I ate or drank tasted like skunk spray. 


  7. 6 hours ago, TonytheTiger said:

    I actually don't think skunk is that bad either, but I have yet to be sprayed. I might change my tune then... 



    True story, Feb 2010, Upside is my dogs name, wrote the email to my brother while waiting for the stores to open.





    Subject: Some days start out better than others

    About 6:15 or so this morning Upside had to pee. So I got out of
    bed and let the dogs out. I set the screen door to stay open and left a
    piece of paper wedged between the inside door lock pin and the hole in
    the wall the pin goes into.
    Morning routine is; let dogs out, fix doors so dogs can get back
    in when done, go back to bed, get up when dogs come back and close doors
    up right.
    The dogs came back inside in near record time this morning, they
    usually dawdle and for a moment I was proud of them for sticking to
    business. I inhaled and then lost that moment of mild elation.
         One or both dogs had found a skunk, and it was intense, so I ran
    them from the hallway back to the door as fast as I could. 
    The inside door was only partially open, when I whipped the door
    full open I found that the skunk had followed the dogs and was standing
    on the other side of the door.
    The skunk turned to his right to take aim (I probably look scary
    when fresh out of bed & in underwear and my yelping probably didn't
    Being suddenly within hair counting distance of a skunks cannon
    is more startling than I think I would have imagined. I can attest that
    this particular individual demonstrated admirable signs of cleanliness
    and good hygiene.  
    I backed off and the skunk didn't fire. I don't know if it had a
    humanitarian impulse or if it was just feeling dehydrated after
    drenching both of my dogs and my carport.
    The skunk was now facing down the basement stairway. It had the
    option of turning around and leaving the house or going down to check
    out the basement. It decided upon the latter option.
    I'm not completely sure that indoor rifle hunting is a well
    thought out sporting practice, but as I was now completely awake and
    feeling motivated to take some sort of action I found my glasses and
    pants, loaded up Dad's .22 and crept downstairs. I actually tried denial
    for a while before I took the hunting route, but there is just so long
    that you can choke down air that would make a buzzard cry while
    pretending that there is not a skunk in your basement.   
    The skunk was nowhere to be found. I'm assuming that it has
    found some nice nook to take a nap in.
    It is now about time for the stores to open so I reckon I'll
    head in town and purchase a skunk trap. I'm not sure how you approach a
    skunk inside a trap in your basement, but that will be a problem for a
    later time. I've also left the basement door that leads outside open and
    the stereo cranked up, best case is that the skunk is not a rock and
    roll fan and will decide to head out on its own.  

  8. Stinky

    The opossum's guise of death goes so far as to produce a smell of decay. From his anal glands, the opossum's body emits green mucus that will discourage most predators from feeding on him while he's in his comatose state. This smell leads the predator to believe that the opossum's body is a rotting carcass. Unfortunately, being run over by vehicles is now the most common way in which opossums are killed -- the smell does nothing to help them in this situation.

  9. 43 minutes ago, TonytheTiger said:

    Can't be worse than


    Probably not a workable debate because there is no way to share courtesy sniffs. 


    I will offer up that the reason 'playing possum' works is that the animal stinks too much like a gone bad corpse for the dog / coyote / whatever to want to keep messing with it, and that is when the critters are still alive. 

  10. 2 hours ago, johnbu said:

    Sadly, there are some chambers with problems beyond just leade.


    Something to be said for consistency though, if Tanfoglio made all barrels the same then people would get spoiled and start expecting them to do the same for frames & trigger bars and stuff. 

  11. 4 hours ago, Tanfastic said:

    If YOUR ammo does not pass the plunk test in YOUR barrel, then YOUR barrel needs to be reamed or you need to shorten the OAL on your loads and/or switch to a different bullet profile.  There are no other variables,


    Are you sure? I thought (did not know, thought) that with the 9mm Tanfo's the length of the chamber tended to be undersized in diameter and so it was more than just a "leade" length concern. Sort of like as noted below. My unscientific observation (have 2 9's did not get the second one reamed right away) was that the brass fit looser in my reamed gun, in any case there was never a problem with plunk testing my loads but I had ftf's with my non-reamed gun that disappeared when I had the barrel reamed. 


    "We utilize our custom 9mm Match Finish Reamer to ensure we bring your undersized chamber back to SAAMI spec while still maintaining the accuracy you demand. Chamber will be sized properly and the “leade” lengthened to allow a much greater range of projectile and OAL to be utilized. This service will greatly increase reliability in guns with short or no “leade” and has no negative affect on accuracy. Usual turnaround time is less than 24hrs and pricing includes return shipping back to you."

  12. Changing the spring was the last thing done before the issue was resolved. 


    Not sure how anybody could know if it was the only thing that had to be done, perhaps I am just too stubborn about the value of getting a 9 mm chamber reamed on these.


    Genius - tells you what and how to measure & then tells you what is different about your particular gun and why you need to make a modification. 

  13. If you are going to tear into the sear cage I really like using a spare sear pin for a slave pin, if the diameter of the slave pin isn't very close to the sear pin then it can make getting things back together a lot more of a chore.


    To me they are fun to work on after you have fiddled with them a bit, there is just a learning curve. 

  14. On 3/5/2018 at 2:02 PM, AzNooB said:


    The obvious variables here are the targets and the lighting conditions. Do these really have that much of an affect on a pistol's zero?


    Not unless you are doing something different with sight alignment &/or trigger control &/or anticipation.

    At 25 yards it is easy to be doing things just different enough to move poa a bit, usually trigger control. 

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