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Lee Dimaculangan

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Everything posted by Lee Dimaculangan

  1. news on nationals. mike voigt wrote on front sight "Juniors' scheduling problems will be accomodated where practical" just an FYI for those w/ school (including myself) - see ya @ nats.
  2. MM, I remember you shooting the Tx Limited in 03, well done =]. You were 1 place higher than me. Congrats in moving up, and in production too. Watch out sevigny
  3. being from tx myself benny, dawson, and brazos are all good but mine is from houston - eddie jimenea... built both my guns including my open showed as my picture
  4. hmm lets see... now that is if i save up enough money, hahaha - anyone in houston willing to hire me? US handgun champs. (definitely) Area 4 Area 3 Area 7 Tx Open (good stages, very challenging match) Space City Challenge -Houston (high round count for 6-7 stages) maybe others if i get around to em. bah! money
  5. well not like i had any choice... i HAD to shoot limited- more my dad and gunsmith's choice to start me out w/ limited. after making M - i went to open.. where all the juniors compete at
  6. My slot for nationals came in today, and its half price for juniors =] $225.00 for adults $112.50 for juniors see yall @ Barry
  7. tightloop, I looked into your info, and says you're from houston. Do you ever shoot any of the club matches? I'll be at the c.l.a.s.s. match tomorrow morning and eddies' 521 practice match on sunday @ bailey's. And as for the fundraising, I'm not sure how to initiate any in a large scale - especially since not many juniors shoot in the area. But maybe propose junior matches where a % of a match price goes towards lowering major match costs (if not already lowered) ... i mean even if $1 per shooter ... that a heck of a lot when added up. not sure where these ideas are going, but just some off the top of my head. - Lee
  8. One thing that was brought up by a friend of mine was lowering the price for juniors @ nationals in 2004. If changes in prices are too late maybe there can be some type of fundraising. I remember in Max's forum how its hard enough getting juniors to shoot major matches to make the junior team (because of school), but to spend a begeezus-load of money not for just the shooter, but the parent that has to accompany each one of us. Eh just a thought, would like to hear everyone's opinion on the matter. Happy Holidays everyone
  9. I'm not sure if theres a post/topic on our Juniors yet, so here it goes. Share your stories on how you got started and where you are now. My name is Lee Dimaculangan and I'm a 17 yr old shooter from Houston, Tx. I've had the opportunity to meet a lot of the other juniors in Area 4 and Area 2. I'm nobody big like Chris Tilley or KC Eusebio, but I would definitely like to hear from other junior shooters out there who's into this sport as much as I am. Practical shooting was introduced to me in the middle of 2001, when a range officer at the shooting range asked me to try out one of the matches. So i tried it, and was instantly hooked on it. Initially I had teacher who was a GM in open show me the ropes. I started out with a para p-16 and classified @ C class. Within a few months I was bumped up to B where I was stuck the longest. Then made A class after the 2002 Area 4 match. Next I shot the Tx Limited winning 3rd A and high junior. A month later I made Master class and won 1st M and high junior in both Space City and in Tx Limited. My plan was to make GM first... but seeing how most of the junior pros made GM in open first, I figured I would make the transition. From unclassified I made M class 2 months ago and now training my butt off until the next major match season. My short term goal is to do well in the 2004 area matches and nationals. I can only hope to try out for the Army Shooting Team in 2005, but with my hectic school/shooting schedule - it might be difficult. As of now it's still warm in Texas, so shooting is still pretty active down here. I hope to hear from other juniors out there, and everyone elses' thought on us . Good Luck to everyone and Merry Christmas =]
  10. got my M card Open in 1 all classifier match in November =]
  11. nice job jake, hurry up and make Master already - we need more of us juniors hitting higher ranks =]. congrats again man, better be in that M class production soon
  12. the texas star... hmm being from texas, i've shot this prop in many matches.... For example @ the texas state limited 2003, there was a stage with 2 texas stars at opposite ends of the course. my personal way of shooting it was from the uppermost steel to the bottom, but criss-crossing left to right as i work my way down. Hitting the uppermost steel causes very little movement and gives the shooter an easier target acquisition. As it moves slowly at first - aim for the next steel closest to the top- whether its on the left or right side of the first hit steel. As you work your way down, you will notice that the prop hasn't moved too much. Be patient and dont go trigger happy - expecting they will all fall. If you hit the wrong steel, trust me, that prop will go round and round like crazy. Make sure you hit them in a specific order. I've seen open shooters aim at one spot as the star spins, and shoots each one as the star spins. Unless other places are using this prop, visit Area 4 and/or Major Texas matches, you'll find this prop very common here =]. Lee Dimaculangan TY45511
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