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Posts posted by BSeevers

  1. I'm 51 and I have a least 15 HOA at locals this year and at least one 2nd/3rd in class at majors so far this year? Winning M Open at a major takes a pretty good performance in all areas since its a pretty skill filled class.

    I have won before and not and know winning takes an extra amount of committment of time and money to achieve.

    Does age matter? At this point no. Now I am spending as much time working out physically as shooting since I have to run with 22 year olds and it is taking me longer to get in shape. So what. Got notice from my app that midway through this year I have rode 250 miles on my bike and burned 15K cals This winter caused me a late start and I would have liked at least 25% more

    GM/M requires no flaws in your game to win so no excuses. Most of this applies to other classes too.

    Oh forgot I started this shooting when most people on here were in junior high school so I have a headstart on shooting skills. Read above. No excuses though. If you want to move up, make a plan, DO the plan.

  2. I think I find this fun, shoot with me if you wanna see, after 26 years but when I am serious in performance, Nothing will stop me from my goals.

    All negativity will either spur you on, or defeat you. Burnout is self induced negativity. Heck I don't even like to post on these type threads because of that fact. It is all inside you. If you feel that you have "arrived" investigate that. My language is strong but it has to be. Have I felt your feeling, of course I have. I choose how I handle that feeling. I tell people that I coach, after they have fallen in some way. Today you decide to get better, stay the same or quit.

  3. Don't forget that the hosting property owner can have rules beyond those of USPSA. If you lost club affiliation over that, I have to wonder what your section and area director are thinking. Things like muzzle over the berm are actually kinda even hard to enforce, but leaving your ammo 5ft behind is not some massive hardship, is it?

    When I have seen this it is usually enforced by an idiot old guy. He is making the calls for the club so he wakes up early to be the sergeant of arms for the club. By the time this happens its a no win for competition. I figure everybody that casually shoots at the club points their muzzle over the berm all day.

    The average club member is way way less safe than a competition shooter but when those club relics set their sights on competition, watch out. The best way to control it is get elected.

  4. I approaching officiating with the attitude if you are my friend or foe you get your 2 Alpha's, Procedural or DQ exactly the same. When you earn them.

    As a RO you are not actively involved with the Alpha Mike, 2 Charlie or whatever, you are just the reporter and there to ensure safety and fun.

    I have had encounters with surly RO's in the past, that I might consider asking for a sub but I feel they maintained their integrity when I encountered them again and have been my RO including Area 5 last weekend. That is one measure of a good RO. If you can be objective, fair and courteous no matter what then I think you are good to go.

  5. 9mm major goes all the way back to the mid '80s. Not really all that new.

    I did go with a Trubor .38 and judging by the comments on my videos I'd say it is pretty flat. Im running ot stock with the only addition being an aftec extractor. The internals are stock, all I did was clean up the hammer hooks and I have a 2lb trigger.

    Wasn't that was limited by OAL and bullet if I remember, could be wrong about bullet weight, Yea Paul Miller and the gang loved to shoot those 9mm Open guns.

    I meant when it became legal legal, two rulebooks ago I think.

  6. You know KC is special. When I see another National Champion with a Glock in any caliber Ill be blown away. Of course Max or Eric G could convert to Glock and win. What he does demonstrate is it really doesn't matter its the indian not the arrow.

    Well I wouldn't call 9mm Open, new school. How long has it been legal? 10 years? Maybe a little less but my last gun could have been a 9mm and it wasn't. It's at the smith getting a new top end and I use old SV mags so I could make it any caliber and its gonna be 38 Super. I get 30+1 if I want and more important I can use any powder/bullet that I want.

    I pick up brass for 3 people and I like it cause its free crunches to get back in shape.

  7. I feel like Charlie Brown with the football yanked out. I was ready. My stuff wasn't. My slide cracked on thursday. 100K ++ rds Ok borrow Mandi's but get no practice. I'll lose a bit of performance at first with being unfamiliar, but major wins are not about popple holes. Got grooved in after 3 stages and started posting some single digit placements on stages. Oh yea.

    Next day Dot goes out on a stage with 20 yrd targets and small poppers. Ok point shot three or four shots a target until I see hits. Reload and dump almost a mag point shooting poppers. Great 58th place so I replace batt. Looks good lights up and it was, for one shot. Point shot the steel stage in 8 sec. 20th place haha I'm getting good at this.

    Ok so in reality match is tanked so I get ok for next sub gun. Shorty, 5 holes, different powder load, *thumb rest [generic]* Do I go on? Well I hammered it kinda pissed off and got a 4th on that stage. That wasn't my highest stage so don't think being pissed is the key. Well it usually does help me but I think in the long run it would not help. Plus how can I get pissed off on demand. Ok I know read the news

    I would rather get all single digit places at a major than a couple 1st and a bunch of double digits or worse.

    I am not a shoulda, coulda, woulda but I can' wait for the next match.

    Gun goes off today to the smith for a complete new top end.

  8. Finally getting to train in the last 30 days like I have been wanting to. What a crappy winter. Getting tired of these 2nds and 3rds at majors. Lot's of HOA at clubs so far this year.

    Big test this weekend. Area 5 and I am ready. Areas tend to bring everybody out so it requires excellent execution and near perfection. Been weight training and riding my bike and it is a real advantage. Should be able to get 500 more rounds downrange this week and then it is on to Quincy. I always feel so good there. It is where the USPSA Nationals are a tradition and so many greats in our sport have trudged up those hills and battled the stages, heat and ticks. I feel so good I might bite a tick myself.

  9. 160 PF in IPSC so 165 is ok although I would use a powder in the burn rate to load like 8-9 grains

    Its probably your expectations of what you think you should see and what you are seeing.

    What are your splits and transitions on three targets at 3 yds 7 yds 10 yds and 25 yds

  10. I think studying your own film is good but use some judgement when asking to film. I have had people at a major this year! ask me to film.

    I told my teammate that I didn't want to film us and ended up filming someone else. None of the people I filmed this year offered to film me and email me mine either.

    I look at asking someone to film me like asking them to top off my mags, clean my mags, etc

    I would ask a close friend/teammate but prob not a stranger.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  11. Around 1993 (when Rob convinced Dillon to make a few sets of 9x25 dies) we started working on the caliber. We experimented with projectiles from 88 grains through 147. We tried all sorts of powders, comps, barrel ports, etc. One of my personal favorite combos was a 108gr JSP over 18grs of H-110. It is the closest thing to an AR-15 for the 1911. It was incredibly loud but extremely well behaved. USPSA eventually stepped in and eliminated that from being an option, making 115's the best option. At that time we were running 4 or 5 chamber comps and a couple of small holes in the barrel.

    They made my old Hybrid with 3n37 and 115 gr at the old PF of 175 sound kinda wimpy and with that combo I used to ask RO's if they had a pacemaker before I shot. Liability reasons ya know

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