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Posts posted by BSeevers

  1. For me it's a training vs time/money issue. I just turned 53 and feel I am as or more competitive as I was in my 20's. Yes I have the unique perspective as to have been there done that. Last year I didn't have the money but next year I see the perfect storm of money/time/desire coming together. At this point in my career physical training vs shooting training is as or more important. Yea I "lost a step" in my 30's but never been called a slow poke.

    I think some people don't realize how much effort/time/money/training/luck it takes to win. Yea I know there is the occasional guy who shoots very little and wins. Usually he is 28 yrs old and a former athlete. Everything counts after a while and he doesn't win after a while unless he gets on the training train.

    Excuses are the easiest form of training. They work.

  2. Ok, got a question for ya. I was told by a top gun builder today that open shooters do not buy 170mm mags they only buy 140mm mags. This person also told me I just need to shoot 140mm mags in open cause the 170mm mags are finicky. I was also told by this person to get on the internet and do some searching. Well, that is what I am doing.

    Do you buy into this and what is your opinion.


    Do you or that gun builder go to matches?I don't think I have even seen an Open shooter that didn't use a big stick, maybe one once, but the other 10K++ all do

  3. everyone always tries to make things way too complicated ....

    USPSA is only about ONE thing:

    Shooting all alphas as fast as you can ...

    The problem is people take that phrase (just shoot A's as fast as you can) as A commandment handed down from Mr Magic Shooter Deity.

    That is only part of the answer. If you wanna run faster than the rest you have to put in the work. If you truly accept your skills at their base core level then you can follow this plan and shoot well, but I don't think better.

    Kinda related to that topic, Its not just good enough to say, I am a former Pro athlete,I have a Masters degree, a Ferrari, and net worth of 15 million(or whatever) so I will just will myself fast and do it because I am smarter, better or tougher than those other guys. The ego and mind gets in the way no matter who you are. So does lack of preparation.

    Toughness is demonstrated by getting to practice.

    So if you really just Shoot A's as fast as you can then you should finish every match with 97-99% points and 0 penalties, RIGHT ???? Do you do that? I don't and I know better. That is a very good mindset but to win you must prepare better than your competition and execute it on match day.

  4. 2x2 are so great. They exceed the requirements and last years and years. Drill a hole at each end and use those gigantic 8-12 inch long nails or spikes to hold them to ground. I wish all our clubs had crowbars or pickaxes to lift them out at teardown though.

  5. Smartest thing you are doing is buying an Open gun from a known pistol smith. You want it to function and you will be sending it back for repairs and upgrades. If you can't wait months then buy a used one.

    Matt has done me very well.

  6. I get nervous right before a stage, and sometimes more than others from mere butterflies to fairly amped up. I don't have a pre-set ritual, but for some reason when the RO says "Stand by." All the stress just drops away. Happens every time, and I know I can count on it no matter how wound up I get walking to the line.

    If my brain wasn't wired like this, I'd be all over a ritual. Anything to calm the mind.

    Interesting. Brian says the same thing, that being nervous is irrelevant as long as you do not tense up. Matt Burkett had a nice piece of advice I use myself successfully. He will NOT stare at the targets or anything, and simply looks down at the ground after making ready, until the "are you ready command.' Then he breathes deeply and moves his eyes to the first target, thus avoiding both eye strain and getting tense. Also says if you can wiggle your toes at that point, you are not tense. A nice "routine" which has great benefits and no distractions.

    Another thing I do, which I learned from Todd Jarret, is dropping my mag once or twice halfway out after making ready, to not only make sure it will come out (It could have been stepped on, etc) but also I find it gives my hands something to do which "warms" them up ready and coordinated right before the start signal. After not handling your gun for perhaps well over an hour between your shooting each stage, it helps get your coordination and confidence ready at the last moment. (I do NOT, Bill Seevers, test all 5 mags on my belt like Todd does during making ready, taking a lot of time and driving everyone crazy! HA!).

    Haha Did I say something about that one time?

    Really as said its the idea of doing something, not the length of time you take doing it, that is important. In fact I think a lot of people who have 2 minute rituals really need to work on "match nerves" instead of rituals

  7. If you are shooting for fun in general, why would you care about if minor is handicapping you? Just shoot. When you get into higher classes or become more serious about placement, especially major matches, then you can worry about that.

    I hate to break it to your advisors but lack of a regular practice schedule with the same gun "handicaps " you quite a bit more then major vs minor. A goal of wanting to be 50% at a local is very different than 50% at your Area championship. Keep it in perspective and have some fun for a while. If you want to win your class at a major that is a way different question.

    I know one thing for sure, the great majority of shooters do better by picking one gun, that works, and sticking with it

  8. In my experience performance goes way way down when you switch platforms with regular shooters. Wanna see something funny take a Production C/B shooter and watch him buy a new Open gun.

    Professional GM's like KC don't count since they have way above average skills and experience. Of course they switch all the time. It's their job

    That said going from a Glock to STI is a period of adjustment not a automatic performance boost.

    These are not race cars where If I go from a 200 HP to a 500 HP I'll be faster uh DUH when you push the pedal but I'll bet you don't win off the bat in auto racing either.

    That said of course a STI is a better trigger and gun. See results in Limited/Open for proof. Its still a gun not a video game

  9. Not acceptable. It's one thing if they want to hang back and get the best look they can at the stage from behind the firing line, but they need to stay off the stage.

    I do think it's acceptable for the on deck shooter AND the "in the hole" shooter(shooter after next) to walk the stage during pasting. The on deck shooter should always get preference, but if I'm about to be on deck, I'll wait until the on-deck shooter is out of a position before I start trying to air gun and from that spot. On-deck always has preference, but i don't mind if the guy behind me is walking the stage too as long as he stays out of my way.

    I don't think this is acceptable in my experience most of the time they still get in my way. Often he is focused on his run through and plain old just gets in my way.

    Even if you wait until I get half way downstage here's what happens, I'm on my second stealth and here comes the In the Hole shooter walking back up range up through the stage disturbing my run.

    On Deck Only is the only fair way to do it.

  10. Match website is up. Go to www.uspsaohio.com to see the website. There is work still but coming together. Will have the rest of the sponsors up today and tomorrow.

    Order form for competitor shirts is up. Go to https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1vSDMAOIMjizfEAZlRrk2Kc_HZl-60Pok7fxnieWe2VM/viewform?c=0&w=1to complete the form. Payment info is in the confirmation page for order. Shirts will be picked up at the match.

    We have 164 shooters registered at this point.

    Let me know if you have any questions.


    How do we squad?

  11. Just to clarify and verify I have the correct information/concept, when reloading for Major you are using more powder then the manuals recommend.


    HS-6 states for 124gn 9mm bullet a starting load of 6gn and a max of 6.6gn yet I see people using 8.5gn to 9.2gn.

    If this is correct what is stopping the presure from building up too much or is it rising past 32k.


    Yes and sometimes a lot more.

    I miss the days of 175 PF more V.

    This is a little like racing, Chevy says to never turn the boost up. Well if ya wanna go fast your not listening

  12. We are all getting old :devil:

    I have only known one or maybe 2 that I know personally, get down classed. That's over a bunch of years

    You need to build a case to your SC and possibly AD. I don't think you should take this lightly(SC/AD) as its a slippery slope of people wanting to always be re-classed.

  13. Well here we go into a new year. Last year had a 1st place and some 2nds and 3rds at major. Won HOA at around 20 club matches and didn't get to attend the Nationals. Good year that turned crappy at the end. Oh well. Have a great attitude and outstanding new job going into the new year so I will be able to shoot and practice like I want to. Have a couple sponsorships in the works so with a little timing and luck this could be a killer year. I know that I am riding a wave of confidence, desire and work put in from last year.

  14. 25 years of carbide dies and polished brass, tried one shot during a tendentious flare up and never went back. Its way easier.

    I have a cardboard box and put cases in on their side, one light pass back and forth is all you need. It runs around the cases just fine

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