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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


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    Don Finkbeiner

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Looks for Range

Looks for Range (1/11)

  1. ^^ We use the same stuff. I really like the fact that it doesn't get brittle in subzero temps.
  2. I have never timed out a Pact Club Timer 2 or 3 but I don't know the maximum par time.
  3. Be warned, you will have the whole squad circled around your cart like college kids around a doobie.
  4. I have seen 1/4"(could have been 3/16") yellow nylon rope with big knots on the end use as chamber flags in pumps. It allows the bolt to close on a empty chamber. I didn't really like the idea but it worked. Our matches have preload racks in a roped off area and after preload, its a match DQ to set foot in that area unless instructed by the RO. IMO, flags are not really needed at that point but rules are rules.
  5. I asked for clarity on this issue before. I was told that chest rigs, drop legs and 10 speed type carriers are fine. I did not ask about pockets. Basically its No reloading the shotgun with shells carried on the gun or arm band, no ready mag and no mag couplers.
  6. It all sits on a shelf and hangers that were not installed when I took these photos. Then there is this thing with plenty of room for bug spray and sunscreen. lol
  7. I have learned that 1) I need to shoot more and work less matches. Out of 12 matches so far this year, I have ROed 10 and MDed 2. 2) I need to work on breathing also. 3) I need to work on shotgun loading more and work on awkward pistol positions. Last match I found myself shooting through a set of low ports and I would either try to rest the pistol on the barrier or I was choking up on my pistol. Shoot through the ports not in the ports. 4) Listen, pick up on what other shooters tell me. I learned how much faster it was to shoot shotgun arrays from strong to weak side so my weak eye can acquire the next target as i shoot. 5) overall, my transition to 3 gun this year was well worth it. I love the sport and have made some great friends.
  8. I guess my point was that safety violation calls on a COF should be made by the ROs. Both ROs in agreement makes the call, if not, the benefit goes to the shooter. I also think the arbitration fee doesn't make since. Blow a hole in a $400 MGM target and get a stage DQ, contest a call and pay $100.
  9. Couldn't disagree with this more personally. I watched a shooter get DQ'd for a 180 violation at a recent match when he clearly was NOT breaking 180.....after arguing it with the RM TWICE and bringing video evidence from a head mounted Go-Pro, the shooter was given a reshoot and DQ was reversed. If the RM was completely unwilling to budge when evidence was in front of him, because as you put it "RO DQs are final"... I would feel 100% justified in asking for arbitration.I agree with you on the RO interference. I would go even further and ask that scoring RO clear the guns in dump barrels behind the shooter unless there is a problem with it. I could see that being a issue with the 180 rule but stage design should provide a buffer making a 180 violation obvious. I have in fact been DQed by a RM who was 100 yards away for breaking 180 when he thought my mag was the muzzle while clearing my pistol.
  10. Also make a fine or any damage caused by use of banned ammo.
  11. I would make safety violations non arbitrary, RO's DQs are final and strike any notion of RO interference for ever touching a shooter's firearm.
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