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Posts posted by a-44978

  1. National Viking Tactics Three Gun Cool Guy Tactical Combat Concealed Practical Defensive Offensive Invasive Passive Active Interactive Practical Impractical Shooting Association

    Wow :huh: good one lol

    So the moral to this story is quit whining and shoot a handful of major matches a year and put up with IPSC in between?

    I was at a IPSC pistol match today and someone brought that same idea up to me,except they had a few less initials in the title.Anyhooooo, it was just a thought from a greenubie :)

    Rhino i forgot the Viking Tactics link (ooops)

  2. Me too :angry:

    a 2 min walkthrough should be enough but yes the big dogs have a habbit of showing complete disreguard for their fellow shooters both during the walkthrough and when someone else is up and you better be outa their way when they are up

    Then its

    'Hurry up!" <_< Goooozfrabba :huh:

    End of vent-rant,Thanks :D

  3. Set up your rifle for transitions ,bring clothes that can get dirty and have fun.I saw nothing exteme last year but had the best time ever.

    Bring a notepad, some of those guys have a welth of info and are super nice.Good luck :lol:

    I wish i could go <_<

  4. :huh: Engrossing bantor aside.Does IPSC has to be the last word everytime we pick up a blaster,holster acc,party favor?

    Is there a big enough following for a tactical shooting somthin somthin?

    Why not?!

    So far the IPSC 3 gun i have seen is a bunch of shooters treating it all as a another pistol match <_<

    I say the same people that would get stuck in open because of optic on the rifle only are the same people that don't care about doing transitions,retreating stages or crawling(get dirty,oh my god).

    How many?

    Seperate division?

    Seperate entity? <_< Hummmmmm.Maybe?


    Happy 4th gotta get ready to practice tomarrow,just because its fun :D

  5. If i were a Delta operator,hummm. <_< No, but if i were a ipsc 3-gun limited shooter no doubt iron sights only.

    THANK YOU DELTA AND EVERYONE ELSE that gets shot at for me!Patiotism aside

    Why not a seperate entity alltogether?Hummmmm,Tactical 3-gun something :o hey why not?(Kyle)

    Yes i want to be a better rifle shooter but if i could choose i want a dot or acog ,etc.

    How many shooters have you seen that shoot open because they won't remove their acog or holosite and i don't mean open shooters that have open gear (2 optics ,speed loaders,etc)

    Last week my squad was all open except me. 7 of us, and all we could talk about was Kyles match in NC.

    See "Why not have weapon transition stages"

    The next time i see these guys i'm gonna run this by them and see what kinda response i get

    I'm just a "B" Limited (beginner in my case) but i can see a patern here and please hit me with a brow beating frenzy if i'm wrong but........I see this,or think i do.

    Ipsc tends to be taylored more to the masses and three gun is a different venue.

    The tactical 3-gun match has quite a large following.Common sense and simple rules.Common sense and safety being first.

    Optics on rifles only because yes it is still practical and common.

    Optics on shotguns no and pistols,well maybe large game at long range.

    This is also the same crowd that likes retreating stages and does'nt mind crawling through the dirt.

    Not wanna be commandos but competitors that like this style of venue.

    For IPSC maybe not.Arguements can be made about the experience level of both shooter and ro alike.

    Not to mention stage design.

    Why not? Theres IDPA,IPSC,Bianci(is it still around?)Steel.

    Hummmmm. <_< could happen

  6. i left ford after 6 years(profitable ones),and have bounced twice so far.I'm better for it now(more in my tool box)

    I think they like me here and the moneys ok for now .I learned to stay positive and flexible.Looking back i'm glad it happened and you probably will too. :D

  7. i'll take it all!

    After changing to the lee resizing die and the lee factory crimp die i have very few fail the case guage and even those fit my chamber nicely :P

    My first year i shot a glock with no mods to my 650 and was having fat rounds(consistantly A-MERC)so i threw out all A-merc brass i ran accross and now i'm sorry.

    Now i shoot a 2011 with a Schumann match barrel and i'm a man-whore when it comes to brass,i have even run .357sig casses through to see what would happen and <_< i lost em in the grass somewhere in stage 3(spent casses).Ive run 30k through my Dillon,5k after a few mods and all i run into now is an occasional pause because a case misses the mouth of the stage one die.

    Oh and one more great find,Franklin Armory makes a primer tube filler gizmo for $50 and some change at midway.I can fill15 tubes in 20 mins! :lol:

    I wish i had all the A-merc i threw away now :(

    Happy loading

  8. Probably real close.

    I've played with 5.5g Titegroup,165g and 155g fmjhp ,1.225 C.O.L

    Chronoed out of a 5"STI w/schuman barrel with very close readings and the 155s felt even softer

    165g avg F.P.S 1100 and 155g avg F.P.S 1050

    You need to chrono to be sure.I'm sure you have heard the horror stories about shooting minor at a major match :(

    165s were montana gold i got from Frank Garcia who liked the hp for the rounder profile of the nose to aid feeding

    155s were ? gunshow 500 lot but they looked like hornandy

    I have heardsome shooters go even lighter and i have heard 155g is optimum.

    But then again i like Blondes and other guys like mohawks :lol:

  9. i've heard good things about the redfield,both with and without multiple reticles.i got a refurb holosite and love it.I just wish there were more matches i could use it in without being in "open class" <_< that sucks

  10. I shoot alot by some people standards, always 2 sometimes 3 times a week and i was getting lazy about emptying my trunk when i got home.Until..................My buddy calls and his voice sound different "hi ,how are ya,blah blah blah"

    "By the way my truck got stole last night from in front of my house"(in a very nice hood)WOW!

    "They got my AR,mags,STI,and related gear along with other stuff that i left in there"

    They found it a week later in a canal with a couple of close range shotgun blasts to the side(he did'nt have a shotgun in the truck).God knows when you might need a loaded ar when your out <_< (not LE)I don't know either :huh:

    A week later a LE buddy stopped at a mall on his way to work and forgot to lock all the doors to his truck and he too lost an ar and a bolt gun ,they left the range bag with 2 g17s and related gear :(

    Hearing this stuff sent chills down my spine as i remember making the same errors(not a loaded AR)with all my 3 gun gear


    Oh yea i almost forgot "Just because the world is out to get you does'nt make you parinoid" :ph34r:

  11. In many ways, I LIKE the gamer mindset. It discourages lazy course design and poor course instructions and promotes one of the things that I liked most about ipsc; creativity in problem solving.

    Now this doesn't mean I think it's okay to contort into Yoga positions in order to have the fastest possible start from a "hands above shoulders" start position or to destroy props or shoot in an unsafe manner.

    It just that I don't like the argument that goes,

    "You shouldn't shoot it that way, because it wasn't meant to be shot that way."

    BIG DEAL! I thought the whole freestyle nature of ipsc shooting was to find the way that works best for you. If you think pausing at that tiny opening and taking the longer shots at a target are better than running up to a large, open port, go for it. Try to solve the problem as fast and accurately as you can. With few exceptions (like standard exercises we never see anymore), there shouldn't be a set "way" to shoot a stage.

    Often times, I think the people that are getting mad at shooters that "game" a stage are just upset (sour grapes) because they didn't figure it out first.

    Why use disapearing targets anymore? why should a course designer have to guard against shortcuts?ok the fastest way through a course sure where to reload what target to enguage etc.not pass this one because there is no penalty or pass that one because the time will be better for my score.And yes if i intend for a couple of shots to be challenging that is part of the challenge.I respectfully dissagree.Not to mention ,try that stuff at sof or some other matches and see what happens.

    Maybe it is me ,just sour grapes that i still suck at my reloads and my movement is often compared to a wounded YAK :lol:

    Thanks to all for the input, its cool to start a couple of topics and see such a response(even big dogs) :D

  12. Kurt,patrick,and who's Kyle? :D just funnin

    Good points made by all and the answer to the question at hand.

    Why not have transition stages in IPSC?

    This is a fairly advanced technique that IPSC did not invision

    R.Os need to be a little more experienced to deal with and design stages to both accomidate safety and challenge the shooter

    Tactical 3 gun is a little more hard core."Tactical 3 gun"theres that term again HUmmmmmmmmmmm,i wonder <_<

    short and sour, sound right?

    The only three gun match in my area everymonth a mere 2hr15mins one way is an IPSC match and several of them shoot in open class only because they have an optic on their rifle and reminisce about trips to Kyle's match.

    Next time i see them i will ask if they want to do somthing here,if for no other reason but to warm up for NC

    I perfere a sharp stick in the eye instead of missing that match, unfortunately i'm shrapening it as we speak! :angry:

    Thanks to all

    Al Browndyke

  13. Hmmm...interesting post Duane!

    I guess I would have four on my short list. 

    #1) Our host in the "retired from shooting but still doing a TON to help the sport" category most notably this forum and "The Book".  I only hope that someday I will actually understand all of "The Book" before he publishes "The Book, Part Deux" or "Zen and the art of 1911/2011 Maintenance".  And for that long ago ESPN show with he and Robbie duking it out at Bianchi or some other competition that planted the seed of competitive shooting in me which took a bunch of years to sprout.

    #2) TGO because, well, he is TGO.  Duane said it all.  The Gretzky of Shooting, maybe.  But did Rob marry a Playboy centerfold like Wayne did?  ;)

    #3) Matt Burkett.  Because he has the balls to go shoot minor and WIN just to see if he can but mostly because of what he is giving back to the sport in the form of his DVDs.  Yeah, sure, he is making a few bucks off the DVDs but the amount of info in those is astounding.  I have a lot of How-To videos for everything from woodworking to fly-fishing and none of them can hold a candle to Matt's production quality.  Matt's dedication to producing THE BEST video sets his apart into some other league.  He could produce a bunch of mediocre videos and probably have a higher profit margin than what he is getting by doing it right; but he doesn't fall for the power of the quick buck.  Thanks Matt!

    And no, I have never met any of the three although I think I talked to Brian on the phone once when I ordered something.

    And all this is to take nothing away from all the others out there who are so deserving. 

    But wait...he said "four".  Yup, sure did.

    I have been participating here for less than a year and I was a "guest in stealth mode" for a bit before I joined.  The help and encouragement offered on this forum has been invaluable to myself and to others.

    You all really are heros!  :D

    #4) My other "hero" really is a group of people.  All the folks be they U, D, C, B, A, M or GM that show up on this forum to give advice and assistance without a lot of chest beating and "higher and mightyer than thou" attitude.

    My hero. Armondo Valdez,when i grow up i wanna be like that guy.Tireless, humble,helpful etc

  14. Now there is an interesting demographic.I wonder how many shooters got screwed on this one.

    I too have heard this story."while waiting for my new single stack open gun hi-cap guns came out,and my new $3000.00 baby is now a display item!".I also think the rules have become complex because of the gamer mindset and range lawyers.

    Example,you set up a cof,but you miss some little opening between some barrels (did'nt put up a wall of no shoots or whatever).The intention of the cof is obvious but since you did not specificly say you can't do that or make take that shortcut away a guy uses it, then others see it and think i'm not gonna do it the right way if he's gonna win so everyone does it.

    Another favorite of mine "Hands above respective shoulders"How come i see so many shooters upperbody twisted and their hands are in the air but weak hand no where near the respective shoulder.My point is not to turn this into a rule topic because it is part of the trend in the mindset of the wannabe.I have talked to some vets of the sport that agree

    Backing up a little bit.When i played pool a lot (89)they came out with a cool jump cue $50.Endorsed by the pro tour.A month later not!and nobody would let you use it in a match.I did not quite competing (local,i was never that good anyhoo)but i might if i got a big hit like the $3000.00 History channel display piece.

    The mindset win win win.Where did skill,disipline,good sportsmanship,and helping the new guy go?

    How do you change the mindset?

    Anyone need a pipe with a bike handle on it,only $50 :lol:

  15. One thing i learned the hard way with aSTOCK #35


    Never in practice but every stage in a match, at least one light hit on a primer

    went to SMALL PISTOL primers no more problemo

    Lee resizing and factory crimp dies are what i use now for my STI loads and i don't care what brass i use,i have even ran a few .357 sig casses through (they are now .40).I wish i could have saved those after i shot them for inspection but i guess they are in the grass at stage 5 somewhere :P

    and yes the Ghost Rocket is the best add on since the magwell for a glock :D

  16. xcount,i would love to see that chart.Feedback i have gotton from a few new shooters was,race gear and the high speed guys.No matter how much you tell them about production,or limited class i don't think they understand they would compete against the same set up they have (or simular).I see local idpa clubs have practice nights(real practice)not the pseudo-match

    the ipsc clubs have.They run drills and stuff like that.How about only a few (at least in fl)have a place to practice.The

    guys i know about that do, use it as some kind of power trip.I am very lucky to have a club i can go to, just a mere 2hrs15mins

    one way and i invite people to come but thats too far for them usually.It goes back to the ilitist attitude of wanna-be champions.Maybe it's carma(i hope)but the True champions usually come out on top,even while outworking everyone else on the squad.Armondo Valdez is a prime example.He never stops and at the end of the day it does'nt hurt his scores.

    When 9mm major happens for limited that might mean i'll make a change myself.The equipment race is a tough one,on one hand it helps spur on development and on the other it eliminates(at least handicaps)blue coller bigginers like me :unsure:

    Maybe this has gotten too big for its own good(IPSC)with range lawyers and rules that make it an expensive thing to do.

    An example that comes to mind is mag length for limited 1 or 2mms longer and i would not need to send out the whole set to be tuned to hold 20 for a (percieved)advantage.Once you leave production you almost have to buy reloading gear.

    Is it me,am i just beingDARK?

  17. I use a Camel bak mule w/100 oz res and large mouth fill neck.Hydrastorm makes a bunch of em also.

    A couple of things i have learned in the last year of using mine.

    Get the large mouth fill neck.My mule fits perfectly under most ice shoots (hotels,7-11s,etc)and i have yet to hear "no you can't have any ice ",in fact some places will let you fill up with whatever they have on tap because they count cups not fluid.

    If you bring it, wear it ,get used to it,even shoot with it(if possible)why?because the hose always finds something dirty to lay in.

    get a shutoff valve in addition to the bite valve,bite valves leak

    I only use lime gatoraid or water because these blatters are plastic and somewhat pourus(i think )no matter how much you clean or what you use you will have an after taste of what was there before,or stick to water

    And when it is brand new you might want to get the plastic taste out of the blatter.I have read about using viniger,soapy water and even bleach.I wish i had a link or 2 for you on this but its been a while(initial cleaning before use)look it up it is out there.with ice it stays cold for longer than you would expect.100oz gets me through 5 stages before needing to top it off,i could probbably stand to drink more though

    good luck :wacko:

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