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Posts posted by a-44978

  1. yea it helped.................helped me loose a pizza <_<

    But thanks for clearing that up.I have been shooting at a few local matches in my area and i was never sure about this and where the difference between per shot or just one penalty can be applied,i swear it was different at different times depending on ro,club and shooter.Since i am still no real threat to win a match i just blow it off, but i still feel the need to know.i shoot at about 6 different local matches put on by as many clubs and there is an inconsistancy in whitch the rules are either interpreted or applied.no shoot-shoot throughs are one example.I go here and they say it counts and there they say it don't.Thats one example that comes to mind.

    With that said..............Since i can't seem to follow course discriptions or shoot a clean match yet i feel i have bigger fish to fry now than becoming a range lawyer.In other words when i can really shoot i will really try to focus on the other stuff.

    Thanks again Al B B-limited(very limited) ;)

  2. i'm trying to figure out the difference here.

    i shot 6 poppers in front of a fault line(not a safety line way too far back),i gained no advantage that i can tell.these poppers were out in the open and i was inches past the line.

    I was given 6 proceedurals.

    I didn't argue because i still did not understand this rule

  3. I got them and class 3 guys and mine is 2hr 15 mins at 4500rpm one way.

    I have to say the sas at my club do leave a bay or two for others to practice.

    Now the class 3 guys on the other hand...................

    or did i mention #6 shot coming down like rain <_<

  4. Me too, but now no more!!!!!!! :lol:

    Ok this may or may not apply, but heres the story anyhooooo...........

    I have been using sv mags with grams pads (pads only at this point) and after 9k rounds or so through my used 2011(built very well by Dirk Leach)i would get a mag in the middle of the stage, 5 or so rounds down, not feed .pull back on the slide and it goes into battery and away goes a sec.

    Meanwhile these base pads fit extremely tight to the mag body and over time i crack a few.

    I change over to Grams springs and followers with no luck , still intermittant feeding troubles (always in a match)

    I get a nice note with my replacement pads to check for pad to mag fit.

    I call Beven and ask exactly what to look for and he patiently explained that the pads should not be that tight.

    I sanded the edges of the bottom of my tubes until the pads went on the way he described.

    I'm just relieved at this point that Beven didn't blink at replacing the pads.AND THANKS AGAIN BEVEN WHEREVER YOU ARE

    With no clue as to when my next missfeed would happen i shot 15 or so local matches and several practice sessions


    I also noticed that the mags now load easier than ever, even 20 rounds.

    Now about this Brain malfunction problem i'm having....................................................................................


  5. Where should the equipment race end?If that happens the only people that will be competitive will be the 9mm shooters(all things being equal).

    Now i gotta set up a new rig?Booooo Hoooooo, yea i know.

    Let the open guys play with the pricey bells and whistles,please.

    Rant over, t :wacko: ime for meds

  6. I've been down this road before

    After a long fight with my AMALIE i sent it to bushmaster and they replaced the gas tube and said they found a leak at the gas block........But it was fixed and to zero it i was all the way to one side

    After ARMALIE blamed everything but the phase of the moon Bushmaster fixed it!

    Whew....Rant over, the front gas block assembly is held in place with 2 roll pins (usually solid) and its a miracle that the majority of them zero straight.

    In othrwords send it back,if you tamper with it and then send it back it gives them a way out of fixin it for ya

    BM took forever to send my baby too but i love it and it has not burped in 2K plus rounds so far(its a BM Dissipater flat top with flip up front and rear sights)I've since given the other hood prop to a friend who loves it

    Did i mention don't mess with ARMALIE

  7. i'd like to see a "skirmish" (i think thats what its called)

    I have done fof with simunitions witch was cool but high dollar and unattainable for non le

    simunitions is a compromise and so is airsoft or paintball.I think airsoft sounds like the way to go.paintball relies on hosing in my opinion and experience.

    Anyhoo.......Do they have any airsoft clubs? In FL?

    This sounds like a dry-fire godsend.


  8. Even if you don't find the answer your asking in the right place.

    I've been down this road on ar15.com and got brow beat right outa there!

    The round looks like a banana when you get it out right?

    My ARMALIE was doing this and some other stuff

    They blamed ammo ,I guess lake city was'nt good enough because that is what i like to shoot :angry:

    The short cycling issue was eventually repaired by bushmaster who repaired a gas leak at the front gas block(post) :huh:

    Come to find out this rifle had a tight .223 chamber and did not like Q3131 ammo.(this not being the cause of the cycling prob)

    More details can be had via pm,i get mad just thinking about it

    Bushmasters rock and the companys service department was great to me fixing a rifle they did'nt build in the first place!

  9. i use one in my 650,once you vent all that poisonus gas out of the shop it works better than anything ive used yet

    I've got over 30k through mine with 5k of them using the lee fcd i also use the lee decap-resize die and yes i do double crimp with no problems.I now wish i had all the a-merc brass i got rid of!

    i ran a few 357sig casses through and they shot just fine in their new life as a 40 case!

    Ya gotta check out some of the cool mods these guys have dreamed up in the reloading section.I've used a few and love em.

  10. 1.185,1.195,1.200,1.250 in my 2011. I suspect shorter oal needs less powder and more efficient if it will feed.

    Since i want to keep my trusty glock rig up and running in case i blow a powersteering hose or somthing in this 2011,i might play with a shorter oal to use same :blink: ammo in both

  11. WOW 45 also.I've heard that is was "only 40s"

    At anyrate if your gun is immune should'nt you try to set a good example for up and cummers?

    After 2 years i now have people that ask to squad with me (bizzare,i'm no superstar low b)and i feel like its my job to encourage and set a good example overall

    by the way i think these miss-haps are officially called gun related injuries and go into some kind of treehuggin,gunhattin database for the antigun cause :wacko: ooops i slipped into a rant ,time for meds :huh:

  12. I'm new to this, 2years now, and i see somthing on occassion that i thought was just flashy.

    I have heard from older shooters that ,no it is dangerous.


    They yank the slide back witch flips the live round into the air, then catch it in mid air with their weak hand

    One shooter i asked about this practice showed me the scars on his hand from a couple of incidents.

    Sometimes the out going round strikes the ejector with the primer just right and instant mini granade!

    I now stand way back when one of these guys is unloading and i swear they bounce back and fourth like a cheesey disco move or something <_<

    Anybody else see this move before?

  13. He seems like a super nice guy,but he is a one-man-band operation with a day job (i suspect)

    I have had ok dealings with him and heard from others that he won't answer his messages.

    His gear is top notch tough S@#T and works.

    Just like 3-gun compettion is having growing pains so is the product market.

    Try to be patient,i'll bet Bill Gates had some problems in the beggining too :rolleyes:

  14. If you got the guts,and a holster thats close(kydex)

    Stuff your gun into it(as far as you can without breaking anything)get the heat gun and go to work.

    As the plastic softens push it in to the desired depth.

    Or buy bulk kydex and spend some time with an oven and closed cell foam.Make your own :D

    People thought i bought my rig and when they found out i made it they wanted some too :D

    Even a thin uncle mikes can be reformed,its cheap enough why not?

    IM me for me info if needed


  15. I've heard of reusing cci and wolf cases(hard on the decapper i'm told)and yes i too have spent waaaay too much time

    bullet pulling,powder saving,primed case reusing.

    I had a thought about using spent primers as shotgun shot :wacko: hummmmm,maybe not

    I got a whole kydex rig i made and as soon as people realized i made um i got swamped with orders

    Bladetech quite selling it in sheets :(

    Too much coffee,too much beer i dunno but i kick myself when i think "I should have been doing dryfire practice"instead of spending 20 mins chasing one good primer accross the shop floor <_< DOE! :lol:

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