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Posts posted by a-44978

  1. :huh: whats "JB" stand for?

    Is this starting to sound like the "should there be a pro class" topic

    My point to this topic was the bad attitude i see lately in the mid to upper level class shooters who think they don't have to help because they are "GMs" "As" etc,example i got this from a ranking shooter in my club (in uspsa not my club)When asking the group as a whole for help.I got this reply "I'm just a shooter" <_<

    did i say anything ? no.I'm a puss i guess.

    People like this will never have to think about making a living at this sport because they can't,why?

    At least i hope not

    As i said at the start of this i'm still wet behind my green ears,who am i to say anything.Just don't tell me to paste,set up ,set steel ,hurry up or anything else your not doing your d@#$%^ self :angry:

    End of rant,time for meds and nappy time now :o

  2. I have been have elbow pain since i really started shooting more (500 or so rounds a week).

    I have been told my arms could be too extended when i mount the gun.

    My buddy had an idea 1st take a hot shower while stretching elbow,2nd get a piece of wax paper and flatten it out on the bed.Why the wax paper?So your candy @#$%^ does'nt stick to the bed! I thanked him (it did'nt work either)

    Anyone else having this trouble or a better suggestion than my buddy did.


  3. I am glad you started this thread,anyhooo.

    New,beginner,nervous shooters can be scarey with a bb gun, this is why we all participate (not like my buddy did me)

    The first time i did a transition was at kyle's match last year.I was nervous,sure,but the ro's were great and some other

    shooters on my squad gave pointers so i learned.

    beginner shooters doing movment,mag changes, and god forbid both can be very unnerving to watch somtimes(just pistol) :o

    I wish i thought to record my first couple of stages(all of 2 years ago) :huh:

    I'm but a little "b"lim now............snooore ,yea,yea get on with it :angry:


    I think kurt is right ,"thats the rule"is no valid argument.

    Technology,tactics,and interest change with time and so should the rules

    Or better yet hows about the "International Tactical 3-Gun Shooting Association"or"International Tactical 4-gun Shooting Association"(bolt gun being the next logical step,but thats another thread) <_< hummmmmmmmm

    Now If i could just those off shore accounts unfrozen,i could make the next NC match (DANMMMMMMIT)

  4. Amen to the lee factory crimp die,this sucker resizes the round during the crimp process.

    Loading .40 mind you

    1st i changed to a regular lee resizing die,still had a couple in a hundred fail the case guage (glock brass,a-merc, anything)

    Then i tried the factory crimp die .300 so far not one fat round,and,as an experiment i ran a few .357sig casses through

    and even those were straight as an arrow.I havn't recovered those cases (in the grass somwhere)but i am curious what they looked like after their new life in .40

    A little off the subject but i thought this would be interesting reading if nothing else :P

  5. I know this might sound silly but.......

    In the directions for a different holo i found a note about blurred reticle picture when closing one eye

    I found this to be true on my bushnell.I found playing with the intensity level helped.

    Be carefull cleaning that sucker as it will scratch pretty easily,scope coat makes a cool little cover when you get it cleaned.

  6. The chuck taylor class i took 2 years ago preached ipsc was very bad ,in fact,"There have been documented casses of police officers going into surrender(or other ipsc type positions)position if they felt they were about to draw their gun ":huh:

    Since this was the beginning of my shooting experence i tried ipsc and my head did'nt explode <_<

    Then i notice a few cops in the ipsc crowd ,they got a giggle out of this claim.

    point of fact last year i got stuck up while wearing my gun ,they got $20,i did'nt have a chance to draw and they never knew i had a gun <_< Funny..........i was'nt waiting for an ro to say load and make ready or to hear a beep.

    One of these chuck taylor groupies works at an indoor range :wacko: i should record an mp3 of the humorous babble he spouts

    It stops being funny when he is talking to people who don't know better.

  7. Phil Strader ,WOW!cool,i got to see you a little 2002 fl open.

    As a biginner it's cool to provoke such a potpourri of replies :)

    I think i'll take a brak or braek or whatever for a while :wacko: .

    I spent some time with a couple of new shooters tonight (their hooked) and that was warm and fuzzy feeling.

    Somtimes i feel like a moony selling flowers at the airport "Excuse me sir, are you aware of the rewarding fun and skills found in the shooting sports"

    Maybe more 3 gun, they seem to be a little more laid back (just my perseption)

    This sport beats pool to a bloody pulp(to death not enough)

    After a little reflection i've come to this conclusion (more like mantra)

    Be part of the problem or part of the solution

    Pounce on any lazzyass that complains about poor courses or participation with that line and listen to the complacent silince.

    I did that tonight to a G-somthing(classification).Not throwing stones

    Maybe guilt will work for those who have no valid reason not to help

    Rant time over, doc says stick to the meds.Purple pill time or was it the yellow huuuuuuuuumm :huh: oh hell, take one of each :D

    Thanks again to everyone for the input

  8. in 2 whole years in this great obsession(sport) i am seeing an alarming trend

    Less and less new shooters.Why?.............................

    I hear-tell IDPA is overwhelmed with new shooters (disclaimer),not to say ipsc competes for members no not my point.

    What i see is an elitist attitude from several mid to higher handicapped shooters and Race gear intimidating an already nervous shooter.Coarse design sometimes being a little too racey.

    "Who's the next victum?" "instead of whos the next shooter?"

    It is an overriding attitude ,(macho jock) a whole picture that embarrasses me to be a part of at times.

    2 years now b lim and damn proud of it i practice hard, but i have a place to practice and i don't have a wife and kids.

    Others have different demands on their time and are not Bruce Jenner incarnate.

    I got roped into VP of my local club and now i see the attitude "i paid my dues let them work now"(paste,set up tear down,etc)

    ROs barking at shooters,etc. there have been exceptions to this (a few)

    Now i have seen great shooters like Armondo Valdez take extra time to calm ,coach and teach beginners at the line (me being one)at local matches.He sets a great example i hope to follow forever,and everone needs to remember we were all slow and nervous in the beginning even Frank Garcia once told me "I was a D shooter at one time".

    If everyone improves then the bar is raised higher for everyone ,stronger "Ds" make stronger "Cs" all the way up to GM

    We can't do it without members.

    Am i wrong?Maybe i need a brake.....

    I don't know that i can stop this trend at my club,frankly i wuold rather drive 2 hours to shoot with other clubs.

    :wacko: ok ranting and venting time is over

    AL B.

  9. I should have been more specific.My idea of weapons transitions was keeping it on you.

    My fist (and last)match was in NC.My buddy gave me the cold shoulder when i asked him for help,so i bought a v-tac.I just finished tightning the rear adapter when our squad was up and of coarse i came up first in the shuffle :o

    The RO was super!I got a crash coarse in weapon transitions complete with crawling through a (mock)tunnel while enguaging targets with my pistol(after running my ar dry) :D .I was hooked.I only hope this format becomes another ipsc,idpa,sass etc.

    I wish i could go this year :angry: (dammmmit)

  10. Gordon,Kurt WHEEEEWY

    I guess weapon transitions would'nt work so well for the open guys.

    "fluffy the pet gun"very Dennis Miller(while were throwing names around)very good

    Not taking sides but this is how we come up with new ideas,brain storming(scattered showers in my case)bouncing ideas off of each other.Laughing at ourselves can also be fun too.

    I'm not much for the wooden gun idea and i can't top the "fluffy the pet gun"(still very funny :lol: )

    After trying the "shoot one load three shoot one"shotgun exercise i have lots of practice to do before worrying about transitions 6+secs :(

    remember why most of us do this (civilians),fun

    Thanks for the feed back

  11. As beginner my first 3 gun match was in nc (viking tactics)

    In my eyes this 3 gun stuff is fuuuuuuuuunnn,then i learn the difference between ipsc 3 gun and tactical 3 gun.Correct me if i'm wrong but isnt tactical 3 gun an unofficial term?If not it should be D@#$%&m it.

    Then i find some local ipsc matches to shoot and :blink: .Very sanitized feeling

    I'm not saying easier just not as much fun i guess

    I have'nt poured over the rulebook but i bet weapon transitions are a no no

    I felt safe when i did it, the rules were clear in nc.on the stages where you kept the rifle on you it had to be empty .good stage design helped.It was understood by all if you had a hot rifle when you were'nt supposed to you were DQ'd.the only exception i saw was a nasty jam

    im not preparing for the martians to land i just think its fun

    and thanks to kyle i was able to shoot day 2 without a malfunction(equipment) "thanks again!"

  12. Hi again,

    My 2cents on left to right vs. right to left is based on moving the rifle instead of the shooter. You are much better off in most cases to pull the rifle bipod than to try and reposition your body behind the rifle with widely spaced targets. This would encourage right to left target engagement.

    If the targets do not require a rifle/body shift to engage... then left to right is preferred by most right handers.

    I truly believe that all shots should be shot on an "approach" basis if at all possible. If you can hold on the target... press the trigger while the sights are moving towards the center, not away. Shooting on approach is as much a mental skill as a physical skill. You will need high levels of visual focus and a calm mind to "shoot on approach" in a USPSA speed shoot! Shooting on approach will always be the fastest and surest way to engage a target.

    could you guys give a quick explaination of the approach method?

  13. I have a 650 and against all advice switch back and fourth from .40 to .223

    I have saved some of my surplus (LC)brass.

    Is there an easy way to decap and remove the crimp on this stuff.

    Is this a big fat waste of time for ipsc shooting :huh:

  14. My 2 cents in the form of a little story.So me and my buddy go to SC last year ,his 1100 with no problems ever(so he said)and mine relentlessly stove piping.Day one stage one "Load and make ready"pieces fall into my buddies hand as he attempts to load for the stage.At the end of day one and two shotgun stages wrought with malfunctions Kyle stopped by and gave a few pointers out.New style gas rings,Clark mag tube clamp (elcheapo one we had were spreading the mag tube from the barrel),gas activater ring(never could get that to fit),nylon sidesaddle on reciever(hard plastic mounting screws can distort reciever).After we changed what we could,we made it through day 2 no problems (not equipment anyway).Thanks again Kyle for helping us out.

  15. Hows about limited without speed loaders?

    Is it faster to roll the gun almost like a pistol magchange or keep the gun shouldered and stuff three at a time underneath (blindly).After fumbling too many times i have givin up on the stuff three method.Should i spend more time on this method?How do the pros do it in limited or tactical matches?

  16. Kelly, Still working on major minor issue. I have a couple ideas but since we add time for points dropped I just have to be heads up as to who is shooting major/minor. I really just want to avoid the whole chrono thing. And if we score major minor the chrono will definately have to be used.

    Actionshooter said it best.

     For the rest of us its a sport or game. All I have to do is follow the rules,if it says 1 scope or no scope at all,thats what I do to play the game.

    I am pretty sure every big time IPSC shooter(My brother Kelly) has the gear needed laying around to shoot the NC Tactical.

    This past year we had some real guys with real guns and we pointed out a shortcoming in their gear with the course design. Since then they have changed a few things to make target engagements a little better in a real world situations. I am happy about that.

    Some of us train for the next big match while others are training to allow us to have that next big match.


    Some of us train for the next big match while others are training to allow us to have that next big match.

    There is more to being a champion than high score and you are a great example,Thank you .

  17. I had more light hits than i can count with my sotck Glock model 35.I now have an sti with a long firing pin and use wsr primers with no problem.I intensionally loaded a couple of empty cases with very high primers just to see what it would do,and it went pop every time.

    Thats my experience so far :ph34r:

  18. My crushed primer issues went away when i reinforced my bench,anchored the case feeder to the shelf behind it and cleaned the machine.It also helps if you properly adjust the shellplate locator(is that right?).

    DO NOT USE SMALL RIFLE PRIMERS IN A GLOCK.Nothing bad happens except alot of light hits.

    Thanks to everyone for the cool tips

  19. After 2 years and 30k through my 650 here is what i do.

    If its .40cal it goes into the tumbler .I started with a glock but now have an sti,and have had good luck with any and all brass.If anyone has a bunch of glock brass i'll take it,my lee die eats'em like candy.

    I do have a few on occasion that fail the case guage,i think the factory crimp die will help that.

    I could not find the EGW U die so i got a regular lee resizing die about 20k rounds ago.

    Use At Own Risk.........5.5g Titegroup 165g Mg. 1.225 oal [1050 fps in Florida]

    I do still have a very annoying problem :huh: My decapper won't push a 9mm case out through the bottom of the .40 case i'm trying to decapp!Dammmmitman.Oh yea and my Sti mags won't go in the gun sideways, no matter how hard i push.The wowes of a B.

    Thanks for all the cool tips in here to everyone.

  20. Why is my primer system not indexing properly all of the sudden?It seems that the plate (shell)and the primer aren't seeing eye to eye.At last count i'm past the 30k mark.I got a spare parts kit and replaced anything that looked worn,although,I saw nothing to indicate a problem.The problem persists.

    Oh yea, i have been hearing alot about the lee fcd.I need to get me one of those babys.

    Thanks everyone for the great tips

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