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Posts posted by a-44978

  1. Kaaboom?Maybe me thinks.

    A while back i went on and on about how this is no problem,but.......... :unsure:

    Last week i blew up 2 G22s at a match.

    Not sure if they were .357 casses or not because the entire bottom was gone along with the extractor and a couple of other parts.

    My Dillon has passed the 50k mark with me and my glocks without a problem like this.

    I can only hope this is the problem.I hope the resizing process stressed the rim too much.I have pulled about 40 or so bullets from this last batch(some were .357) and rechecked my powder.I'm now loading a MG 165g FMJHP with 5.3g hogdon clays @ 1.125 oal,with a high of 5.5 and a low of 5.1.

    I got a class coming at the end of summer(2500 rounds) so i hope not to buy casses of cci or whatever.

    Bottom line is NOT WORTH IT :(

    I would gladly give the .50 cents i saved on brass not to replay last Sunday.

  2. My .02

    I have gotten a butt-load of of glock brass and have had little to none fail the case guage(even failed rounds passed the chamber check in my STI).

    Dillon 650 yes, but with lee resizing die and factory crimp die.

    Can i run the press at break-neck speed no.

    I don't want to ,very risky.

    700 to 800 rounds in an hour is plenty for me.

    I know,"Why case guage?",every round.

    I have dealt with enough malfunctions up to now to last me a lifetime!

    Just my opinion,I know.

    I've run 30k and counting through my press and in USPSA matches

    Now spring maintinance is what i have to watch for.

    Beven ,thank you where-ever you are.

    I've said it before .I have run .357 sig cases through just to see what happens but have yet to find the brass after the stage.Yes i get them ,.357 sig ,resizes and shoot them as .40 (no problemo)

    P.S.I hope to shoot the Monster Match ,Smitty!

  3. My boss's kid,14 and likes trucks-busses-etc,tries mack in his search engine.

    "Hey dad,Whats "DP"(initials for a porn term)mean?"

    Even here,i have to close pop ups to get in, not porn , but so what!






    Time for meds,blue pill,always the blue pill.

    End of rant,Thanks. :blink:

  4. Both my new comp master and my old 1100 would not even open the bolt for some loads(not cycle).And finally the old gun stopped cycling anything but high brass slugs.I was considering drastic measures :wacko: when,a buddy asked me how tight does your gas rings fit inside the barrel lug(the part that holds the gas around the rings)?He told me even the new style rings need to have some drag just like the rings of an engine.I still put something else together to try(i won't say what) the next day.i spreaded the outer rings of both my old gun and my new gun and tried them the next day.

    Eureaka!They run everything! :lol:

    I got some low recoil buck from a friend a while back that would'nt run my guns and got some low recoil STS 2 1/4 dram 7/8oz and yessir they ran them all.

    I have'nt tried winchester shells yet,those would'nt run in my old gun ever .With that i took my other stupid thing i wanted to try back home and undid it :)

    Got a match this weekend.I think i might still bleed 2 chickens and a goat to appease the malfunction gods <_<

  5. "In my opinion" Let's face it hi-caps are here to stay and most people that i know carry them competetors and not.Some don't compete with them,but this is part of the wonderful game we call ipsc or uspsa or whatever.If i had more money to play with i would shoot some single stack stuff.

    Thank you BOD for making this needed change without the same long drawn out red tape we see on c-span(surfed past it)

    I think it might get down to "What is your definition of practicle shooting"

    Small scopes,dots,hi-caps,bad-assed 3-gun gear sidesaddles(oh),are here to stay.

    Why not be able to use the stuff in this arena,instead of a handful of matches scattered across the us.

    Matches,i might add,that some used to shoot in open class just to practice for ,knowing they won't be as competitive as a full blown open shooter.

    This being said by a "limited B" shooter .

    Why do we do this anyway?

    To win?

    Not me

    To improve all my skills Rifle,Pistol,Shotgun(with badass 3-gun gear sidesaddle).

    As far as a dissadvanatge shooting 10 rounders,someone needs to tell the gms because nothing stops them.

    Thats where i wanna be ;)

  6. Send it now during the non-shooting months...

    I just sent mine to diamondkote for the black shadow finish(wish me luck)

    Talking on the phone with them i'm impressed,but the proof will be in the final product.I kept my glock rig up and running for just such an occasion.

    :P Whadya mean non shooting months?FL rocks!at least for shooting,although i would rather be out west where there is more 3-gun.

  7. I use both lee dies in my dillon and still case guage .

    Why case guage?Because the only time i have ever suffered a malfunction seemed to be in a match <_< .

    Yes a few fail the case guage(5 out of 6oo last time)but they still chamber test ok in my STI.

    As far as brass and how many times i can load it,who knows,i shoot outdoor local matches and find my brass where i can a-merc,fed,whatever.

    I sound like a broken record but the lee dies are the answer for fat rounds,for that matter,for reloading .357 sig cases back to .40 :P

    As long as i bleed 2 chickens and a goat the night before ,combined with the right meds the next day i'm malfunction free :wacko:

  8. I saw a highly customized 1050 in fl.It was built by a guy in italy i was told but could not get the bugs out.It was mounted to a table and had lots of settings and adjustments.All you had to do was feed the bullet tube,yes it was mechanized.

    Downside.............If things went wrong,they really went wrong,i was told.

    Cool guy,No name,but he shoots pretty good.Hell,he is probbably reading this :huh:

  9. There is nothing in the rules that would prevent him using it, all the rules

    say is that external modifications such as weights, or devices to control

    or reduce recoil are specifically not allowed, a slide racker does not fall

    into those restrictions.


    John Amidon

    :rolleyes: Cool............My copy-paste thingy works

    Ok there it is, and thank you all for the input

    Al B.

  10. Well i sent John Amidon an e-mail asking about this.My buddy has a stub to work the slide racker with.

    After reading these posts i gotta agree with the Troll comment.There is no advantage gained by him here other than safer gun handling.He is very competitive,it took several matches and practice sessions for me to convince him to let me make mag pouches for him (upside down).His mag changes went from 3.5sec to under 2 sec if everything goes right.I don't even want to say how much faster his draw is <_< than mine.

    Time for meds :wacko:

  11. One of our fellow ipsc shooters (with one arm)saw an open gun with a slide racker and posed the question .Can he use a slide racker in limited(handle thingy on the side of his glock).Maybe for a safety compromise?

    What'dya think?

  12. Since i can't get a hold of the guy that built this baby i'm giving thought to doing this mu self.

    I have a 2011 and i want to change the grips and have it hard chromed.

    How hard is it to prep,send out and reassemble?

    This baby runs like a deer(john deer),am i taking a chance screwing with it at all? :huh:

  13. The lee factory crimp die (fcd) resizes the round again as it crimps.This along with the reg lee resizing die has all but eliminated rejected rounds.My reject count went from 5-7 in a hundred to a 2-3 in a thousand!

    I said it before but i have run .357 sig cases through and the only way to id the round was the head stamp.

    I did not recover those cases to see how they looked after spitting a .40 fmjhp.I think they are somewhere near stage 3,or was it 4?

    I was reloading for a glock but now load for my sti with the blessing of having a good brass hookup.

    Bulged not bulged .357 sig i don't care just no cracks please.i'm lucky to shoot mostly once fired brass(hookup ;) )

  14. I started with a couger in .40 but soon sold it and bought an ugly glock model 35

    After shooting my ugly lead spitter i learned function is way more important.

    I now carry a model 22.

    Now i compete with an STI,but would carry nothing but my 22.

    Simple,cheap to fixup or fix and best of all no gunsmith to bow down to. :huh:

  15. Dirk leach built my limited gun and while it runs like the eveready bunny i still want to give him work.

    My magic voodoo box broke and i lost alot of info his e-mail and other stuff included.

    Dirk if your out there,please e-mail me.

    Or if someone has his e-mail i would appreciate it greatly :o

  16. My model 22 (carry) did the same thing after a cleaning the night before in a 3-gun match(local),i stopped through the second stage that it acted up for fear of DQ.They were kind enough to let me reshoot that stage with my buddies 35(i'm no threat anyhoo).

    Oh baby it can spit em out ,i could still hold it down for 4 shot bursts with nothing over the paper :lol:

  17. We have gone over this one before but believe it or not,i have no fat rounds since changing to the lee resizing and factory crimp dies.A-merc, no problems ,i have even run a few .357 sig cases through.The only way to identitfy them was the head stamp.What the resizing dies misses the factory crimp die gets!

    I shoot an sti 2011 with a shueman match barrel so they need to be right.

    Time for meds :wacko:

  18. I had an armalite that knew when it was match time.I feel your pain!

    I was lucky enough to have a buyer bugging me for the !@#$%^&*( door stop,hood prop!

    Machines just know somtimes,maybe it doesn't like you.I think they have mood swings.

    Good luck.

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