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Posts posted by a-44978

  1. I shoot a little,2 to 3 matches or practice sessions a week,and i use a ced backpack.

    I've been using this thing for about a year or so.

    I carry 400 rounds,belts(inner and outer)holster,mag pouches,lead spitter,eyes,ears,stapler,timer,and a few tools to get me by.

    I still suck :( but this is the best thing i have found to carry my gear a long way short of my little red wagon.

    Laugh at me now but listen to me later the wagon is a shoulder and a match saver!

    Oh yea,the little chair might be ok for your kid or a foot rest but that went the first week.

    And my timer is a pocket pro,i don't care much for their timers.

    Time for meds :wacko:

  2. Didn't i read some mention of team nugent in reference to B.nose?in his book?

    I have a buddy that i called after 10 or so years because that "god guns and rocknroll" book reminded me of him and as a matter of fact,i think i got into ipsc about then too.

    That book makes some really valid points on the decline of modern society.

    The same points that are rearing their ugly heads else where in more upper-class forums.

  3. Sorry Rhino,you needed a drum roll for that one <_<

    "Fluffy the pet gun" much better :lol:

    The husband and wife i'm thinking of sells something like or maybe deals in royal robbins but they aint royal robbins.

    Carol and Marshall,super people,and Carol is a real hoot to shoot with :lol:

    This is a fragil sport and i can see the logic of trying to protect the image ,but at the end of the day,we are playing with guns.

    If some of the tree huggin politicians saw Kurt work a shotgun it would be called 2-gun competition instead of 3-gun

  4. So i'm at a little local match (20 or so shooters and 3 stages in 1 bay)and an arrogant A class ,i think,shooter starts pushing people through while scoring.He then starts to dissreguard foot faults intermittantly.

    When asked about it he reply was"if we had more help i would not have to score as we go"and "Its not the ro's job to watch for foot faults"

    This all being said in the interest of time saving,as if we were running late.

    We were not

    Then "When we are at the big match shooting for $10k then i'll worry about it"

    This is not my club, i'm a guest.In fact he was from the same club as i

    This is the arrogance that turns people off about this sport old and new :angry:

    He was getting ready for SOF(or whatever they call it now)

    This is why i don't shoot near home and average 4 or 5 hundred miles a weekend(and hear negitive things about my local club members) <_<

    End of rant

    time for meds :wacko:

  5. Lets face, it 3-gun is a high dollar game to play and with every little rule change it goes up in price so , anytime a match can be incorperated into a holiday weekend it helps some.

    Getting pushed through sucks too <_<

    a 2 day match for me means (weekend mind you)a 4 day weekend .

    SOF (or whatever its called now)is deffinately out.

    12 hours is about my limit(travel time)one way.Then can you say you were at the top of your game? :huh: (Boo Hoo the sun was in my eyes)

    My hope for 3-gun is more matches of kyles format and less range lawyers,to me thats a big time eater.

    I'm no threat to win even a mag pouch but i'm drinking milk and.................


  6. So he tried it and on a stand and shoot he did a 2.14 .this done with a hessitation of looking at the gun before reaquiring the targets and showing up for the match late without ever seeing it before.This guy has gone from %20 to %40(in local matches)in just a couple of months.Now this gizmo and his fast draw (under a sec consistantly)who knows?

  7. yea,your probably right.

    No million dollar idea by far.

    Hes been shooting ipsc for a couple of months now and has a consistant sub second draw .83 being the fastest ive seen (by anyone for that matter)

    7 yd a zone aimed shot!

    Since i've been doin it for 2 1/2 years now i was concerned that he would bring me down if we practiced too much together,this was not the case.

    We are both improoving and we shoot together every weekend.

    Just finished the first Gen 1 proto type he'll try it tomarrow.



    It was a local match but we had 2 good As and a good B open to beat!

    (end of gloat)

  8. So i'm at a match and this dude is there with one arm.I ro him,he shot good but his mag change took a year or so.

    unload and show clear,he then turns to me and said "how'd you like the one handed thing".

    As a smartass even i was at a loss for a comeback...........to the point already

    I started working on a magpouch system he could use by jamming the butt of the gun down over the mag and have the mag seat in the gun and release from the pouch.All of this of coarse while not breaking the 180

    We try the proto-types tomarrow

    Think i might have a market for this if it works?

    Gimme some feedback whatdaya think :huh:

  9. COCKY PEOPLE only ,a cop just happened to be the example for that encounter.

    I have had my but saved several times by cops and somtimes risking their jobs to do it.

    The cop i dated for a year or so, joined to do good,and she still does.

    COCKY PEOPLE BEWARE (about ability of course),coughing up crow feathers sucks(and dry pooooh) :lol:

  10. I got cut off "at the knees" several times, and I did deserve it as I didn't read the 25.

    From seeing other Forums like AR15.com and what happens, I have to commend the moderators for taking the time to enforce this one.

    Of course I'm just past 25, and don't have anything to sell <_<

    Ive been brow beat to death on that site relentlessly so if we gotta be a little strict its worth it to me

  11. "I don't care if you say you're Superman but M!@#$%^& you better fly!"

    I enjoy deflating those guys.The first thing you notice is that "damn i'm good " attitude

    dissclaimer=I greatly respect and appreciate both the military and law enforcement,this is directed at COCKY people of all walks

    Lets face it,human nature,the ones that brag the loudest are usually mediocre at best (flunked spolling in skool)

    Maybe i'll grow up one day.................................. <_<

    Nah,who am i kiddin? :lol:

  12. The most i would do is

    Mag well=theres alot of good ones out there

    Ghosterocket=there is no substitute

    Grams or dawson basepads

    Fiberoptic front sight and leave the rear alone unless it buggs you

    Leave the rest alone or be ready for possible malfunctions how many times have you heard "I got a box full of that stuff(springs,strikers,etc)that failed me"

    22 or 35 ? i have seen people rock with both,i have both.I'm also just a b,and sadly still at 50 yards my groups are tighter with my 22 than my STI!

    Since i carry my 22 i tend to play with it before my 35 anymore if i shoot a glock in a match

  13. Or not ipsc at all but thats alot of B!@#$%^s to deal with for those that could pull it off and i don't think i could handle it either

    What was it.............The cool guy passive intrusive blah blah :P

    Anyhoo yes add yet another set of rules and yet another class.

    Otherwise what do we have (some of us),a few major matches to go to which take some of us all year to prep and save for.

    Prep on our own by the way because of this very issue,or just throw our score out the window(mentally)and shoot open class.

    Dead horse you bet,2 years wow.I guess 3 gun is still a fringe kinda thing.

    Where did practical go (usPsa)? <_<

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