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Posts posted by a-44978

  1. I got verbally assaulted for having a rifle not in a case."Brandishising!"



    Nope,a gun store/indoor range.

    "Guns and knives"gets no more of my dollars.

    All we have is our wallets,thats it.

    I got plenty more places to go anyhoo,thank goodness.

  2. I know this is late but i just saw this thread.

    I'm but a lowly "B" limited shooter and hope to practice with an occasional 3-gunner who's got some cool toys.

    My position is i'll beat him with a long gun on short courses.

    I will get him on either score or time.

    Me semi-auto him slect fire.

    His score will suffer or his time will suffer.

    I do need to set up some standerds and speed shoots in addtition to field courses.

    My thing is field courses,oh yes,field courses.

    In my opinion it would take a good "A" shooter to maybe beat a "B",given these parameters.

    A "GM" would yawn at this challenge.(MY OPINION MIND YOU).

    A Falshback in time for me .............................................

    The first time I met Jeff D. (OLD SCHOOL GM,NOT OLD).He talked about this very subject,but to be fair.At that skill level an airsoft gun is dangerous.

    All things being equal full auto losses in this venue

  3. Pigeon or Clay Flipper is what it's called and they can be purchased pretty cheaply from:


    Having made several "homebrew" flippers, the highest distance we were seeing was about 10'. These MGM flippers when used with the MGM pepper popper THROWS the clays up in the air. They work quite well, and get my vote!

    java script:emoticon(':rolleyes:',%20'smid_13')

    Thanks,I built 4 home brews allready and i got 10' consistantly cool right...........

    but............................ low and behold.at the last minute.............................

    Our local range said no way.Somthing about not wanting peices of clays littering the range!


    Oh well it's just a weekend of R&D and a little labor.

    I got the news after setting up these babies at the tues night match.


    WIN THE LOTTO,BUY A GUN FRIENDLY STATE AND RUN MY OWN MATCHES 5 DAYS A WEEK.Of coarse you gotta rest a little and reload ammo :rolleyes:

  4. Just so I'm clear.....................

    I'm so very sorry for not doin it on the first offence,not sorry for the dq.Yea i felt like i may have caused an attitude of "entitlement"by being lax.

    NEVER AGAIN.Whats the worst that could happen if you stop a shooter mistakenly ?A reshoot.OK I"LL TAKE THAT compared to the potential grief soon to follow.

    Great point Dan and others,we dq ourselves not the ro.All the ro does is break the bad news to the shooter.Thanks for the support and i hope to never post this story again as long as i live.

  5. I'm runnin a guy in a rifle-shotgun combo stage and at the end of the stage the rifle should be "saftey on" or DQ.Was'nt....................no one downrange,local match never left the table it was placed on in the transition/last shooting position.NONE OF THEM GOOD REASONS FOR NOT DQing this guy.

    I warn him quietly as we unload to show clear,and he seems out of it a little.

    Hot day ,getting a little punchy,dehydrated.I urged him to drink some water and get some shade.

    Next stage

    He's up I'm scoring and well behind both ro and shooter ,when................

    I see the rifle,1st the side then the muzzel of the rifle ,as he was going forward he did not pull out far enough from a port and went well past the 180......................

    It was near the end and he did finish.The squad then started asking about it.

    The ro did'nt have time to react to it when it happened in my opinion,so .....................

    We began to explain to the shooter what he did ...................

    Without droning on on every little detail ,he got insulted by "being called"dehydrated :huh:

    And then a little name calling (one way)and he got DQd.Then drove off still wearing his gear.I hope he took his pistolla off before he stopped for gas.

    I will never make that mistake again.I should have followed the rules,even though it was me that almost had a rifle pointed at me it could have been somone else.

    Man I'm so sorry :(

  6. I bought one of those "140mm :lol: "What the f@#$ kind a measuring stick did they use?

    The common concencus i get from M and up is don't sweat it ,plan a mag change.These guys also make holes in the A zone before the mag hits the ground and somtimes moving!


    Till then I'm a struggling B and hate the equipment race.

    Make Limited hold 20or 21 max and open hold 30or 50 or whatever those people typically hold and workin stiffs like me can spend the mag spring tune up money on reloading supplies or even gas to get to the match or etc.....................


    I religated my SPS mag to steel matches,guess i'll get out the dremmel and change that.

  7. Ya get what ya paid for.

    My comp master was good for a while but.........................

    After more gas rings,o rings and obsessing. No answer..........WAIT.....YEP

    At the end of my last zeroed (lost count of how many)stage,as i showed clear.

    "First $500 buys this junk"and a hand went up in the crowd.

    I gave $850 for it ,but compared to beating it against the dumpster at the range $500 was pure profit :blink:

    Benny hill ordered ,just now.

    I'm so done tuning!Compare a dissassembled Benelli to a rem ,then assemble(this aplifies the effect)them both.

    The benelli is a well made machine that makes the rem look like 2 soup cans tied together with a string.

    The price difference is substancial but Quality aint cheap.

  8. looks cool and i think i've shot at them too.

    but ...........

    I am designing stages for my local club who don't got that stuff and a treasurer that well................... :unsure: ........................i can't,or i'm sure gonna get an e-mail from the big guy.

    So I'm buildin-em myself out of palet wood and ford 6.0L head bolts(got lots!).

    Thanks for the link I'm gonna adjust my design a little.

    Don't own a ford 6.0L truck out of warrenty unless you got deep pockets and an extra to drive while its down :ph34r:

  9. I bought a few from tapco, but all the sudden only dsa had any at all.I soldered 2 20 round wire springs together and they worked great.Dsa has a pretty good rep, they should for the price of their stuff.Now if i can only get them to ship that blaster i ordered in DEC. 05.

  10. Throw that plastic piece of !@#$%^&*( away.

    Then get a collet style deal.Midway has a few and get a cheat single stage press dedicated to that.

    It can save you if you load a bad batch of ammo, this is a draw back to souping up our dillons to crank out alot of quick rounds.

  11. When it was new ran great,button still not big enough on loading gate.

    Added east loader,ran good for a while then,Intermittant cycling troubles.

    Wont lock open empty,wont cycle.

    I changed gas rings,o rings,scrubbed the gun clean,drilled out gas ports and finnally

    after a nightmare at Bill Rogers school and zeroing my last stage at a night match as soon as the range was called clear.I offered it up to the first 500 bucks and i saw a hand go up in the crowd "SOLD"!

    Goodby,Good riddance!

    I'll give Benelli a try.

    The guy i sold it to says he loves it.God bless and good luck B)

  12. since i carry my g22, it got a little dirty with some surface rust on some internals,and i mean very light rust.

    I cleaned and polished everything with a little cotton wheel on my dremmel with no polish.

    next day at the match i had an auto-pistol (g18?)doubles and triples before i could release the trigger.

    I started with a g35 and a ghost rocket and got the good fourtune of shooting with some hi-speed guys that shoot glocks.

    They allways went back to technique.

  13. oops...........hello is thing on?

    I've seen your scores and youve got the right attitude.

    My guess is you will make A before me and before Jason makes B for sure.

    I'd love for the 3 or more of us to do that class.

    Back on the subject after the Rogers class i have shot the best IPSC matches in the 4 years i've been shootin it.Maybe I'm still hot from all the trigger time ,maybe a placeebo effect.Whatever <_< . :D

  14. Just got home from Bill Rogers' class and will be digesting all year long till i go right back again.If you think your fast and your gear is really reliable this is the test.Not an IPSC or IDPA or anything like that, just shooting fast and accurately from the holster,low ready,reloading,strong hand,weak hand.No matter what you apply this to it works .IPSC,IDPA,Law enforcement,Military,etc.

    I did the Carbine,Handgun,and shotgun courses concurrantly and i saw daily improvement.I could go on forever,but there is a reason he has been doin it for 20+years.

    I'm worn out :wacko: and happy :D

  15. 1st.......NO! Glocks don't work every time.They are just another man made machine prone to failure.I would carry nothing else but..............

    Now the ghost rocket rocks,and not hard to fit.

    I met the guy ,former ipsc shooter,super cool and down to earth.

    He said he was knee deep in brass and very soar during and after testing.

    Nothing for a period of time and then his phone rang.

    Georga State Patrol contacted him and now you see the GHOST ROCKET is all over the place.

    Shorter reset,3.5lb or so and very reliable.

    At 1st you don,t feel a huge change but after a few matches and really concentrating on a good trigger reset .

    Now go back and try a stock Glock.WOW

    OK,MORE MEDS AND BACK TO MY 1100 ISSuE :wacko:

  16. Ok

    Now i can type........................

    Yes case head failure,case did not split,bottom blew off.Twice in 50 or so rounds :blink:

    Hogdon clays.

    I shot about 200 rounds through my STI today at 1.185 oal

    AND a correction I'm shooting a 155g FMJHP MG not 165g.

    After 3 or 4 years now i still feel green as the grass grows :unsure:

    Now the question is .............Is there a big difference between Hogdon clays and universal clays?

    Could i have done my chrono testing using one then later loading the other?

    My goal was to find a load that i could use for both my Glocks and my STI while only changing OAL. :wacko:

    Back to the drawing board i guess, and a different theadmaybe too :(


  17. Kaaboom?Maybe me thinks.

    A while back i went on and on about how this is no problem,but.......... :unsure:

    Last week i blew up 2 G22s at a match.

    Not sure if they were .357 casses or not because the entire bottom was gone along with the extractor and a couple of other parts.

    My Dillon has passed the 50k mark with me and my glocks without a problem like this.

    I can only hope this is the problem.I hope the resizing process stressed the rim too much.I have pulled about 40 or so bullets from this last batch(some were .357) and rechecked my powder.I'm now loading a MG 165g FMJHP with 5.3g hogdon clays @ 1.125 oal,with a high of 5.5 and a low of 5.1.

    I got a class coming at the end of summer(2500 rounds) so i hope not to buy casses of cci or whatever.

    Bottom line is NOT WORTH IT :(

    I would gladly give the .50 cents i saved on brass not to replay last Sunday.

    5.3 grains of clays :blink: , or universal clays??

    accidently necked up .357 sig brass wouldnt chamber in my gun(too long)

    not sure how a case neck failure could cause a KB, normally its the case HEAD that does that...and in that respect, the .357 sig brass is better than the 40..

  18. Kaaboom?Maybe me thinks.

    A while back i went on and on about how this is no problem,but.......... :unsure:

    Last week i blew up 2 G22s at a match.

    Not sure if they were .357 casses or not because the entire bottom was gone along with the extractor and a couple of other parts.

    My Dillon has passed the 50k mark with me and my glocks without a problem like this.

    I can only hope this is the problem.I hope the resizing process stressed the rim too much.I have pulled about 40 or so bullets from this last batch(some were .357) and rechecked my powder.I'm now loading a MG 165g FMJHP with 5.3g hogdon clays @ 1.125 oal,with a high of 5.5 and a low of 5.1.

    I got a class coming at the end of summer(2500 rounds) so i hope not to buy casses of cci or whatever.

    Bottom line is NOT WORTH IT :(

    I would gladly give the .50 cents i saved on brass not to replay last Sunday.

    5.3 grains of clays :blink: , or universal clays??

    accidently necked up .357 sig brass wouldnt chamber in my gun(too long)

    not sure how a case neck failure could cause a KB, normally its the case HEAD that does that...and in that respect, the .357 sig brass is better than the 40..

  19. I use .090 for IWB holsters and .125 for race gear.

    Finding plastic can be an adventure.

    with that said

    Toaster oven,dremel,stiff plyable foam,small pieces of wood,beer,patience and a little time .Oh yea and a jig saw ,mine is a junky hand held.

    Beware of toxic fumes from overheating.

    make a stiff paper template

    fold the paper around the piece and trim until your ready to plug in the toaster.

    Warm the plastic until it gets like a lasagna noodle

    wrap it around mag,blaster,flashlight etc

    then press stiff foam around everything with peices of wood ,i use a couple of 6" squares of plywood.

    let cool.a few minutes will do

    then trim,fit,trim,fit,polish..................................................................


    sounds crude(who am i kidding)ok its crude and your fingers get a little burnt but sometimes it turns out cool :wacko:

    And you can mke hlosters,holders,pouches that are not available anywhere.

    Now uncle mikes makes an IWB for what it costs to plug in the toaster oven <_<

    Good luck

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