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Jake Di Vita

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Everything posted by Jake Di Vita

  1. I'm not even gonna watch the superbowl. For the first time I want both teams to lose. This is horrible.
  2. This was definitely the "I wanna fight" Penn. Absolutely dominated him. How about the fight with the 2 English guys - now THAT was a friggin slugfest.
  3. Here's the story behind him. Link
  4. Last night: 100 pull ups for time. 200 push ups for time. Tabata squats. Ouch. The meat was successfully tenderized, seasoned, and cooked last night.
  5. Bar codes and RFID's are different. But chances are if it had one it has the other. I just can't wait until we are all implanted with chips, then everything will be really easy and convenient. I think they should put camera in everyone's houses and cars too - then there will be no more crime.
  6. I'm with HSmith. I wonder how people would feel about it if it were mandatory. I've heard from many sources that chips in licenses are coming soon.
  7. Chris, If you are still that sore tomorrow, go ahead and take a break. Listen to your body or you could end up in the hospital. (If your urine is a brownish color - get to the hospital asap). Ideally you need to eat within 30 minutes of completing your workout as that is when your body is most susceptible to replacing lost glycogen and nutrients.
  8. Chris, That's awesome man. I'd kill for a C2 rower. Make sure he gets some medicine balls and kettlebells. Bumper plates and rings would be a huge benefit as well. Keep tearing it up. DC, Both.
  9. I've puked from working out many times....It's a natural reaction to pushing yourself as hard as you can. You'd be surprised how good you feel about yourself afterwards.
  10. Tom, That's what I recommended to you about 6 months ago. Chris, I wish I had some weights readily available....I would have loved to do today's WOD.
  11. I had a persistent cough for about 5 years, never could figure out what it was. I cut dairy out of my diet and it went away within a week.
  12. Yeah, I'd give you my opinion of Tyc and his interview if it wasn't against forum rules.... (Which is a hint to everyone else )
  13. I've experimented with basically every diet that I've heard of. The one that stands head and shoulders above all the rest can be found here. The Paleo Diet I would not hesitate recommending this diet to anyone for any reason. The Paleo Diet for Athletes is an absolutely fantastic book, with many logical explanations regarding nutrition, exercise, and many of the common ailments that effect humans today.
  14. There is no substitute for match experience.
  15. Next time you come up with an excuse as to why you aren't dry firing or working out (or are just putting it off) - maybe you should watch this video. link
  16. Yeah Barbara and Lunch are two things that shouldn't be mixed.
  17. Considering these members are sent to the World Shoot to represent the US, their costs should be covered by USPSA. A simple solution, have the BOD pass a bylaw requiring $1 be sent to USPSA for the WS team fund for every competitor in every match above level 1 and .25 cents for every competitor in each level 1 match. The outlay of cost to each USPSA member is astonishingly low and that should produce enough revenue to field a team in each division.
  18. I'd bet on Brett Favre over Eli Manning any day of the week.
  19. I can tell you with 100% certainty that Dave is not going.
  20. Keep doing what you're doing. Constant focus on the fundamentals is the way to go. My recommendation is to ignore the word "bagger" in any connotation. If your match scores aren't as good as your classifier scores, figure out the 5 biggest reasons why and focus your training on that. If your classifier scores aren't as good as your match scores, figure out the 5 biggest reasons why and focus your training on those. Eliminating weakness while constantly re-visiting the fundamentals is where it's all at.
  21. A bridge is a static hold. Medicine balls are absolutely fantastic. I listed those under exercises that need equipment. I don't recommend that practice at all. It breeds isolation and inefficiency. Go with compound multi joint exercises. Check out some of the CF WODs (Workout Of the Day) for a good idea of how to arrange programs.
  22. I think playing in Lambeau is all Brett is gonna need to take it to the Giants. Let's hope for blizzard conditions.
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