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Neil Beverley

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Posts posted by Neil Beverley

  1. Kurt

    We've had loads of aggro with them as well. I know that the MD, Riccardo, has even been to see them for a face to face but they still seem pretty useless.

    You might like to mail a message to Skywalker who has advised that he wants to be kept posted on problems like this.

    We also had a problem with trying to make a payment - they won't accept credit cards for deposits, only bank transfers which isn't too clever.

    I'll email the MD and update him.

    Good luck in the meantime and I agree that you will probably be better off dealing with the hotel direct.

  2. Mike/Skywalker

    Vince is quite corrrect. The military category is an unoficial category at this match. I understand that the IPSC President is aware of this category being recognised by the organisers for this match and is happy for this to take place but the category can not be officially recognised by IPSC. There are no current proposals to recognise this category in the future.

    However, as this is not a recognised IPSC category I can't see any restriction in the rules that would prevent a competitor from entering one (and only one) official IPSC category and also entering the military category at the match organisers discretion.

  3. The Iraqi Information Minister effectively stated this morning:

    "There are no American troops in Baghdad"

    UK Sky TV split the screen and simultaneously displayed live footage of the Iraqi Minister on the left side of the screen and US tanks, troops etc outside one of the palaces on the right.

    So he must be right. He wouldn't lie now would he?

    I nearly posted this under "Quotes" and for a while I was angry enough at the blatant lies so I was going to post under "What I hate". But the more I thought about it the more I smiled.

    And by the way, there are no UK troops in Basra either.

  4. gm iprod

    I don't think I've ever met Steve Burniston.

    Coincidently I had an email yesterday from a guy called Richard Ingram who says he shot IPSC pistol in NZ for a number of years.

    He now resides (& shoots IPSC Shotgun) in the UK and is probably going to shoot the Europeans SG championships in Italy.

  5. Vince

    You can book me a front row seat at double cost.

    I've had steam coming out of my ears with some of the outrageous claims, and delivered with a smirk, just lately.

    The airport stuff is classic, but the come uppance is round the corner.

    I've been thinking like you but I had this sweet vision of allied tanks rolling through the square that is always being shown on TV.

    And as for the Iraqis who have been celebrating their victories .........

  6. Kurt

    The good news and the bad news.

    The good news is that the price of Hotels through the official agency is showing a saving (about $15 saving per night at the Best Western).

    The bad news is that they're not very efficient and even now, 5 days after we first contacted them, they still haven't confirmed our reservations and indeed have now advised of a technical hitch regarding making a deposit. We'll get there in the end but it's a bit frustrating.


    Have you booked yet and if so where?

  7. Kurt

    I emailed you yesterday via the BE Forums about the accomodation and I'm a bit surprised you haven't got it. I've pasted the text below. There is still no news on the stages and therefore the number of slugs but we must hear fairly soon. It will be posted on their web site in due course.

    I don't know where Mike is staying but I'm booked in at the Best Western and I know of about 10 others so far. I'm sure Mike will advise soon.

    Hi Kurt

    Some time ago I think you were asking where were good places to stay for the Europeans.

    Quite a lot of us Brits are booking into the Best Western Garden Hotel which is also going to be the IPSC and match headquarters location.  On the UKPSA website (address below) we have selected a small number of hotels that we think will be OK and we're directing UK shooters to these if they don't book into the Best Western.

    We've got quite a decent web site going now and if you want to have a look I'm posting the relevant stuff below.


    Neil Beverley

    From the (UKPSA) Chairman

    The Association has obtained 39 slots for the European Championships and the list of who's going from the UK to shoot can be viewed at:


    Please check the list. If you think you should have been on this list and are not, or are on the list and shouldn't be, please contact Neil Beverley or Adrian Wander as soon as possible.

    It is possible that further slots for this match may be available, as at present it does not appear to be fully subscribed, although there are no guarantees. Again, please let Neil and Adrian know if you are interested.

    This is your chance to compete against the best Europe (and indeed the world) has to offer. This will be the biggest SG match within IPSC to date.  So don't miss this opportunity to compete at the highest level (well Level IV). If you have a grade you are eligible to go. Master, A, B, C or D all are welcome.

    Also visit www.ukpsa.co.uk/LogisticsItaly.html

    This will give you lots of practical information on travelling to Italy with firearms, accommodation and so forth.

    Take a look at www.esc2003.it  as this is the official web site for the match.

  8. The only problem with this is, the lousy piece of scum is likely to float our way. Hopefully the Namby Pamby Leftist Pofter Daily Mirror will get him a job in the UK. That is about as far away from New Zealand that you can get and still stay on planet Earth.

    Heh!!!!! Foul!!!!

    We don't deserve him! We're the good guys, remember!

    Antartica sounds good at this time of year or perhaps Chirac could be looking for a new pet poodle?

  9. Erik

    Vince emailed me and asked me to consider your question.

    The simple answer is that in the current IPSC SG rules there is nothing specific to prevent side saddles being loaded or remaining loaded off the line, including if unattended in the rack.

    However, I would consider it good practice to remove the shells and there is an implication as to this in the current rules but it does need sorting.

    The whole subject of "Carry and Storage" has already been extensively addressed by the IPSC Shotgun Rules Committee and the new rules (for 2004) have tightened up on relevant safety issues. The question of safety relating to loops or clips fitted to the gun or sling is an outstanding matter and I will specifically make sure that we tackle your query.

    The point about match expediency is well made but this must never be at the expense of safety.

    I would like to give some more thought as to when, and under what circumstances, it would be permissable to load them or have them loaded.

    I will add to this topic when I have an update for you.

    Thanks for the question.

  10. Hi All

    I know that this Forum is really for Shotgun and Rifle questions but it is also the most specific Forum for shotgun matters.

    My apologies if any of you feel that "the Dragon is Back" topic is in the wrong place and I'll completely understand if kellyn moves it.

    I did add a question "Are you brave enough?" (lifted from their website text) to the Topic description which sorts of makes it fall into "Shooting Questions , Rifle/Shotgun"???

    The entirety of the text is from the match organisers and not from me.

    I have no involvement with the match or the organisers other than that I intend to shoot the match. However, I am generally keen to see shotgun matches, in particular IPSC Shotgun matches, grow.

  11. Terni

    Once upon a time, in that dark age called “Middle Ages”, the city of Terni was haunted by the presence of a fierce dragon. Everywhere the dragon appeared, it brought terror and destruction for human beings.

    The city Elderly Council, in order to find a solution to this persecution, decided to find a brave man who might defeat and chase away the dragon: but nobody came forward for fear of the beast.

    Then, a brave man of the Cittadini’s family took a step forward and, glowing in its armour and shouldering his lance, said “I will defeat the dragon”, and went in search of it.

    To make a long story short, after a bloody battle that lasted several days, the brave man chased away the dragon, thus freeing the whole city.

    But…you know, time has passed by…

    species have evolved…

    got smarter…

    invented new powerful weapons…

    and now…

    the dragon is back:


    The city Elderly Council has opened the competition to find a brave man…Will you be able to defeat it again, in a three days, evenly matched, close quarter battle?

    Will you be tough enough to stand this test?

    Will you be able to free again the city of Terni?

    We will put you on trial, and the best will gain a place in modern history books.

    (Downloaded from the ESC2003 website 03/04/03)

  12. Can anyone help?

    One of the guys over here in the UK is trying to locate either a new Winchester pump (1300?) shotgun with a 26 inch barrel (multichoke) or alternatively perhaps a 26 inch barrel on it's own. The gun must conform to the current IPSC Limited Pump/Slide Action division.

    This division is virtually the same as US Standard division but he needs either a 24 inch (not available?) or 26 inch barrel to conform to UK law. We can get them with 28 inch barrels but these don't conform to the divisional rules (too long).

    The supplier would need to be prepared to ship to a UK dealer.

    We're having no luck from over here and the main importers aren't helping at all. The guy that wants it needs it because he wants to shoot with it in the Europeans later this year.

    Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks!

  13. Unfortunately I've just heard that a British newspaper, the Daily Mirror, may be going to hire him.

    Please believe me when I say the vast majority of Brits don't want him either!

    Perhaps we could dump him on France (or Baghdad) where he belongs. We should also send them George Galloway from the UK. They deserve each other.

  14. Scott

    The targets are quite new - they only came in force Jan 2002 and only a handful of Regions have tried them,  They're really useful for both buck and slug because who really wants to patch these. Because they can be copied (Xeroxed) they provide a very cheap disposable target and fresh for every competitor. Less arguments.

    I haven't seen the IPSC SG rules on the USPSA web site and to be truthful I don't think they are likely to be used in the US in 2003. However, I am optimistic for 2004. You can download a 2003 set from the IPSC web pages.

    Perhaps someone from the Board could confirm the position for 2003 and sorry I can't be more helpful on this.

    One point I would particularly like to make is that we have found there to be very much more in common than not with the thinking and requirements for shotgun stages/matches. The intention is obviously to try and govern and steer the discipline but without hindering it. It's a fine line sometimes. Regretably there are now far too many rules written to avoid gaming. It's a shame that it's necessary. I'm sure that some of this is a reflection of how highly competitive matches are today.

    If I can help with any further info then ask away.

  15. Wow! There's a lot of stuff to answer here.


    The 2003 rules for Limited Division (almost the equivalent of USPSA Standard) do place a restriction of 7 rounds in the mag tube but that allows for 9 rounds total on a Benelli for those that can accept the extra round on the carrier.

    For 2004 the intention is to change to the USPSA rule definition of 9 rounds total for this Division.

    Modified Division allows any number of rounds providing the gun doesn't exceed an overall length of 1320mm (52 inches).

    IPSC Open is "open". No restrictions. For the US you are likely to restrict this to 11 rounds (10 + 1) and cite Regional legal reasons for this (and for Modified).

    The main other correction for 2004 is that in 2003 you can't add an Eeezi loader ramp (or similar) to the floor plate on the Remingtons. OK again for 2004.

    Alex - We've had this conversation before and your gun looks awesome and lots of fun to shoot. :)

    Scott - I've made a further change to the A4 and A3 targets which is still subject to approval but my redesign allows them to be reproduced on ANSI A and ANSI B paper (8.5 x 11 and 11 x 17).  We've been using them for a year now in the UK and they're a really useful target (Xerox them so can be disposable per shooter) for shotgun stuff.  You can also fit more targets into smaller bays with these.

    In case you hadn't spotted it the A3 target has an identical size A zone to the IPSC Metric target and I've taken a little poetic licence with the surrounding C Zone otherwise it's very similar to the upper central portion of the Metric target. The A4 version is a 2/3 scale version of the A3.

    The max round count is 32 rounds (not 24) and with a max of 28 targets.  To get to 32 rounds you need to double tap at least 4 paper targets.

    For 2004 it will be OK to shoot plates with slugs.  Minimum distance for poppers and plates is to be reduced to 40m.

    Weak shoulder shooting in Classifiers and Standards is an option not a requirement. If you don't like it then don't include it in your matches.  Have you ever tried shooting heavy slugs, weak shoulder, prone?  Aaaaaaaagh!

    The restriction limiting the number of clays, or rather frangible targets, has been removed for 2004.

    Arnie C. is on the committee and he has been a fantastic help in producing the 2004 rules.  Mike V. has proved invaluable as well. Myro from the Philippines is also on the committee and I truly believe we have achieved a great deal. We all focused on solutions rather than problems. The process was good natured throughout.

    I spent some considerable time trawling through these forums looking for information prior to starting the 2004 rule changes. I am particularly grateful for the input I received from some people that offered specific suggestions in these forums or corresponded with me through email.

    On the other hand there's bound to be someone somewhere, including (especially?) the UK, who doesn't like something. Such is the nature of the beast!

  16. Quote: from jkmccoy on 7:07 am on Mar. 11, 2003

    For example, we had a stage a couple of months ago where you could run 40yds down range and engage targets - or you could engage the targets from 40yds (I shot the targets from 40yds and was beaten by a skinny little guy who ran downrange and powder-burned the targets).


    Personally I like this sort of stage, particularly if there was a shooting opportunity all the way to the targets and the competitor can select the distance that they think is right for them.

    This sort of problem works well for shotgun stages where pattern spread becomes an issue as well.  At distance 'X' the pattern is 30 inches and at 'Y' 10 inches. Add in a couple of no-shoots and leave it the the competitor to call it.  To me this is a shooting challenge because the run down is an option not a necessity.

    I shot a really stupid stage at quite a big UK shotgun match 2 years ago where the outcome of the match could be decided by a non shooting problem that not only was a physical problem but there was a luck element in it as well.  The stage should have been binned but if I'd initiated that I would have been accused of being cranky.

    There is no substitute for good course design.

  17. Quote: from Angus Hobdell on 6:23 pm on Mar. 10, 2003

    BTW Neil a little bird said you are going to shoot in Italy?


    I certainly am, together with about 45 Brits providing all our entries are accepted. There's a lot of new guys shooting now as you would expect but there will still be a number of faces you will recognise.

    There are some very, very good shooters now but they are existing mostly on raw talent.  If they get the mental game sorted as well they could be awesome.

    It'll be good to see you in Italy, I'll buy the first beer.

    And I apologise to all that this is nothing like a rant at all.

  18. Hi Angus

    Long time no speak!

    I guess your post means no more Thornlands style scramble nets, rope bridges, water falls or swimming contests in the stream, particularly in the winter.  

    That's a relief! Long since gone now anyway. I was young then and now I'm much older, heavier and much more weary.  But I'm still pulling a trigger (just shot the SG Shield Hardy match this weekend just gone)

    Good to know you're still out there.

  19. I know this thread is discussing shotgun use in US 3 gun matches but please note for a stand alone IPSC shotgun match, or for an IPSC 3 gun tournament which we will start to see more of next year I can advise that the fold down/flip up rear sights should be OK within the rules (SG rule 5.2.6) but removing a ghost ring rear sight between stages would not be.  

    The rule states that that the same type of sights are to be used for all stages of a match.  I would regard the former to be acceptable because they remain fixed to the gun throughout but not the latter because the type of sights changes once the ghost ring is removed from the gun.

    I intend to run this past the SG rules committee for consideration.

    I've only ever tried one gun with fold down sights (other than Mossbergs) and this was some years ago on an 1100 where the sight had been set in place once a section of the vent rib at the rear had been removed.  I have to say it worked well and would have liked to try it some more.

  20. Mike

    USPSA rules differ from IPSC rules and set a current limit for Open Division of 11 rounds.

    This is in part a solution for levelling the playing field but mainly responds to a current US legal problem in that magazine capacity is restricted to 10 rounds in all guns and magazines supllied after a certain date (I'm sure someone will soon post the correct info here).

    There is a a possibility that this law will lapse in some States in 2004 but not in all.

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