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Posts posted by PPGMD

  1. 56 minutes ago, Sarge said:

    And a month later there will be 5 more "opinions" posted on FB.


    Are you reading the same document I am? Because that was more of a Q&A than a rule interpretation.


    And we've always had rule interpretations that only exist online, like the prohibition of mag well markings in production. This is a new division and the kinks will need to be worked out, but IME the issues aren't that major just opponents of the division making mountains out of mole hills. Often any issues are resolved by a short discussion and it doesn't come up again.


    Take the issue that started this whole thread. I don't know of many clubs that allow multiple entries outside of classifier matches. And even at the classifier matches, often you are only allowed to shoot your second entry after the main match is concluded.

  2. 12 hours ago, Kraj said:


    It's getting to the point where a Internet connection us required at the range. With all the different emails and Facebook posts and extra pages explaining pcc rules. All to cover for the face that the rulebook wasn't wrote to include rifles


    At some point, likely once it is no longer provisional, all those changes will be incorporated in a new rulebook.

  3. On 3/13/2017 at 6:26 PM, jhgtyre said:

    So you would maybe prime the tube with a few bullets and then just drop them by hand into the tube with your left hand while running the press with your right?  I could see that being a bit of an expediant.


    I actually did that when I was using someone else's press at an overseas match. After spending 30 minutes trying to get it to feed my bullets right in the MBF they had, I just started dropping them in the top of the MBF die.

  4. If a local range doesn't allow muzzles over the berm they shouldn't be running any USPSA matches. Local rules are verboten.


    I can tolerate some that don't force shooters the drastically alter their techniques, like some ranges don't want you driving down steel due to bullets skipping. But any range that has a "muzzle over the berm = DQ" shouldn't be running USPSA, muzzle up reloads are extremely common in USPSA.

  5. What I meant is that you protest it after the string is shot, but some ROs don't go down until you finish shooting all five strings. While some will go down immediately. Either way it doesn't add that much time because it typically doesn't happen all that many times in a match.

  6. 1 hour ago, Matt1 said:

    Here in Oz we paint (including edges) after every shooter. Doesn't take long with 1-2 shooters taking turns. Edges are counted and suspected misses are checked for edge hits if the shooter wants.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    I shot a match that didn't paint. I volunteered to go first so I would have fresh paint. But man it was so boring, no painting to break up the monotony of the match.

  7. 51 minutes ago, danjordan78 said:

    Pretty hard for the RO to call hits and misses without going down range every time to verify face hits vs edge hits. Don't think it would work well functionally.




    Sometimes they do it mid-string, depends on the RO. But most times you put a pin in it until the shooter finishes their five strings.


    It doesn't add that much time as it is while they are already painting the stage. And I don't think I've seen it happen more than a couple of times per a match.

  8. At a level 1 match I don't think requiring it would be a good idea as it might dampen participation. Half the time I am happy if they have it setup correctly. But it should be encouraged.


    But at level 2 or above, yeah it should be level to the box and adjusted for terrain.

  9. 2 hours ago, joseywales said:

    Noticed in the 2017 WSSC squadding link that the stage names accompany the squad numbers.

    Have the stage names been mapped to squad numbers for this match? Be nice to know.


    I don't know how it will be in Atlanta, but in Florida they always ran the same order.



    Smoke & Hope

    5 to Go


    Speed Option



    Outer Limits

  10. Personally I am not against bringing the rules more in line with USPSA. Steel Challenge shooters are often crossing over from USPSA. Particularly when many clubs already enforced many of the USPSA holster rules already.


    I just think that they need to be finalized and published well in advance. For example I have no idea where the new rules are, the only rules I can easily find are the 2013 rules.

  11. IMO it should wait until after the nationals. Apply new rules less than a month before the national match is bad. Heck I think the two months between the new CO rules and the Optics nationals is too little time.


    We don't want to be like the IDPA which likes to revise the rules days before their national matches.

  12. Production isn't much easier these days.

    More than likely they will exempt revolvers from the box. It appears they just copied and pasted it form the USPSA rule book, and since USPSA put revolvers in their own division, IIRC it doesn't have the exemption in the rules.

    But it would make life so much easier if they operated like USPSA and had major rules changes published well before they go in effect. So people can understand them, and point out any issues before they are implemented.

  13. H&M did the finish on my Open Gun. But I didn't interact with them, MCG sent it in at my request (I had a card from the prize table). But he seemed to imply that they were easy to work with and he was happy with the results.


    And I am happy with the results as well.

  14. 1 hour ago, gm iprod said:

    Rule changes need to be published minimum 13 months before the Cup they apply to. That is finish one Cup and those rules apply, 1 year to get ready for the next. Or in the case of many, not fecking go!

    They would only do that if they cared what the silly peons thought. They want to make it like IDPA where you find out at the match that your gun has suddenly been deemed illegal in the last week.

  15. 8 hours ago, Chris1911 said:

    Might have to use a banana box for all those 686 wheel guns? I thought the Springfield XDM 5 inch was OK for Production in Action but not for Production in  IPSC?/USPSA? Anyone know? A box big enough for an XDM will probably fit a 1911. Hope the box size is published soon, ditto the rest of the Program containing the awards if any for match X,


    You can fit up to a 1911 with up to a 5.4" barrel. Larger magwells and safeties might present issues with the width.

    The 5.25" XDM is legal for USPSA Production because we use the box exclusively, but is illegal for IPSC Production because they have a maximum allowed barrel length of 5". Also the IPSC Production minimum 5lb trigger pull puts striker guns at a disadvantage, as DA/SA guns only are tested in double action.

  16. 1 hour ago, goldfieldshooter said:

    It will be a lot of work for Green Valley to prepare for only 40 shooters.



    Yeah they might have to open the second parking lot. And you will have one staff member for every shooter.

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