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Posts posted by Larrys1911

  1. Quote: from Duane Thomas on 7:29 pm on Sep. 16, 2002

    "He wasn’t Anal, he was Anally retentive!

    There is a difference!"

    I think I know what you mean - no, I'm not saying the guy's an a_-hole. I've always heard "anal" used as a short form for "anal retentive," kind of like saying "schizo" instead of "paranoid schizophrenic."

    (Edited by Duane Thomas at 5:30 pm on Sep. 16, 2002)

    Sorry I guess I screwed that up

    hes a FOS a_-hole!


    Larry P

  2. Guys,

    I got my Reload from Matt B. book!

    I am doing very good to get 1.6 with a Single Stack 1911 when I am "in the groove"  avg is in the 1.8s!  

    fastest is in the 1.4s ONCE

    One night I was running drills and had a piece of cardbloard on the floor. Using 2 loaded mags I was dropping the mag and back on tgt when the mag hit the cardboard! I went to bed thinking "I finally got it" when I woke up it was gone. I have NEVER done it again!

    How about you guys walking us through a reload step by step!

    I seem to have problems being to high or low with the mag/ magwell relationship!

    any help would be appreciated as I am NO WHERE NEAR 1 second reloads!


    Larry P

  3. Yes it can be done from an Uncle Mikes rig.

    Thats what I use for IDPA, I like the position it puts the gun in!  My fastest, the aforementioned .83, was from a UM!

    There is a WORLD of difference between a .8 and a .5 though and a HUGE difference  from there to .3!  For "ME" anyway since about 2/3 of that would be my reaction time ! High .9s and low 1.0s are the norm at 7 for me!

    Ive run a speedrock at a arms length tgt just screwing around and had a .7? but I was screwing around and I dont know if I could repeat it!  and Trying for .3 would just put a bullet in the ground......or uh ME!

    keep practicing, the ones will come!  

    Down0, are you SOing this year?  

    (Edited by Larrys1911 at 10:29 pm on Sep. 23, 2002)

  4. Guy over on 1911 forums is talking **** about .3 to .5 draws on a 10 foot tgt from a Timer Beep.  I was just wondering what kind of times you guys have actually seen IRL!

    My fastest Draw to date from an IDPA legal rig unconcealed 7yds was .83  Gottem in the Crotch!

    I think this guy is full of it, Matt B. told him he thought he was but the thread was closed! I dont want to start a pissing contest but he said .5s were EASY!


    Just wondering!

    Larry P

    (Edited by Larrys1911 at 10:04 pm on Sep. 23, 2002)

  5. No opinion to it, Fact: We were all told at nationals not to allow it and at every major match I have been to or SOed (thats a few).  

    My "Opinion" is that if your told up front "dont do it, regardless what it is, or the reason, You dont do it!

    If you do it anyway your a cheater!  If you get caught you will be treated as such!  No skin off my back!

    Hell why not just load to what ever the advantagious place to reload is: well if I load 4 here I can reload and run the rest of the stage.  

    So if its not in the rule book its not enforceable, Thats a slippery slope, Kinda Clintonesk isnt it!

    Well I guess some of us are kids!

    Larry P

  6. I got to hear about the results from one of our shooters last year.  The Slide Stop is THICKER in addition to being longer!  the barrel apparently locks up on the slide stop!

    He tried it in 2 or 3 (IDNR) one he found Great results the other he said there was no obvious difference!

    Hes a Master Class shooter and He can shoot a group!

    A friend put one in my 35 also just to show me the difference,  you couldnt MOVE the barrel pushing down on the chambe with it in battery - didnt get to shoot it though.

    cant tell you any more!

    Larry P

  7. Well, haven’t checked this thread in a while so I will catch up a little!

    Tightloop: "Hope you are not one of the evil Range Nazi's we hear about."  

    No, probably one of the most easy going SOs you will ever run into, UNTIL you start that range lawyer crap. Well it doesn’t say it in the rules, BS

    Doesn’t say you can’t use a full auto, do ghost reloads or shoot people either - but ya cant!  I don’t understand anyone that is told up front - "YOU CANT DO THIS" saying its not in the rule book and arguing the point  - SO WHAT, if every possible infraction was in the LGB it would look like our TAX CODE, probably worse, Screw that!   We are adults I think?   If there is a club out there with Stupid MDs/SOs making stupid rulings tell the AC that’s what their for, if you don’t know the AC, send it to HQ they will get it to them! OR document it with the MD – ask him to sign it and tell the MD you are going to report it!!  Like that silly FTDR for loading 11 in a load-up mag!!!

    There is no WRITTEN rule against it but there is a verbal rule against it. (I bet there will be in the next LGB, however they don’t print new rulebooks just because there is someone who wants to see it in print.  They would be printing a new LGB every month!  Hope they improve the layout in the next one)  Berryville has said you CAN’T do it. Sniffle Sniffle  " I gotta have it in Writing"

    Here ya go:  "Ifn ya starts the match wit 8 rnd mags, ya gots to use 8 rnd mags da hole match"  Good nough?  Now you gots it in writin!

    We were told at the Nats (2001) to not allow this - the competitors were then told - you had to write down the capacity of your mags on your score sheets for each stage - then the SOs were told to watch for it – the Stats (scoring) people were told to watch for it!  DO YOU THINK MAYBE HQ DOESNT WANT YOU DOING IT?

    Your Deal but I am telling you if you get caught at the nats or at a sanctioned match you will receive a FTDR and possibly be DQed, kinda silly to take that risk if you ask me,  But too each his own!

    Navy Shooter - your SO was a BAFOON or MAROON which ever you wish!!

    Mayonaise: Why would you ask to see it? “Shooter you only have 11 rounds in your gun RIGHT?”  “yes sir!”  He’s an adult, you called it to his attention; if he shoots 12 out of that mag, Ding him!


    Quote: from Tightloop on 6:39 am on Aug. 28, 2002

    You have been lucky or the SO's who work your matches don't know what they are supposed to do.  go to a Regional or the Nationals and you might not get the FTDR, but you will certainly get a penalty

    At the Nats take it to the MD Jim Hewins, I don’t know for CERTAIN but I bet he would set that right! I hope he would!  At any match I would take that to the MD that’s someone with (a little) to much power!


    He wasn’t Anal, he was Anally retentive!

    There is a difference!

    Larry P

  8. Thanks Brian,

    Thats what I was looking for.

    The only thing I can say is that I am "unaware" of any problem that it is causing!  If you know no other way its kinda hard to know there is a problem.  

    I guess I will not worry about it - then I have an excuse for not being any better than I am!

    Larry P

  9. JFD,

    Thanks for the input, it apparently doenst bother me as much.  I have gone from IDPA SS to IDPA Master in 1 yr.

    The reason I asked is everyone seems to be so stuck on being LED and RH.

    I know that I have one Friend that it REALLY bothers but I have two others that are rated Master one IPSC and one IDPA

    I dont Know that I have a problem. I know I CAN change it but will it really help me if I am having no "noticable" ill effects from it???

    Larry P

  10. Hello all,

    I have been reading about changing my dominant eye (I'm right handed left eye dominate)

    I have seen all the info on tape and dot and all, but I have yet to read WHY I would go through the trouble to do this..

    Are my draw times going to improve?  Tgt transitions?

    Should I even be concerned?  Its never bothered me before I just hear some much talk about doing it I wondered if I was missing something!


    Larry P

  11. There is no specific rule against it!

    THere is the competitive advantage thing!

    I can tell you as an SO I know your trying to get the competitive advantage by doing it, IF I catch you or any of the rest do at the Nats it will not be worth the small benifit you get.  I PROMISE!

    We were told to look for it on my stage last year because it would have made a difference so we did! and we made everyone write it down and then we counted your rounds

    Its EASY guys, they tell you up front, don't do it! so DON'T

    no arguement, no confusion NO PROBLEM

    that said IF you have 10 rounders and want to load 9 the whole time - go for it! or 7 in CDP

    BUT you cant interchange them, in the rules or not, THATS the way it is!

    BTW if you read the rule book closely it also says (or used to) that the MD had the final word on everything at "their" match!  See if it aint there, it really dosent matter!  As long as you know up front - I dont see the problem!

    Quit yer bitchin and just shoot!

    Larry P

    (Edited by Larrys1911 at 2:06 am on Aug. 16, 2002)

  12. Slow,

    Figure the first 400 are processed!

    there are probably close to double or triple that comming in!

    There are 2 people there!

    In addition they have to field questions - some, really stupid ones!  And handle normal day to day running of the Org.

    Yea He came from here - there are Scum Bags in every state.  Remember SOME of use TRIED to warn the rest of you but no one listened ... well the majority didnt listen anyway!

    Larry P

  13. Tightloop,

    It all depends on the distance to the tgt!

    I have learned that I can hit a IDPA (double tap) at almost a full bore run when moving perp to the tgt at under 7yds! Beyond that I HAVE to slow down!

    Is there a Technique that works for it- dont know!

    I can tell you that the way I learned it was doing it.

    Practice Practice Practice

    I think I have used it exactly ONE time since I ran the drills on it over a year ago!

    Maybe that will help!

    Larry P

    Its better to burn out...than to fade away!

  14. Titeloop,

    Well, cause its an advantage on some stages!

    If they would allow that, why not just let people download their mags to whatever capacity they wish?  

    Its VERY difficult to call dumping rounds on someone, MOST of the time! With someone shooting Exp or Master that knows their stuff its Darn near impossible!

    Most wouldn't catch the 7 to 8 round mag change, BUT if they do it will not be worth it!  

    Above and beyond that, CDP only competes against CDP.

    If you want to compare yourself to those other divisions you will have to take into consideration that you are starting at a disadvantage,  Or are you?

    Larry P

    Its better to burn out...than to fade away!

  15. Hello all,

    Do any of you have experience with heavy bullets in a 9mm?

    A friend gave me 2000 160gr .356 LRN bullets and I think I am going to try them in my 9MM for IDPA!  A few friends have given me info from some of the old Lyman manuals, anybody got anything recent or a favorite?

    I would like to use TiteGroup or AA#2 but any info anyone has I would appreciate!

    I will be using a Springfield Armory 1911!


    Larry P

    Its better to burn out...than to fade away!

  16. I have a question regarding the RWR and TL!

    I know the TL is supposed to be faster in the Real World scenarios because it keeps your gun unloaded for less time.

    Anybody have any idea how to measure how much less time your gun is unloaded?

    I have a sneaking suspicion that it is a lot less than we have been lead to believe!

    The total time for my TL and RWR is about .5 second difference, last I measured (almost a year ago) I could do a RWR in 2.25 – 2.5 and a TL in 2.5 – 3.

    I can do a speed load in 1 second and Slide lock in 1.5 avg so we can’t be talking about more than 1 second IF that!

    Just curious!

    Larry P

    Its better to burn out...than to fade away!

  17. Quote: from Phil on 2:07 pm on June 7, 2002

    Some times to remind myself of this  I will look at a course  asking myself,  if the 3 bad guys on the other side of the barricade where any of the 3 shooters standing around me how much of a chance of survival do I have shooting it the way the COF reads?  I think you'll find for the most part that your pretty much toast regardless of who you are or who your shooting with. So you might as well have fun!

    For your reloads- I wouldn't try it at a sanctioned match!  

    For the above comment - you hit the nail on the head!

    I am in the top 5% of my clubs shooters and I wouldn't want even the lowest 3 of 5% of our normal monthly competitors to be my adversaries.  

    Larry P

    Its better to burn out...than to fade away!

  18. Duane,

    I am way late to this but I gotta ask, as someone else did, If it doesn’t state the number of hits required, how do you score it???

    Do you then assume that it is "best one shot"?  If I walk onto a range and the CoF states "Neutralize the tgts".  My first question will be, "what does that mean"?

    I wouldn't try one per at a major match wihtout asking the SO first. You might not like the end result.

    I have only shot one CoF (in 4yrs) that specified less than 2 shots on a tgt.  The stage called for a headshot on each tgt in a hostage situation, I designed it. There was no score for anything but a headshot and that was stated in the CoF description!

    The shots on the tgts are not cumulative over the number required.   If you shoot 10 shots on a tgt that requires 2 you will be scored for your 2 best hits, not the cumulative of the 10 shots!   Maybe I misunderstood you there!  If it’s the best one hit on paper then you better have at least one GOOD hit!  Six, -3s won't help you

    anymore than one, -3 would.  If one hit is required then that is all thats scored.  The highest scoring hit will be the ONLY one that counts.

    I have SOed the Nats and quite a few regional and state level matches, not to mention a BUNCH of local stuff and I have very rarely seen a expert or above, that is "good", shoot for extra hits on a tgt.  I Don’t!  I think most people stop that at SS.  I know none of the upper level shooters your talking about do it.  If it calls for the best ONE hit by all means make it count and shoot ONE time!  The one Caveat here is people dumping rounds of course.

    Its always faster (OK usually faster) to just shoot the required number of rounds on a tgt!  It doesnt matter if its 1 or 6!

    Thanks, you have given me an idea for a stage

    Normally everyone calls for the best two on the tgt around here.  I am going to try for some new stuff soon. Require no less than 3 throughout a club match.  EXCEPT for that one stage that is going to be best ONE on the tgt.  The part you didn't mention is that the tgt still will have to have one hit that is not less than a -1 (4pts) on the tgt or its still a FTN, OUCH!

    I LIKE IT!

    Thanks again

    (Edited by Larrys1911 at 12:48 am on July 6, 2002)

  19. Well, I finally got a chance to do a little experimentation with recoil springs.

    Took my Trusty little 1911 to the range along with an assortment of recoil springs, from 11 to 18#.

    I was just moved up to Master in IDPA at the AR State Match I had a friend that is very close to my ability there also. We were shooting doubles on a 2" dot at 7 yds as fast as we could and measuring the splits.

    Quite honestly we couldn’t see any real distinguishable difference in any of them. The best difference we got was .15 and that was not consistent.

    Did we do something wrong or are neither of us to the level that this makes any difference yet?? Or Maybe we are talking about differences that are VERY small

    I hear quite a bit of talk about using the right spring so I am still trying to figure this out and am now wondering if it matters at my level!

    Larry P

    Its better to burn out...than to fade away!

    (Edited by Larrys1911 at 11:35 pm on July 5, 2002)

  20. Detlef,

    Thanks! I disagree, but thats not really what I was looking for anyway. The real question, regardless the method, is:  WHY do you want to speed up the cyclic speed, if you cant shoot the gun as fast as it will cycle to begin with? Phil D and Matt T fixed me up there!

    Thanks Brian,

    That was more of the answer I was looking for!

    Would you mind telling me where to find your aforementioned discussion on "soft recoil"

    I don't think I can run but one shock buff in my 1911 and keep the slide release working (IDPA)!

    might have to do some playing soon, see if I even notice a difference!

    Great Forum BTW

    Larry P

    (Edited by Larrys1911 at 2:27 am on June 4, 2002)

  21. Well I may be mistaken but I thought I understood someone to say that they added multiple shock buffs and a lighter recoil spring and their cyclic time went down! (lower numerically)

    I agree on the spring speed, however, the slide will have a max velocity that can be achieved in the amount of distance that the slide travels. Regardless how much spring pressure is applied the slide can only accellerate so fast! (I think thats how it works)

    If that velocity is achieved at say (random #) 12#, then an 18 # spring will not move it any faster in the available distance than the 12# (if the distance were greater it would change of course)

    I might be WAY off here, BUT I bet someone will tell me if I am!

    Kinda like powder charge and bullet velocity!

    at a certain point, you can add more powder but you will get little if any gain in velocity! You can only burn so much powder in a given barrel length!

    Maybe some of that makes sense! maybe NOT!


    (Edited by Larrys1911 at 8:32 pm on May 31, 2002)

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