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Posts posted by Larrys1911

  1. Well I designed part of the stage. The ones behind the barrels were in the original design, the rest was completely different!

    I dropped a BUNCH more points on that stage than I should have. 9, IIRC 2 were on T3 and there was a miss on T5 or T6 (barrel) I dont know where the other two were. I was pushing too hard and it was the second stage we shot so I was cold too! I figure it would have helped me with the hits anyway!

    Since I got to watch everyone run it I noticed that the big dogs really do slow WAY down for the hard tgts. I thought Burkett was shooting Bullseye BUT he had the fastest time 9.XX -2. TGO was the same way, he got to the back tgts and went into slow motion! His hits were unbelieveable in both my stages within an inch or two I think. Dave shot pretty slow too but they all got their hits. NONE of them had a FTN IIRC!

    The reason for the question was I noticed a lot of low level Masters and experts wanted to babystep it while shooting T3 and when they did it was eating up their time in BIG bites! Then I was thinking well its a natural tendency to slow down to get the hits so why not high tail it to the car and THEN get the hits on a bigger tgt AND from a more stable position.

    MattM, I wish I had run us both through that first three/four tgt array about three times each to see what was faster or if it made a difference at all! DOH!

    Matt B, If you read this and remember how you did it tell me if you dont mind because you had the fastest time by around a second I think!

    BTW congrats on the win, that was really good since you all but RAN through the match.

    Larry P

  2. And "realistically," the whole idea of keeping time is ridiculous, especially on stage with lots of cover/house clearing etc. It would be beyond foolhardy to blow through a house alone the way people do in matches. Generous par times on almost every stage would be more realistic, but the competition/game would suffer.


    This is a problem with Tactics!

    For some situations running through the house at full bore shooting anything that moved would be my technique! I talked to a VERY experienced person recently that has BTDT. His statement was

    "Situation dictates tactics" there in lies the problem with realism on any IDPA/IPSC stage. TGO, BE, Burkett etc would possibly/probably have a TOTALY different approch to the exact same situation that I would. Based solely on thier ability. You also have age, mobility, mindset, family etc.

    The exact same situation will have different "tactical" solutions based on all the above.

    FWIW if I ever HAVE to do a real houseclearing like we do in IDPA, I will START like we do in IDPA and after the first shot I will probably IPSC it.

    Create as much hell and havoc in as short a time as possible just like SWAT does! You start trying to sneak around in a normal building with anyone that knows anything and you are behind the 8 ball, BIG TIME!

    It aint hollywood bullets actually penetrate 99% of the interior walls

    After the 1st shot its dynamic!


    Larry P

  3. OK Stage 15 (parking deck problems) You start facing 2 targets and a non threat at arms lengh, with a third partial threat target to the right behind a plastic barrel (about 6yds off when you engaged it). The third tgt was optional you could engage it on the move (retreating with the zero becoming smaller/obstructed) OR you could wait until you got behind low cover (one knee down behind a car) and engage T3 - T6. T3 and T4 were about 9yds T5 & T6 were about 18 yds from the car!

    T3- T6 were partial tgts (half tgt showing cut lengthwise)

    OK so the question!

    When is is faster to shoot on the move and when is it faster to wait until you get there and set up?

    TGO asked ME :o what the fastest way was! I told him it depended on his comfort zome shooting on the move. ;) While I was running everyone I started thinking about it...... DANGER Will Robinson DANGER!

    I NOW think it would have been faster to wait on T3 until you got to the car becasue you had to set up in that position anyway and shooting on the move "I think" would have been slower than a tgt transition!

    What do you guys think.

    IIRC Matt Burkett had the fastest time but I dont remember which way he did it. Seems like everyone did it differently!

    Larry P

  4. Actually it results from the fact (Personal thought shared by many, maybe) that NO ONE will ever do a TL durring a gunfight! Hackathorn said he wished they would do away with it completely. I agree.

    I am happy to here you guys liked the match. It my home club and we worked hard to have what you saw.

    The pavilion was not there 2 months ago. Nine of the ranges were not there a year ago.

    Larry P

    CSO for the parking deck stage!

    PS for the record I do a TL in 2 seconds and a RWR in around 1.6

    Theyll be faster next year! B)

  5. The smallest powder I have seen to date is AA#2. good powder too but they sell it in 4# instead of 8# and its more expensive so I use Titegroup!

    With #2 if you leave the primer out the powder will sift through the hole as fast as it goes in.

    Kinda looks like about .5mm-.7mm BBs IIRC

    Little bitty and it meters fantastic!

    Larry P

  6. I like TG. Its Cheap and clean for the most part.

    I can tell you not to WASTE your money one that AA powder suposedly designed FOR the 45 acp! AA#5 is CRAP at any load from min to .2 over max! CRAP!!!!!

    I dont think Unique is that bad!


    I think you miscalculated a bit. Assuming you meant $.02/round X 1000 is $20.00 more not $2.00

    Quite a bit, course I am frue...Freu...Fruge..... fruga......CHEAP! :D

  7. Sometimes we have a "ringer" shoot and see if the students can catch all the procedurals. :D

    I love doing that. :lol:

    You run a few times doing all kinds of stuff.

    THEN you run one right, By the book, and they go

    "OK we know you did SOMETHING!!!!!"


  8. Matt

    Ill show you the breakdown wed remind me, I was astonished! Catch me if ya can!!!! :P

    I will go straight there as well but remember I have a 70 mile drive from work.

    OH and bring a little extra ammo I want to see ifn your sights/trigger/load help me with splits at all. I DOUBT IT/ but that removes all doubt!

    Dont remember what yours were while you were shooting mine!

    Youre spotn me a second with the IPSC rig right? :lol:


    Voigt told us that it was 1/4 second getting in, and 1/2 second leaving.

    For me that may be correct but I think it will reverse for Matt! I have trouble not double stepping gettin out and Matt likes to bunny hop getting into position. Works good I can teach him to get in he can teach me to get out!

    Larry P

  9. Im still trying to figure out how to "test" if what we are trying to learn is really faster. We're talking .1 to .2 here and I dont have the consistency to say "coming into position like this saved me x time."

    We figured we could take .2 - .50 off if we could move into postion a little smoother, and .1 -.2 off leaving a little better. BUT its not like a new holster or stance or whatever that you can use and say this saved me X time! So how do we test it?

    I am thinking maybe two tgts shoot one move to the other and shoot it. Only watch the movement time. But the difference is so small almost anything can screw up the results.

    One more question. I have a problem getting out of the shooting postion without trying to "pushoff", when I do that I take a baby step before I move and I am having one hell of a time stopping that. Matt thinks I could save .1 just NOT doing that, I think hes right!

    Come-on guys HELP!

    Oh one last thing, Anyone ever get beat by "SPLITS" ?

    Matt shoots .18s with the Glock with UNBELIEVEABLE consistency! :blink:

    I checked one of his best to one of my best, he won by .11seconds

    I beat him in movement and tgt trans but his splits were consistently .06-.10 better and after 4 of those...... :angry:

    Matt you have to teach me the auto finger :lol:

    It was very helpfull to me too Matt, see ya Wed!

    Larry P

  10. You might use Tac Seq when shooting OVER or UNDER cover.... :P

    Guys if you dont tell someone to use Tac Seq you cant gig them for not doing it, period!

    IDPA is still a sport and there are rules. If you want me to shoot your opinion of tactically, you better tell me what you want done as your opinion of "tactically" and mine may differ and rarely can you tell me without a doubt either is wrong!

    If your going to do this stuff of solve the problem you better understand that my way may be different than yours and accept that.

    The problem with "here is the problem solve it" is that the stage description would have to explain in DETAIL everything that is going on in the stage, whats lead up to the situation, the background of your surrounding etc etc etc. Then you have to know what kind of training I have had an what I know about my oun skills and my skill level. Then above all YOU have to know what YOU are talking about to the point of being a REAL tactical GURU (how many of those are there I wonder) and be open minded to the fact that you still may not know it all.

    Then I think you owe it to your competitiors to tell them that you are running a "tactical" match, not an IDPA match.

    Here is the problem

    Tac Seq

    Draw to fire (generous) 1.5

    Tgt Trans .4

    Tgt Trans .4

    Double .2

    Tgt Trans .4

    Tgt Trans .4

    So you have everyone gets ONE in [Re-edit] 2.3seconds

    Draw to fire (generous) 1.5

    Double .2

    Tgt Trans .4

    Double .2

    Tgt Trans .4

    Double .2

    So you have everyone gets ONE in 2.7 seconds

    .4 best case.

    Thing is I have Doubled MANY MANY MANY MANY more times than I have TSed so I think I am probably better and smoother at it than TSing so in a RL situation it would problably be better for me to take the chance and double. Then Take in maybe one guy has a SG the other maybe a HG the other a Knife/Impact weapon whatever. To much stuff to question.

    IF you want people to use TS. TELL THEM! Otherwise be happy!

    Larry P


    The time on this post (Tac Sequence 1-1-2-1-1) was edited to 3.3 while that is the "total" time using Tac Seq its NOT the time it takes for everyone to get 1 in which is 2.3.

    In doing this I did realize that I made a mistake on Tac Priority (2-2-2) !

    In reality we wouldnt count the last split because we are figuring on how much time it takes for each tgt to get ONE round, so I edited that to say 2.7 seconds and the difference would then be .4 seconds.

  11. You must have a big match coming up or something.


    Yea know anyone that might want to put in a little practice before that one.

    Flex and Duane,


    Any drills on any of this stuff that help you to learn movement!

    Larry P

  12. Hi everyone,

    I need some drills that might help in getting to and shooting around barricades and IDPA stuff, I think I can make a bigger difference there than anywhere else.

    Which foot should you lead out of a shooting position with? is it just personal preference?

    Larry P

  13. TSC

    FWIW they are a GREAT "game tactic" Matt, all you have to do is figure out where you are better off doing them instead of SLR. I will be working on that next.


    They are now Interchangeable. Should be in the new L?B.

    Larry P

  14. Been playing with this a little bit and getting a little better with it.

    It seems to be getting prevalent in IDPA again.

    So do you put it in an outside pocket of your vest (Seems like a bad move)

    Stuff it in your waistband?

    Stick it in your front pants pocket?

    or somewhere else entirely?

    Any hints on speeding the process up?

    Larry P

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