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Posts posted by Larrys1911

  1. Rhino,

    Matt Cheats like that but he does it MORE! :o

    And you DEFINATELY couldnt tell I am ever a problem for Matt by my scores at that match. I think Matt got his share of good match and mine too :unsure: I started that match with a HUGE FUBAR and it went DOWNHILL from there, I just never seemed to get ANYTHING right. I was really Dissapointed with myself. :(

    To answer your question, its not BLAZING around corners, its a constant controlled fluid movement cut to the minimum to get the job done.


    I would reply (I agree) but this thread would get all Tac-tickily on us!


    You did better than a LOT of people on your pieing. No details I just remember thinking you did very well on cover.

    Larry P

  2. Well I guess all the tips worked.

    Matt those are the same things I use, with one minor exception.

    The CoF will dictate your postition on the wall, Close vs Far.

    In some situations its better to be close to the wall for less movement in others its reversed. Watch, youll see what I mean.

    NOW to the Bragging

    We just shot the AR State IDPA Match.

    TSC or (Matt) as I know him, had the fastest time of the match.

    Beating Ernie Langdon ( in CDP)

    Congrats Matt.


    Larry P

    PS he will be slowing down soon though, both the IPSC and IDPA groups have threatened to Kneecap him.

    Good Job Bud!

  3. Wow,

    Talk about a blast from the past.

    This is an OLD thread.

    Hey Matt, et al,

    So what do you do to improve your match draw times and second shot times?

    I noticed that while doing other drills and comparing my 1 shot draw times to the first shot of those other drills. :(

    I have Finally done a sub 1 second CONCEALED draw at 7yds.......

    with a GLOCK no less. :) If I could jsut do it consistently when it COUNTS!

    Larry P

  4. I think the Mag wells do little to help speed improvements but do MUCH to help consistency.

    I doubt I have taken .1 off a reload with a magwell. But the consistency has improved a GREAT deal.

    I think CGR is right.

    Larry P

  5. My most recent classifer was ESP, my score was 92.35.  Missed master by around 3 sec, Aaack.....

    Shoulda shot SSP, but that's another story.

    Darn those missed shots huh Matt????

    Sandbagger........ :P:lol:

    OOPS, my best was 84.?? in practice, have yet to make Master on a Classifier when it counts.

    Larry P

  6. In this case there are many, many, new visitors to the garden that arent seeing that the rose is gone either!

    Maybe its just a few that dont like the way the roses are not the same as the ones they are used to seeing!

    Different game, different rules.

    How many FTDRs have you had tightloop?

    Larry P

  7. Quote: from tightloop on 1:53 pm on Feb. 7, 2003

    I shot a few matches under the first published book, and while it was vague, logic prevailed if there was a question.

    You know that the longer something goes on, the more knowledgable the competitors get.  that is where the thing is now, the shooters want it spelled out so there are no questions, and HQ won't do it, so there are crusty, fussy old guys like me who won't shoot till they can iron out the problems.  Call it growing pains, or whatever you want to call it.  You cannot dispute that the discord with the rules is hurting the sport, and I don't see HQ taking any definitive steps to resolve the issue or even let the folks who shoot the sport know that they recognize the problem and are in the process of fixing it.  In fact that is one of the main problems, there is no info flow from the HQ to the shooters.  The Coordinators were supposed to remedy that, but it has not worked out that way.  


    Interesting, so logic no longer prevails but the membership is growing so fast that they cant keep up sending membership stuff out.  

    5 yrs and over 10K members, the vast majority in the last two years.  Doesn't sound like there is that much concern to me!!!!!

    I think your absolutely wrong, the problem with the rules hurting IDPA is that the rule book contradicts itself, is unorganized and not written well.  I have GOOD info that the LGB will be TOTALLY different when we see it next.  As to the FTDR It has never been a problem in any match I have attended. In 5 years of shooting and being an SO I have NEVER given one. There  has  only been ONE given at my Club and to my knowledge thats the only one thats been given in this area (3 clubs) .  That includes SOing and shooting quite a few sanctioned matches and SOing two nationals.

    I have heard stories of people getting them on a regular basis for things like unsportsmanlike conduct. I heard of one being given for changing of a Score sheet I think, at a LOCAL match even.

    I know there are SOs that are A-holes but I have yet to run into one that was "out to get me".  When I SO the last thing on my mind is "I'm gonna get such N such"  I don't have time for that.

    The clubs with the bad SOs that supposedly give them out like candy at Halloween will not last long because people will quit going.  If you are Getting them right and left at different clubs, you might want to analyze your shooting practices, maybe its not the SOs!  

    The FTDR is RARELY a factor in IDPA at all, I have come much closer to DQing people for unsafe gun handling than I have FTDRing anyone.

    Thats MO FWIW

  8. Funny part is, Larry is generally considered to be one of the most hard core self tytled gamers (in the noble sense, he does follow the rule book to the letter, within the spirit of the sport) in the sport and is one hell of a fair Safety Officer.  For him to be considered as such an Orwellian Nange bad guy caused me to giggle and  spray diet soda over the keyboard.    I do appreciate the entertainment value of your rant if nothing else.



    Thanks.... I think

    You need some baby wipes?

    They clean keyboards pretty well!

    Larry P

    The Gamer

  9. Quote: from jmaass on 5:22 am on Feb. 6, 2003

    Quote: from Larrys1911 on 11:10 pm on Feb. 5, 2003

    Oh a speedload is one PE unless you argue then its two.

    If I hear you talking about how you can SL or whatever and take the PE and still be faster FTDR!

    So, it's not just a penalty for "FTDR", it's a penalty for "Talking About FTDR"?


    "Thoughtcrime," the mere act of thinking about ideas like Freedom or Revolution, was punishable by torture and brainwashing.-George Orwell, 1984

    Orwell would be proud!

    Sorry for the misunderstanding.

    I assumed that everyone would read between the lines.

    If you talked about it and then DID it I would NAIL you.  

    Talking about it not an offense.  Talking about it and then doing it tells me that you meant to do it, it was not a Brain Fart.  Course if I heard you, I would noitify you on the line that I would give you a FTDR if you carried through with it.  Hope that clears that up!

    On another note I try to give as few PEs as possible.  I warn up front on walk throughs where the problem areas are!

    One other thing, this may not be fair but I have seen it in IPSC and IDPA.  At a local match A new shooter will "get away with" MUCH more than a regular or someone thats shot before.  The way I see it they are doing very well to keep themselves safe and they are rarely in any danger of winning anything.  I dont bust new guys chops most of the time.

    In some situations the new shooters will get HUGE breaks.  

    When its a real sanctioned match - sorry bub


    Larry P

  10. Wow, I have been involved with IDPA for 5yrs now and I have seen EXACTLY "ONE" FTDR.

    A guy was using a Glock 34 w/ topped off hi Cap mag.

    They gave him a break the first 2 times.  The third the MD came to three other SOs and asked our opinion.

    the guy got a FTDR and has neve set foot back on our range.

    Funny thing was the looked at the timer and he denied it.  His Girlfriend was Video taping the stage and said " I have it on tape lets watch it"  DOH! Cheater caught by his own GF!


    Oh a speedload is one PE unless you argue then its two.

    If I hear you talking about how you can SL or whatever and take the PE and still be faster FTDR!

    Larry P

  11. Ron,

    I guess I should have said this was an excercise in futility when I posted it!

    IIRC the guy that put it up had seen it somewhere before! He is a master class IPSC shooter and IIRC he ran the course three times.  Got his best time,  took off two seconds, and set that as Par time!

    It was for fun. No realism involved! though it does make you do everything in the fundamentals.  Quite a few tried to S&P it and lost big time

    I think on a good day I could get maybe 18 or 20 shots off!   I only got one run this weekend and then my gun (Single stack 9mm) quit running, (wouldnt drop the mags) but I should have moved sooner than I did.  ended up only getting 16 rounds off and the 3rd mag to the gun when the timer went off!    


    Ill try again

    Eight tgts 12" squares  two rows of four tgts, spaced 6" or so between each tgt.

    in front of that two Bianchi barricades placed so the walls are perpendicular to the tgts with about 6' between them.  It looks like this

                             O O O O

                             O O O O

                             I          I

    Start is on either end of the array wherever you want to be. If your too close to the wall it conceals the last two tgts, to far and you have to move too much and you increase shooting distance!  On signal you Draw and engage each cardboard tgt  with one round, reload engage each tgt again from between the barricades, do another reload and shoot the last side.

    I had figured that I would shoot faster in a straight line than up and down but what I hadnt thought of was that I could move as I shot if I started on the left side and shot the rightmost tgts first while moving slowly! by the time I was through shooting I should have been standing very close to the next shooting position! and started over!  BUT I didnt get to try that theory because I didnt think of it until the ride home!

    Its one of those CoFs that everyone wants to try.......3 or 4 times just for fun!

  12. One of the IPSC guys set up a speed shoot a while back!

    8 - 12"X12" cardboard tgts set up about 6" apart in two rows!

                             D  D  D  D

                             D  D  D  D



    Two Bianchi Barricades with the front support legs touching end to end  like two H's with the legs touching.  Set in front of the tgt array about 3 yds!

    Start on one end!

    On signal you engage each cardboard tgt  with one round, reload engage each tgt again through the center of the barricades do another reload move to the end and shoot the last side

    the catch ....... 7 second par time!

    What I want to know is which tgts should be shot first and should you be moving from start to finish or plant in each postion.  I assume Move but you have to shoot bottom, top, top, bottom ...... that way.

    I think that is probably the fastest way but I figured that out AFTER the fact!

    We shot it yesterday IDPA style (slide lock reload) as a Side match.  


    any tips?

    Sorry I really couldnt figure our where to ask this so move it if you need to.

    Larry P

    (Edited by Larrys1911 at 9:32 pm on Oct. 28, 2002)

  13. Common Guys!

    Expert level it should be no more than .1

    SS maybe .15 or .2

    Quit doing that in practice ITB your gonna TEACH yourself to do it that way!

    Do a GO FOR BROKE draw, make sure you see your sight before you touch it off and make CERTAIN They are on the paper!

    THEN do it over and make sure its where its supposed to be I am bettin its not more than .1 and probably closer to .05 depending on distance and the size of the tgt your trying to hit, on an IDPA tgt NOT LONG!

    Larry P

  14. THanks Guys,

    I have been playing (VERY Little) with inside pivots (turning into the tgt instead of away from it) a little but see very little difference in times!  BTW my BEST draws from a turn are at least .25 slower than my avg draw facing the tgt. (1.1 - 1.2 IDPA style) Any tips or specifics I should be looking at?

    I have trouble practicing the El Pres, it KILLS my knees.

    Am I doing something wrong?  I generally piviot on my toes or balls of my feet so hearing that there is another way to do it is great!  Maybe I can get out of the mid to high 7s now!

    Keep it coming.

    Larry P

  15. Since I dont know you I am going to preface this (nothing intended or implied here)

    Assuming everything you said is true!

    I think I would not shoot with them again...

    you still have IPSC.  Find an IDPA club that isnt so biased

    Langdon got one from me!  I still feel bad about it but he was a man about it. my guys missed me call it and didnt write it down.  He took it anyway.  That Guys is a sportsman and he will have my respect forever for that!

    he could have said NOPE score sheet was already signed.

    Sevigney, he got away with a big one on my stage.  My fault too but all I can say is "I" screwed up.

    but  I know now!

    Rob Got 2 IIRC!

    Some are bad CoF design others are just the shooter screwing up and trying to go faster than  they are capable of or having a brain fart!  

    If a guy calls you becasue you screwed up, take it and move on dont have hard feelings against him for doing what he is supposed to do!

    And if its bad CoF design you should be able to see that rather quickly and avoid the pitfalls so in the end its still the shooter that earns the PE. The official just gives them what they earned!

    Of course there are Aholes in anything!

    above all NEVER EVER be an ASS to an official you cant win that way and all you do is make people remember you in a BAD way!

    Larry P

  16. Cardboardkiller

    Thats a bigger factor than most people realize and not just for Cross Eye Dom. On one side you will lean out farther than the other!


    TGO had TWO PEs at the Nats, Neither was on my stage so thats all I know!  

    Larry P

  17. Hello All

    Archie K will be teaching an SO class on Nov. 9th. at CASA in Little Rock, AR.  It will

    start at 9AM and go until 5PM or so.  You will need to be an IDPA Member to attend.  Bring a LGB and IDPA gear with about 50 rounds of ammo. (Larrys Note: bring 100) There will be no cost for the class.

    I am planning on attending myself as helper (Keeping Archie in line) and for a refresher course.   Bring a lunch and some drinks.

    You can get a map at http://www.casarange.com/

    Please let me know if you intend to come.

    I have been asked if Newbies are welcome, ABSOLUTELY!  

    Hope to see you there!

    Larry P

    Its better to burn out...than to fade away!

    (Edited by Larrys1911 at 6:39 pm on Oct. 9, 2002)

  18. Its subjective due to course design and skill level!

    I am a low level CDP Master, but you'll play hell calling cover on me in a 2 shot tgt at 7-10yds!

    Try doing it on Matt or Robbie  or any of the high level Master - Grand Master shooters and its an exercise in futility!  You cant THINK fast enough to get the words out on any quick stage.  I generally know when I am guilty, most other shooters do too.

    Its at the SO discretion!

    Larry P

    Its better to burn out...than to fade away!

  19. DRY FIRE

    Not a new Master really, got bumped at the ARK State match in CDP.   Still working on the skills becasue of this forum.

    listening to the guys on here keeps my head SMALL.

    Dry Fire got me to Master though.  Lots of it!

    I dont have the time or money to shoot all the time so I have to make due......

    Larry P

  20. Ok I have FINALLY started seeing the sights.

    Ive been blinking since age 4 when my father handed me a 357 mag Mod 66 4" with full loads!  I pulled the trigger with the gun about 6" from my face and it hit me SQUARE between the eyes.

    First gun of any kind I ever fired and I was then hooked!

    OK so I have finally started SEEING my sights while shooting - WOW - new world to explore!

    I have noticed that my relationship to the sights is not what is recommended. I focus on the Tgt and fuzz out the sights, always have!

    the other day I couldnt get a group for squat at 25yds so I tried focusing on the SIGHTS, WOW it worked - I still dont see how though.

    How do you hit the SPOT you want if you tgt is blurry?

    is it back and forth between the sights or just look at the sights?  When shooting at speed IPSC/IDPA do I bring the gun to the tgt confirm Im in the right spot and switch to the sights again or what?

    it seems really slow but with a timer seems to be just a couple tenths slower, but much more accurate!

    Would some of you walk me through this?

    When I really saw this I was shooting  the IDPA classifier for practice , 7 points down for the whole thing?????

    HAPPY, the times were really SLOW, like (MM - SS) but the hits were great and I made Master so I guess I shouldnt complain!

    ITs just so COOOL

    Larry P

    (Edited by Larrys1911 at 11:32 pm on Sep. 28, 2002)

  21. Quote: from Steve Anderson on 7:06 am on Sep. 24, 2002

    Interesting sidenote. I'm faster from a draw than from low ready. Figure that out...

    1st your right its not  as big a deal as everyone thinks! COOL though!

    2nd, glad Im not the lone stranger on the low ready thing!

    Must be that I never practice that!

    Try bringing your gun back to your body then Punch it out like the last part of your draw!

    Larry P

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