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Posts posted by Larrys1911

  1. Would someone take the time to explain the body mechanics of a target transition to me.

    IE after the Eyes and head if necessary (Or should the head move independently of the shoulders?), what moves and what doesn't and in what order. are your legs twisting? hips? just the shoulders? What is it for the fastest trans.

    How does it change with distance between the targets?

    IE Tgts touching, targets 1 yd apart, targets 3yds apart, targets 5 yds apart and say targets 180 degrees?


    Larry P

  2. The waist band is correct. And you DO NOT have to be trim.

    I know a few that have a large BELLY and still manage to do it, quite well in fact.

    Follow the contour of your "belly" right into the the waist (or waste :D ) band and your set to go. Once its in you follow the belt to the spare mag and your there.

    The problem with the pocket is really simple, youre CCW garment ALWAYS seems to be in the way.

    Larry P

  3. RWR is faster, not by much .3-.5 seconds is about it.

    used correctly (FOR THE GAME) it (rwr) is almost as fast as a SLR and often faster for the game.

    The Belt is the place to store the mag. Generally not the pocket, they change and may or may not be where you need them when you need them.

    The outside pocket of a vest is NOT the place to store it.

    Learn to store when moving, Sitting, squatting, kneeling etc it changes the whole thing.

    I learned them for the game as I too think they are utterly USELESS.

    Id rather be able to hit an 8" plate everytime at 200yds than know how to TL or RWR as well as I do! I can come up with a situation that I might need the former.

    JMHO of course!

    Larry P

  4. FWIW I was told by a holser MFG yesterday that the freeze on holsters was removed in Jan or Feb (it didnt matter to me) and they are accepting holsters from Mfgrs again for approval.

    Just what I was told!

    But I see no reason this guy would tell me anything wrong!

    Larry P

  5. So sorry, I guess the word "solved" was too strong. It did however make people shoot the classifier within the last year. If you don't move up, you still had to have had the card signed to show that the classifier was shot. If someone wants to sign their own card.... we'll I don't think I even have to voice my opinion on that one. :wacko:

    C Simms,

    There is nothing in the Rule book to back any of that up.

    I honestly dont have a problem with it as long as "everyone" knew up front, and from what I understood some didnt. Having your card signed when you do not move up is not done around here, nor is it normally done anywhere that I know of. If it was HQ would have to send out more cards. Some shoot the classifier quite a few times/year. I used to.

    The point I was making is that freakin card doesnt mean anything when it comes down to brass tacks. If someone wants to tank a classifier it aint hard, the card gets signed and they are still sandbagging.

    There is another problem. Many people are seen as sandbagging the classifier but they blow the last stage. 1/3 of the classifier is done at over 15 yds and most of it at 20yds, when was the last time you shot a match that had 1/3 of the rounds fired at that distance.

    Larry P

  6. Larry:

    If you are thumping on Master class Open and Limited shooters with your Production gun maybe you need to give some thought to joining USPSA. Nothing wrong with crossing over into another discipline and stealing all the cookies.


    I WISH.

    I havent shot but two matches in the last 4 months due to my new addition to the family "Super Duper Pooper" Or SDP

    I aint "Thumping" NOBODY right now. Last IPSC match I shot I was actually embarrassed when the scores came out. Matts probably right for most of them they get keyed up about it and like I said I am not a member so I dont care if I do well or not. Sometimes thats a good thing.

    I am going to join but there is no reason to right now. No time!

    WAIT you guys have Cookies??????

    Larry P

    Oh and Matt, when I get back in seriously, Im comin for you Bud!!!!!! :D

    We do need to put some rounds downrange again soon!

  7. IPSC Classifiers.

    Kinda funny to see everyone kicking my butt on every stage BUT the classifier and mysteriously on those stages I often beat many if not most in all classes while shooting production. Of course I am still not an IPSC memeber so I dont care and that can be a good thing.

    Oh yea, IPSC "Classifiers" can be sandbagged too!

    Larry P

  8. The WV IDPA State match solved this "problem" last year by requiring each shooter to have a recent (within the last year) classifier score. If the shooter didn't then they shot with the Masters. I think they got tired of guys coming to the local club match and seeing that the match of the day was the classifier and just deciding to not shoot that day.

    You want to shoot the match then shoot the classifier.......end of story!

    FYI, the WV State Match is a very well organized match with great stages!


    So it "Solved" people sandbagging by makeing them shoot a classifier????

    They are sandbagging but they cant sandbag the classifier :huh:

    If you REALLY believe that I have some Prime swamp land to sell you.

    Now above and beyond that I think there were some people that got to shoot with the masters becasue they didnt know about this "requirement"! What I heard anyway.

    Last but not least my club doesnt sign your card unless you move up. So I shot the classifier last year, but didnt move up so my card still reads EXP. for SSP and ESP and SS for SSR and it has for a LONG time. It wasnt ever signed as CDP Master but I dont suppose thats a problem.

    The other problem is I doubt anyone knows all the people at all the clubs around the US so Just out of my curiosity if I signed my card SS and put some initials beside it (what I did as an officer of my club when I signed them) Or even if it was a name, Just how would you know in WV?????

    Somehow I dont think it really "solved" the problem.

    I think it did create some new ones though.

    The only way the sandbagging "problem" (if there is one as big as some think) will be solved is for a natl database to be formed like IPSC has (cant believe I just said that) and that wont "solve" the problem either. Some people want to play that way. Ive heard many people say they want a trophy for 1st place in each division....

    to me the problem is the shooters that should be two classes above where they are. Look at the Nats scores from last year and you will see what I mean. I think there was at least one in CDP, SS IIRC and others were noticable too.

    I also think there should be a class above Master, its starting to get a little crowded in CDP,ESP,SSP.

    Larry P

  9. Finally we noticed you were shooting at a van. It looked like a fun stage, but we were wondering how safe it is to shoot at the rear bumper. It also looked like the glass was still in the Van. Again, we question the safety of this.

    Kinda like shooting Steel.

    So far we have had no problems and we have shot so many cars to pieces I cant even remember them all. There was a Steel boot that was placed behind the van.

    You had to shoot under the van to hit the boot to activate a drop tgt. Cool stage designed by one of our sister clubs members.

    I have learned much about car penetration though..... If there is ANYTHING else available I wont be behind a vehicle........way to unpredictable. shoot one place a 38 special penetrates completely through both sides, 1/2" away a 500 tungsten solid from a 458 win mag was stopped............ :blink:

    IIRC thats the third Van thats been on that particular range. That range also has a good berm almost 360 deg.

    The only person I have ever seen hit from a ricochet was a guy that purposefully shot a alloy rim (dish) with a 44 mag from about 7-8 yds wearing shorts. He dug a piece of the Jacket out of his leg. :wacko:

    Oh most of the glass was still in the Van. There is Video tape some where (I have a copy) of one of the guys on my SO squad shooting the glass out of the side.

    The only time I have (so far) seen a problem withshooting glass is at extreem angles and thats for the windshield.

    CASA is so Rocky we have to worry more about rocks honestly than other stuff.

    The rock is shale though and I havent seen a problem yet and thats shooting IPSC and IDPA there for the last 5 +yrs

    Not endorsing this just our experiences with it.

    Larry P

    From CASA

  10. I personally don't give a tinkers d@mn what they do with "Air gunning" OR "Sight Pictures".

    I DO however care that people insist that they are one in the same.

    They are NOT!

    IF I point my finger at your head, its completely different and should provoke a completely different reaction than if I take a "Sight Picture" on your head. I would think they would incur completely different responses from a person anyway. They would from me.

    Words and terminology still mean things and a "Sight Picture" is NOT the same as "Air Gunning". Not even in the same ball park.

    I am not the greatest at getting it all right but these are TOTALLY different things so lets get it right even if IDPA HQ didn't, OK.

    Like I said I don't care what they do.

    Larry P

  11. New one for me.

    Ive seen so many Cylinders spun.....Hell Ive done it.

    If you just pull the hammer back far enough that the Cyl will spin I dont think thats unsafe at all.

    I personally grew up before Decockers, you know back when decocking a handgun, Lever rifle etc by hand didnt give everyone the willies though, so that may be the reason.

    No rule that I can think of either.

    Larry P

  12. Because at anything other than top levels the 8-9 round 45 wont compete with a 10-11 round gun unless the CoFs are specifically designed for it.

    Thats the reason there are different divisions and quite honestly if the Wide Body 45s are used I dont know that there would be enough difference to matter in equal classes, however "most" people own single stacks.

    All in all I like the 45 alone in its class though and since it brought about limited 10 in IPSC I think maybe they were on to something.

    Larry P

  13. Update on the AC/SOI rule book clarification.

    It was rejected.

    They started over last I heard.

    Larry P


    Would you please advise us as to the source for your information regarding your comment? There has been no indication from HQ that the rules clarification process was scrapped. I will pass your comments along though and ask the question.

    Honestly, the rules were fine. There were just too many individuals who came from an IPSC or USPSA background who didn't like the fact that the rules could not be "gamed" around.

    As mentioned in the above posts, airgunning is addressed in Competition Rules 2 and 3. These rules also address any other nebulous area in which a shooter wants to circumvent the stated intent of a stage.


    Sorry, but no I won't.

    I wasn't given permission, but it is common knowledge. I was involved in it, as was Bill (a lot more than me) Check with whoever you wish, but its gone and has been for a while!

    Honestly, the rules were fine. There were just too many individuals who came from an IPSC or USPSA background who didn't like the fact that the rules could not be "gamed" around.

    No they were/are not. I come from an IDPA background and the rules need clarification BAD! They directly contradict in places and are vague at best in others. A Former board member recently decided that cleats were OK and published it, contrary to what we have been told since the beginning and what has been done at the Nats every year. The TJ is NOT supposed to be a rule interpretation publication but many people think it is and its still being argued about. One club does it one way and another does it another. We even have some of that in AR and my home club trained about everyone involved in the central AR area and still clubs vary. It has nothing to do with "gaming around" a rule. A vaguely written rule is much harder to enforce than a clear one. and a Vague one is MUCH easier to "game around". Remember the benefit is supposed to go to the shooter!

    Those two rules "can" be interpreted to the point of being "goofy".

    A person that sees IDPA as a Game/Competition/Sport Etc will interpret those rules differently than one that sees it as Tactical training or RL Practice. Right or wrong that's a fact and it makes for rule differences from one club to another! That's unacceptable, you wouldn't play any game without knowing the rules first and if they are not the same from one place to another, you don't know the rules. A competitor doing something to "gain a competitive advantage" THAT is just plain goofy. I will shoot right to left, I will shoot bottom to top, over the top of cover, etc., whatever is fastest when I have the choice. FOR a COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE. Everything we do is for competitive advantage, it danged sure is not to be slower. If your thinking "tactically" IRL you are trying to "gain a survival advantage" SO those same rules "could" and "have" been misused in the past. There were a couple different matches that did more to create rules than gamers have to date, because people went too far with their "interpretations".

    No, sorry, the rule book needs help, It needs both Clarification and Organization, as an SO I shouldnt have to memorize the whole rule book to be able to find anything when someone contests or has a question about it. I should be able to know its in this section, at the very least!

    As I said I come from an IDPA background. My opinions come from SOing at Local State and National levels and being involved with all of it up to a State level, and being an SOI. It had zero to do with IPSC/USPSA.

    Its something that needs to be addressed and apparently HQ agrees at least on that part, otherwise they wouldn't be doing it.

    Word through the Grape vine is the new one will be out in 3-6 months last I heard.

    Larry P

  14. I realize I'm probably speaking a little out of school here, but I'm going to anyway.  Mostly, because with the way this thread has gone, I certainly don't feel like I'm the first.

    Thank you for your time.

    Seth Ritzman


    That was a FANTASTIC post.

    I have to add a little to visually scoring while shooting.

    BS! Cant be done by a mortal. MAYBE some of the greats can but I doubt anyone below GM.

    Larry P

  15. Anyone heard any information about the rumored update to the IDPA rulebook??  I've heard talk about it for going on two years now, but haven't seen any hard evidence that a change is in the works.

    Its pretty easy to keep up with ongoing/proposed rule book changes in IPSC/USPSA.  I guess that's another way IDPA is trying to not be like IPSC.   <_<

    One of the principles of IDPA is a stable set of rules. In regards to the recent rule book review, it's purpose was not to create new rules but to clarify existing ones. A lot of work went into the process with input from Area Coordinators and SO's. Once HQ approves, it will be published.


    Im late as usual, been trying to make a living, work on my house and keep up with the newest edition to my family SDP "Super Dooper Pooper" ;)

    Update on the AC/SOI rule book clarification.

    It was rejected.

    They started over last I heard.

    Larry P

  16. Monday morning (11-24) I took Michele to the Hospital because she couldn’t breath and was feeling ROUGH. Up to this point we all thought it was pregnancy related. Her blood work showed she was dehydrated, after they got the IV’s going and tested her again she was also anemic. Two units of blood were transfused and still had no energy and would not wake up. They took her off the medicines hoping that would clear things up. She started responding today at about 3pm. At 3:30 pm her water broke. At 6:10pm an American shooter was born.

    Nicholas Ryan Pogue entered the world tonight 5 weeks premature on his Daddy’s birthday. According to “my” mom, exactly, Thirty-Five years to the MINUTE! How’s that for wild?

    Mom and Ryan are doing fine I am happy to report. Michele seems to be coherent again and is getting noticeably better by the minute.

    Ryan is not my first Preme so I have a little idea what is going on. He, however, entered the world in a much different way. Our first Preme was the traumatic birth of my first child. The Drs told me that I would loose Michele and/or Ali on that one.

    Thank God it was NOTHING like that this time. Ryan seems to be doing fine. No length on him yet (they are in no hurry to measure him apparently, weight was 4# 13oz. Color and all are good. He has some fluid on his lungs and I was informed that it was perfectly normal with a C-section and a Preme. They will be working to dry that up in the next two days. He also has some very minor Ph (acid) problem. The Dr didn’t seem to think much of it. Other than that he is perfectly healthy.

    No matter how it has happened, all three times I was utterly unprepared for the rush of emotions that followed it.

    I’m SO thankful on this Thanksgiving day.

    Oh Lord, bless me indeed……and he did!

    Larry P

    Proud Papa x 3

  17. I think we gotta beat 2. I'm competitive, but I don't want to beat that title. Chances are I would reach it in the middle of a big match. :o

    That was a joke Big Guy.

    I will be replacing all of mine real soon.

    and will have a couple extras too. Once a year would seem about right. this was a used gun before I got it and I dont know the history.

    Maybe you should change it to Master Sand Captain

    Larry P

    PS Good luck this weekend.

  18. IPSC34,

    Give me and Matt some time, what we gotta beat? This one went in 8 mths :o


    I think your right on the replacement.


    :P, did I touch your gun :blink:

    I still gotta get your mags back to you.

    Larry P

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