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Posts posted by ChrisStock

  1. I was making a lot of progress a year ago, then watched a steady decline in my scores. I recently wrote a lengthy post on this, and decided to take a break from competition. I am shooting a lot, doing tons of load development, but not competing. My thoughts are that the reason for my decline was related to an overflow of information from here and other shooters of the M/GM level. I was overthinking everything. Once I let it all go, and relaxed, my instincts take over, and I am capable of some amazing shooting...100 yd 12" plates were falling today from my M&P .40, believe it or not.

    Don't let all of the mental things get in the way, and you will resume forward progress, I believe. If the training and skills are embedded deep enough in your being, you won't have to think about doing things consciously, and can just concentrate on pulling the trigger after every sight picture.

    Those are my thoughts and observations to date, YMMV.

  2. check out some of the prices around the world.


    Having spent a quarter of my life based out of European bases, I remember all too well what it was like buying gas off base. 400% markups were the norm in Germany, Italy, Austria,and The Netherlands.

    That said, I paid $2.90 this AM, but saw it for as much as $3.25 a few miles away. Makes one wonder.....

    Oh, and yes, the conditioning failed.... I still think the current price is close to double what it's worth, regardless of how much it has dropped. :rolleyes:

  3. I just built my first one, and it came together under the $600 mark. It took a few hours to get everything together, as I had never done it before.

    I did add a full length rail on the lower handguard and bipod for another $35, but it is definitely a budget build. On the positive side, at the 25 yd bench, 3 hole groups can be hidden by a quarter at most, usually a dime.

  4. Nice, where did you get that done?

    Lots of people get those done when they visit Tombstone, just curios if you were down here in my neck of the woods.

    Neal in AZ

    No, had it done in Helen GA a few weeks ago. There are about 3 or 4 places to have them done at. Helen GA is a small town in North GA mtns that is themed after the Alpine mtns.

    Nice photo.... was up there last year with my Dad for some camping/AT hiking.

  5. A slightly related example...

    A few years ago, we were having problems with a 14 y/o step-daughter...the usual "FU, I'm grown up enough and will do what I want"...to include skipping school, shoplifting, bad mouthing teachers,stealing money from Mom's purse, etc, etc., ad nauseum. I had warned her before that my belt would be off my pants and on her backside right quick if she didn't straighten out. She threatened to call Dept. of Children and Families if we touched her, and continued on her path of wanton destruction. She didn't, and I did as I had promised...consistency counts. She told one of her equally snotty friends, who did the evil deed of placing an anonymous phone call.

    DCF shows up at my door the next day with a deputy, asked what occurred, and threatened to have the wife and I arrested for child abuse. Thankfully {or not} we were well acquainted with said deputy, as he had helped us track the errant waif down a few times prior.

    Apparently I made my point quite clear and after the eyeball rolling deputy pulled Mrs. DCF dragon aside for a private conference, the evil step-child was ordered off to 3X/week counseling. As it turned out, a little more belt would've gotten her attention a tad faster.

    Pretty shady times when the little heathens KNOW they can get John Law on your back for doing what needs to be done.I did my best to instill decent values.

    Fast forward 6 years later, and the waif has enlisted, gotten married, and made me a grandfather. Apparently Mr. Leather left enough of a mark in the end. Literally.

    I have no idea how HS teachers can stand it today... I'd be locked up quicker than you could say "CONTACT".

  6. Yep... it is difficult to watch "Dogtown" or the "Dog Whisperer" without at least one of our 3 going nuts. The hidden speakers on the back wall of the family room drive them bonkers, especially when one of the dogs on the show starts whining or barking. It's funny at first, but gets old fast.

  7. Chris,

    Since it is slower than HS7 which I have found leaving flakes on my arms, how do you think this might work for my 45 open experiment?


    If you are trying to run a comp in an open .45 , I think you might have better luck than I did shooting out of my straight 5" 1911. If you lived near me, I'd give you the near # of it that I have left. As I mentioned, it is a very low volume powder, and will leave a ton of room in the case. You can make major easily, and really have to keep an eye on things during the loading process, as it would be possible to double or possibly triple charge the case without it flowing over. The jolt traveled from my wrist, to my elbow, and then into my shoulder. Damned uncomfortable, and nothing I could shoot more than a magazine of without wanted to cuss like a sailor. Here's my load data that for one batch:

    13GR Ramshot Enforcer/230GR RNCL - Hard recoil, no smoke


    PF= 215.8

    Mixed headstamps


    1.................. 951

    2.................. 953

    3.................. 936

    4.................. 947

    5.................. 935

    6.................. 950

    7.................. 934

    8.................. 944

    9.................. 927

    10.................. 906

    215PF was more than I can bear...makes my arthritic joints howl. I tried loads at 12 and 11 GR as well, and the case volume was even uglier. I have no idea what the stuff is good for when it leaves that much dead space. YMMV, but that's my experience in the last month.

  8. 4 years later.... clean? Yes. Brutal nasty recoil impulse? Definitely. I loaded 3 different batches of test loads for .45ACP with it....will use the remainder of the 1# jug for killing fireants. It is more of an explosion than anything, but this may be due to the fact that it utilizes so little case volume that it detonates, rather than burns. Quite possibly the most useless powder choice I have ever made in all of my testing.

  9. Enough about this silly squid. I want to know more about "holly crap!" :roflol:


    When I think of crap and holly in the same sentence, pain and severe backside irritation comes to mind.

    As far as squid, hell, a little squeeze of lemon down the bore should set everything right.

  10. Yep...nothing sh%$tier than pasting targets and getting whacked by birdshot-like bullet splatter from the next bay. I have several "match only" T-shirts with quite a few holes in them from this. I got tired of ruining a few shirts a month and decided to keep my holy ones in rotation. I have become a little sensitive to low berms myself, and 10' is a good start...anything less leads to terrified pasters and paranoid steel re-setters.

  11. The SiG Lady is especially NOT-fond-of seeing Billy Mays SCREAM thru a commerical selling some ghastly, cheapo product on Cable TV in saturation rotation!! Damn' ear-splitting delivery of his is insulting! :angry2::angry2:

    I have no idea how I missed that turdlet in my original rant....Possibly because the ^%$#ing soyjoy noise had caused a recent cerebral hemorrhage .I'm with you 100%on that one.

  12. More WSF Data:

    .40 180GR Berry's JHP,Win WSF 5.8 GR, OAL 1.125, S&W M&P 40 4.25" PF 171


    LOW VELOCITY........ 935

    HIGH VELOCITY....... 976

    AVE VELOCITY........ 950

    EXTREME SPREAD...... 41

    STD DEVIATION....... 13

    NO SHOTS..............10



    1.................. 951

    2.................. 976

    3.................. 939

    4.................. 971

    5.................. 944

    6.................. 937

    7.................. 959

    8.................. 949

    9.................. 947

    10.................. 935

    All of the previous loads felt more like a heavy push... this one was noticeably snappier... I probably should have run off a batch with 5.6 GR to test with as well. Safely makes major though.

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